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Glad to see going down the drain

>inb4 Sup Forums is wrong AGAIN and the game will be a financial success

remember when Sup Forums told you about TORTANIC?
remember when Sup Forums told you about GW2 being a failure?

Both those games were failures, it's just that it's very hard to not make some profit if you've got a good enough advertisement campaign in the gaming industry.

>Both those games were failures
>, it's just that it's very hard to not make some profit if you've got a good enough advertisement campaign in the gaming industry.
>not make some profit

The more and more I saw of this game the less excited I got. the reason people loved banjo and those types of games was because of nostalgia. This is just a blantant attempt to cash in on it only problem is that no one has any nostalgia towards this game.

It's very hard to fail in the gaming industry once you can afford good marketing.

GW2 runs on it's marketing alone.

Has there ever been a game/movie that's been successful while simultaneously shitting on their fanbase?

Didn't work for Ghostbusters (2016), DmC Devil May Cry, or Might No 9, what makes this game any different?


i don't get Sup Forums
>Jontron voice still in the base game
>Voice will be cut in a patch
>is ok to cut ties with him , he said Sup Forums garbage so is not surprising the company axed him
>After all this Sup Forums still triggered/crying

Free to Play somehow generates money even if the game is shit.

Did anything new happen? Last I checked, they started deleting Steam threads and one if the devs went Phill Fish on twitter.

So what's the deal with it anyway?

ive seen you spam this in every thread even slightly related to YL all day
kinda getting a little pathetic, at least change up the filename

There was a line in the game where JonTron called the lizard a nigger. After recent events they realised that he probably wasn't joking when he said the line so they removed it to save face.

>Banning Gamergate was a bad idea

not vidya

Only literal racist people are throwing a fit. If you think thats not true, you are one.

If i were a big shot at any good AAA company i would hire Jon to fully voice a main character just to spite these faggots

Some unfunny e-celeb's voice got cut from the game

>they're failures if you use MY definition of failure!


started banning people asking for refunds and making fun of their base
will probably translate into massive sales

because really show the new Sup Forums mentality
or you gonna start calling that #fakenews?

only a matter of time now....

Hey a YL thread!
Yesterday I got $350 back from my chargeback, and I've already spent about 200 of it on Nier Automata, a PS4 Controller, The Penumbra series on steam a monitor mount and a pizza last night Any recommendations on what to buy with the remaining 150?

>Incredibly shit movie makes money because people with double digit IQ's love it
>"hur durr I guess you're the one with shit tastes!"

They're failures in the sense that they're bad games with abusive mechanics designed to milk retards of their money.

the publisher who has all the public relations control started making fun of their base

Just glad to see devs getting fucked when they pander to liberal cuckholdary for expressing opinions. Also calling someone racist because they want to preserve their bloodline is fundamental to the human condition. Its a dark secret we share and never reveal. Yet, these faggots hide from the truth.

This is the reality of mankind. Kill yourself.

Why does Sup Forums care so much that other people don't like them?

What makes them desperate for approval and validation?


The JonTron garbage is a total non-issue. They removed him from the game to avoid controversy (a completely standard business practice which in all honesty probably wasn't influenced by Neofag) and Jon himself said that he understood their decision and wished them the best.

Banhammering anyone who requests a refund (without addressing the issue any further than "Kickstarter says we don't have to refund you nyeh nyeh nyehhh"), however, is pretty scummy. If you guys are going to stage a consumer revolt, focus on that.

And please don't drag Jon into this any further when he's already expressed no ill will toward Playtonic. The poor bastard is trying to save face at a time when he desperately needs it.

Personally, I dropped this game after they mishandled the Wii U release. I am less burned by the fact that they decided not to port to the Wii U than I am by the completely disingenuous way they handled the decision. They went from stating that Nintendo was important to their personal history and the Wii U version would be the definitive release early on in the campaign, to axing the Wii U version unceremoniously, to not even giving the Nintendo fans they oncee claimed to be catering to a physical version for Switch.

That to me is the best illustration thus yet of how Playtonic feels about its fans and backers.


He's not white, dipshit.

You spent $350 dollars on backing a shitty 3D platformer?

You should save the rest for something instead of just blowing it, secure your future senpai

yes, those 4 posts surely represent all of Sup Forums, can't disagree with a statement that brilliant
I just don't get whats got you so assblasted that you search the catalog for anything even slightly related and start spamming
Its really kind of sad, means you are only here to try and start conflicts and have no intention of discussing the game at all

Because they speak the truth.

not him but they do



It's unironically going to be a case of no publicity is bad publicity, I had totally forgotten about it and now there's about ten threads on it every day featuring gameplay footage that looks like old Banjo and everything.

