What is this stuff about "politics" in vydia?

What is this stuff about "politics" in vydia?

Aren't most videogame political?

Everything is political. Sup Forums rallying against 'politics' in vidya is political.

It's true. What people mean to complain about are hamfisted and overbearing lectures shoehorned into games that don't need them.
In other words, shitty writing.

The thing that's ruining videogame boards and forums.

You can't open your mouth without being called a Nazi these days.

Why does the word 'apolitical' exist?

>Everything is political.

They can be political sure, but if you're putting story and agenda ahead of gameplay you're inherently making a bad video game regardless of what those views may be

What's the politics of Mario?

It's mostly a western fad. Most japs just do whatever they want to and keep political shit out unless the storyline has an appropriate fit for it.

(((Druckmann))) is the reason why UC4 is a shitty "game"

fuck this SJW


Kek, Japanese games are political and subject to the creators tastes as fuck, especially JRPG.

Sup Forums will defend this

So by 'personal politics', he means he's okay with first giving hope to people and then destroys the hope by killing some same people he just helped?

>Decent replies in an obvious bait thread
Kinda surprised desu senpai

Political video games are unfun and gay, I don't need my game to have some sort of political stance on a complex real-world problem that the devs clearly do not understand

Politics in video games is alright, though. As in, a political mechanic or political machinations going on in-game that give the world a sense of life.

Super Mario RPG is about pacifism. Pretty blatant when the plot is literally about stopping a bunch of weapons from destroying the world's hopes and dreams.

Gender identity politics. By rescuing Peach from Bowser, Mario is robbing her of her "agency" and figuratively raping her, or some shit.

Just don't buy Western games, problem solved.

Shut up, Nazi.

>Go outside; Politics
>Go online; Politics
>Watch some TV; Politics
>Play some vidya; Politics

Am I just getting older or does everyone need to calm the fuck down and enjoy themselves rather than be each other's throats because they said something they disagreed with?
As someone with a job where I have to be impartial I just wish others could do the same from time to time.
It's not that hard.

Yes they very much can be political.

The problem comes when that game's politics are seen as "incorrect" by those reviewing or critiquing it, and so mark it harshly because of that.

Example: This Is The Police: Effectively you play as a city administrator under the thumb of a corrupt mayor. One who tries to force you to make scummy decisions (fire all the black officers, violently crash feminist rallies etc) to appease his crimelords or the people.

You didn't have to do these things. You could play "fairly" as well. Or you could become corrupt too.

Naturally the gutter gaming press pounced on the idea this game was an alt-right recruitment tool and so slated it badly. Spectacularly missing the point of the game in the process.

TL;DR: Yes games can be political. But the reviewers are too stupid to understand them.

I agree, politics are stupid.

What are the politics of FFVII?

Tell me the politics of Mario Sunshine.
Team Fortress 2
I'm genuinely interested

Its war starting up


These are correct.

Command & Conquer: Generals was very openly political, but it didn't bother anyone because

1) The politics made sense in the context of the game's story/universe
2) It's cheesy over-the-top delivery made it so you never felt like you were being preached at on any serious level
3) The gameplay was so spectacular that no one would've cared regardless

You can put all the politics you want into your work, but like all things there's right ways and wrong ways to do it, and if you do it in one of the wrong ways it pulls people out of the experience. Pic related; a wrong way to do it.

>caring about politics
>meanwhile it's okay if game is shit because apolitical
Fuck off.

I'm trying to figure out how TLOU's ending was political... it was a great ending, and not political at all.

When I take a shit is it also political?

>What are the politics of FFVII?
don't let lovecraftian monsters land on your planet?

Capturing the oil!
Preserving and spreading freedom by capturing the oil!
Oil of freedom!

Game was boring and needed more polish. It was clearly against the stuff you could do though. Like Orwell.


Bad economy makes people desperate. Everyone suddenly thinks they have the answer on how to fix the world.

Any Japanese game promotes globalism since they wouldn't exist without foreign trade. Halo quake and doom are anti gun. Team fortress 2 spawned overwatch, which is sjw infested

I'd say you were insane a few years ago but it actually seems like there could be civil wars of sorts over this shit

And that's both stupid and terrifying to me

lel I wish I could just laugh at this stuff


>Megacorporation pumps out natural resources and uses said energy to eradicate gigantic monsters
Made me think.

>Any Japanese game promotes globalism since they wouldn't exist without foreign trade. Halo quake and doom are anti gun.
wew laddy

That not in vydia that in America
the USA should nuke themselves


Shitty writing is still shitty writing, regardless of the content.

What are the politics of MGS?
Persona 4?
Tales of Symphonia?

Tell me these "most" then. There's quite a few games under no politics just in my post.

I remember of a JAV from some year ago where 4 girls were bullying a dude and making him smell their farts, was pretty good.

