This is gaming in 2017

This is gaming in 2017

>day one edition
>pre-order bonus
>store exclusives
>in game items impossible to unlock without grinding for months or using real money
>remastered edition

It's been like this since 2005 when the Xbox 360 launched. You have no one to thank but Microsoft for it.

yes op these are things

Only AAA gaming, which I don't partake in.

You forgot
>Special Edition
>Super Deluxe Edition
>Game of the Year Edition
>The Complete Edition
of every fucking game that comes out.

dont forget about Deluxe Edition and Super Deluxe edition

There's nothing wrong with offering a pre-order bonus, though. Any business prefers to have money sooner rather than later. If you, as a consumer, aren't otherwise investing your 50 dollars or whatever, and you are certain you are going to play a game regardless of any other circumstances, then a pre-order bonus is really just a perk for you.

I just don't support devs who do this. Like the new Zelda game, as long as they're charging money for that DLC, I refuse to consider the game good. Infact, ol' CEMU will be doing everything I want.


>mfw single player games even have SEASON PASSES now

This, Microshit along with EA plagued the industry

Actually Microsoft had a policy to charge for patches to encourage devs to release game without bugs.
I don't remember but I think they dropped this policy in 2009 or 2010.

Today if the dev don't release a day 1 patch the game is unplayable.

Man gaming *****

>Deluxe Edition (game not included)

>39,99 DLC
>2 armor
>1 skin
>20% discount on the official soundtrack (digital only)

>charging full price for an online or majority only game

>2 extra cardboards

What's wrong with releases that have all the dlc included 2-3 years after original release?

Let's be creative, Sup Forums. Can you predict the next logical step from what OP listed? What will be the next detestable practice to engulf vidya?

>DLC unlocks difficulty option
>Ubisoft makes Assassins Creed in which the head of Templars is George Soros

>mfw I've been an absolutely diehard Nintendo fan all my life since I got my NES for Christmas
>I seriously remember getting into flame wars on the internet to defend the fucking gamecube
>I bought almost every single amiibo because I'm a faggot bitch consumer whore
>I woke up early so I could pick up a Switch day one before class
>If I say anything remotely negative against Nintendo I get screamed at for being a gosh darn peecee mustard rays dudebro sonyfaggot
>I'm wearing fucking mario and luigi pj pants right now

could you post a webm of you masturbating in your mario pjs?

>multiplayer and single player are sold separately
>buying both is more expensive than it was to buy together before

>I'm wearing fucking mario and luigi pj pants right now
post pic

>3ds hacking
>FUCKING GAMESTOP stores closing down
>Nier Automata
>Final dark souls 3 content getting released
>Great indie stuff like Hollow Knight
>The switch is a fucking disaster
>Meanwhile I'm still playing older stuff I missed out on and genuinely enjoying it

Hasn't been too bad, honestly.

..or release broken shit and never fix it again?

They already did the first one with breath of the wild
Besides the "You need to buy [Console] or get left behind" apple bait, companies might actually take things a little bit more seriously since mass effect andromeda got all that fucking backlash and bioware went full damage control.

now add a blank line between each line and you get the perfect redditor

There's been so much neogaf and redditfugees here that this place isn't even tolerable for most of the day. There has been so much contrarian opinions, deliberate shitposting, and off topic e-celeb bullshit that it's hard to ignore

yeah for a very long time