Basement dwelling undiagnosed asperger here. I would like to start talking on microphone to improve team play

Basement dwelling undiagnosed asperger here. I would like to start talking on microphone to improve team play.

Can you give me some tips on what things to tell my team? I mostly play class based shooters like Overwatch of Team Fortress 2.

Other urls found in this thread:

"be patient, i have autism"

Just call out things and don't provide analysis.

>hey fuckfaces the [enemy] is [verb] in our [place]
>you fucking pieces of shit would you fucking [thing] the [enemy] already holy shit just kill yourself
>I'm going to come to your [place] and stab you in the throat you wop fuck

hope that helps

Just pretend you're talking to your dad or some shit, I don't know. They're just random people online, what the fuck are you afraid of

saying something stupid and getting flamed and never wanting to use my mic again.

Why don't you just stop being a spineless shit

I guess
's advice is the best then, just call out the most important things

When you enter team chat just start with a simple "hey guys" and then just do call outs like "I think the reaper is going to ult", just keep it simple and quick. Maybe go in for a joke when things going well.

Like everything in life, this is just practice.

constantly telling the team that they suck is a great way to boost moral. Don't forget to say gee gee easy, at the end of each round in a courteous manner as well, you don't want people to think you're being sarcastic.

>entire life defined by fear
At least fear an actual threat. Urban males are weak willed for no reason and I have no idea why.

I say stupid shit on purpose all the time, in the rare (very rare) occasions I get flamed or told to stfu by some russian shithead I just tell them to suck my dick and mute me if they're not happy
Why are you afraid of taking shit from people online, they can't shame you or hurt you in any way, jesus

When you join in the chat, just a simple "yo" " sup" or "hey " to everyone. Don't be advertising everything you're doing, nobody wants a play-by-play of your personal actions but call out information that's important, like "there's a junkrat mine on the payload" or when you're going to ult.

This. Make sure to write down jokes for any occasion you can think of and then practice them in front of a mirror so you can get them right the first time. For maximum effectiveness write them down on sticky notes and put them around your monitor so you don't have to rummage around for your notepad


or you can just play with me. What's your SR? I won't be too hard on you, buster. As long as you don't get salty if we lose (2907 SR)

Just emulate this kid:

Fellow sperg here.
Use your mic to call out various things, "like x at y" or "grabbing z".
It's easier to start with than proper complete sentences, and it helps build up your confidence.

this is really helpful especially the ult thing because i'm thinking it so saying it out loud is helpful.

Holy shit you spineless piece of dirt.

>undiagnosed asperger
So you don't have it then.

Easiest thing to do is just greet your team mates and be friendly about it, make callouts when you see an enemy nobody has called out already. tell people your status every now and then and make some suggestions (In overwatch's case say when you have your ultimate and suggest who you could collaborate with to make it worthwhile for your team) (in TF2s case say when you have uber/want uber to help a big push). Also try to be a bit more positive towards your team mates, because nobody likes to play stressed.

t. competitive TF2 vet and Granmaster in OW

enemy locations, objective information, your plans, team coordination

As others said just keep the chatter game-related and for the love of God don't have ambient noise constantly going in your mic, heavy breathing, music, animals, etc.

It will take a while OP but that's fine. I used to be an extremely shy person but my first job was in a high traffic customer service position so I lost that trait after time. Just keep at it.

I only use headphones I find that reallly annoying. It's a desk mouse so at worst they will hear a few clicks

>Friend gets those Overwatch headphones
>The leather head strap is attached by four flimsy pieces of plastic
>They literally snap off a month later just from being pulled on and off his head


"Hello my nice teammates, are you having fun in this match?
When you want to win, could you please just hide somewhere and let me take care of the enemy team so they don't get free kills?
Thank you all and have a good game!"

That's fine. I just get annoyed by people that have tons of noise going into their mics. I played with a guy last night and it sounded like he had a team of dogs in the background remodeling his home.