>does everyone need to calm the fuck down

Pretty much. Discussing shit is all fucked. There's so much reactionary garbage, from all sides - and so many "reactionaries" feel justified for feeding into it. It's weird.

>What are the politics of MGS?

Is this a serious question?

A thousand times this.
I'd have no problem with political messages if they are part of well written stories.

It's GAR-311 and she's Azumi Mizushima

>Halo quake and doom are anti gun

Final Fantasy VII is about environmentalism.

>what's written
>Socially-Aware Games
>basically, political video games

"Ayyliums are bad and fuck everything about them"

Yeah with the ultimate message being "People can't fuck the planet up that much, eventually the planet will save itself."

if thats what you feel by experience then that means you have Nazi-like opinions. Idiot.

mario sunshine is explicitly environmentalist you turd

Compare socially aware video game to video game.
>right, can't tell the difference

>What are the politics of FFVII?
the game with a corporation that is literally sucking the life from the planet?

Could you sauce me up fampai?

It's not politics itself
It's getting lectured by some holier than thou cunt that loses his shit the second someone questions him

I have never been called a Nazi. Maybe cause I don't have nazi opinions

My sons thanks you




Neil druckmann is a JEW SJW who put as much degenrates and feminism in his game as he can, he is the writer of the mast of us

In the original ending the planet saves itself by wiping out humanity.

It wasn't until the compilation butchered it and said "the reason why the metropolis of human civilization is in post-apocalyptic ruin at the end of the game is because everyone conveniently moved one town over".


>Destiny is the lone voice of rationality in an ocean full of extreme left and right wing nutcases

Really makes me think.

>that Yoko Taro tweet


What's the politics of God Hand?

>words are accurate representations of reality

You know taking everything absurdly literal is a sign of autism?

The game itself might not being political, but chess is a very poor example, considering the pieces and the way in which they move revolves around their political status: king, queen ect

>all these dreadlocks


>you (really someone that looks like you ) got toxic waste everywhere, go clean it up
I'm getting a more responsibilitist vibe here

Man, I didn't think I'd need to spell it out, but okay. They're anti-gun because they ironically portray guns as destructive killing machines instead of sensible, misunderstood tools for self-defense.

The problem is what the Western hemisphere deems to be "political." Anything that slightly differs from the status quo is "political." A character being a literal faggot is considered a political gesture by gamers in the West. In Japan, no one really gives a shit because it's viewed as just another arbitrary character trait.

I've seen Sup Forums decry numerous games over such trivialities, only to turn around and praise Christian fundamentalist reviewers and YouTube personalities for standing up to "bias" within the gaming industry.

tl;dr - Gamers here in the West are rife with cognitive dissonance.

>doubles down on the idea of chess being political

>fighting aliens and demons in massive wars is anti gun
Jesus christ user

Most Japanese games are political, then again "political" these days mean "it has fags".

>They're anti-gun because they ironically portray guns as destructive killing machines instead of sensible, misunderstood tools for self-defense.

Are we talking about John "tear down the door with battle axe" Carmack and John "is gonna make you his bitch" Romero here?

Are we talking about these guys?

Again. It comes down to shitty writing.

Look at your typical yuribait out of Japan.
How do you know the girls are lesbians?
It's because they are cute and cuddle each other and have sexual tension present in many of their interactions.

Look at what the west does.
A woman approaches you and says "Hello. I'm a lesbian!"

If you can show something without telling it then that's good writing. That's what we need more of.

Yoko Taro is a SJW though.

The other side is Cuck

Sounds like you are uncomfortable at the though of homosexuality not being deniable.

At the very least, guns ARE used in Halo for self-defense. Think your posts through, bad joke.

I'm uncomfortable with shitty writing.

At this point I'm still pretty sure you're b8ing me but weeb games would totally exist in the absence of globalism since they're just as popular in Nipland as they are here, and every good FPS makes people want to go out and shoot guns or at least doesn't negatively impact their opinions of them because holy shit they're fun to shoot.

>not understanding the racism behind shooting alien
I'm sure you also hate black you fucking sexist!

I hate how most games are political because there are governments.
You'd think the mushroom kingdom could see the value of an ancap society

>You know taking everything absurdly literal is a sign of autism?
You're the one who took a literal shitpost seriously

"I worked SO hard for my journalism major, but I don't care about those icky video games! Oh I know, I'll pretend to write about important topics while shoving my unwanted shit opinions down a completely unrelated industry's throat!"

>One plumber
>plenty of toads guards
>plenty of toads NEET
>handful of servant toads
>a single princess

The mushroom kingdom is communist, Mario is a tax collector

But it's just a theory, a GAY theory!
>a princess

What's the political message behind the tentacle rape porn game I'm making?

Through dick, unity