The last one I looked at some Jon fan was raging saying "look how shit it looks lmao, good thing he got off that sinking ship anyway" posting a gameplay video that looked really fun. Had about 15 replies saying it looks good .

>shilling your video on vee

Didn't steam spy show 50% loss in preorders for yookalaylee since they booted jontron

Daily reminder that no one thinks this way besides Sup Forums

Getting mad that a private business made a business decision is so like you 12 year olds, seriously.

This game will be a success because it already is a success and if you depend on a Youtuber to influence your decisions on what's good and what's not good, you're a fucking loser.

I made that money drawing dog cocks, I'm okay with burning it, and I was trying to get the N64 version.

>that screenshot
>Sup Forums users are so delusional they thing rationality is abnormal

GG ruined this board.

This, desu. Anyone who gives a shit about Jontron is autistic, but the rest of the things they did are entirely scummy. At this point, I want them to crash and burn just because a company shouldn't be allowed to treat its fanbase like that with no negative repercussions. If it does well, it's just showing how far the vidya industry has fallen.

it's a nice recap

>that picture

absolute cancer

fuck Sup Forums (reddit)

Thats what people are focusing on now actually, Jon getting the boot merely opened pandoras box

>They removed him from the game to avoid controversy
And hasn't that gone well.

He defends it. You think only white people want to preserve bloodlines? Stay in school kid.


>Jontron says something some people don't like
>whatever, doesn't bother me
>Yooka Laylee throws it's hat in the ring for no reason whatsoever
>now I can never discuss Yooka Laylee online ever again because they just couldn't keep out of it

They could have even just removed him from the game and not announced it and things would be fine, but because they picked a side it's a fight now and the game itself goes to the back burner no matter if it is good or it sucks.

im pretty sure banning people asking for refunds is universally considered shitty
Also we saw this same kind of shitting on your customers in the movie industry and that didn't pan out

fuck off liberal arts moron

The project is already a failure for having to beg for money on kikestarter.
Name one KS "spiritual successor" that didn't end up being a piece of shit.

> truth

You implied he was white, kys retard.

What this guy said.

Playtonic sucks but the JonTron fiasco isn't the biggest problem.

This. Then people can refund the game once they realize they remove content from the game with a fucking day one patch.

>Yooka Laylee throws it's hat in the ring for no reason whatsoever
but thats wrong

there was a reason, its called neogaf . They responded to pressure from one side of the spectrum, now they are feeling blowback from the other

>It's unironically going to be a case of no publicity
das rite

>you are only here to try and start conflicts and have no intention of discussing the game at all
Is this real?


Nah, remember Ghostbusters? Every single board beat the issue to death, daily, for months.

Cost $144 Million to make. Ended up bringing in $229 Million.

These boards don't influence shit.

What's the point of a containment board if it doesn't contain its cancer. Fuck Sup Forums.

>tfw you didn't back this
>tfw you've never backed anything

Just let the plebs bite the bullet and if the game turns out good then buy it

>we are leeeeejiiiiin

Why do gay people care so much that other people don't like them?

What makes them desperate for approval and validation?

>accurate even days after release

>dude they made fun of my favorite e celeb I'm literally shaking right now lmao
I hope you succumb to the suicidal thoughts soon, op

well they shill a president that supports Israel so yeah.

I'm just upset that people are dragging this game over inconsequential e-celeb bullshit and not just how goddamn substandard it looks.

>b-b-but muh le pol XDDD
>I'm not le sjw but don't you think le ebul nayyyzie assholes from pol are just as bad XDDD
>I mean it's okay to dump a guy from your project because he said something that sjw kiddies got butthurt about just because he's an e-celeb, fucking pol amirite XDD

that's it user, if you don't stop, I WILL call on our allies

I'm okay with Jafari being thrown under the bus and removed from the game.
I'm okay with patrons retracting their donations through chargebacks and steam users getting refunds

What's the big deal?
Playtonic made their decision and refund/charge backer people made theirs.

Why is this blowing up?

you seem really upset.

>Cost $144 Million to make
And $250M to market

The problem isnt that they axed Jontron because he hurt a bunch of liberals feelings, the problem is they went nuclear and blocked/banned anyone that so much as asked about refunds.


That's a failure m8
You need to make double to make any sort of profit in film

Who are you quoting?

The game looked like garbage.

Because there's two threads on Sup Forums's front page every hour of every day from shills and counter-shills and ironic-shills countering counter-shills

I don't think you know what the word profit means, m8

I love it. MN9 2.0 and these idiots will never work again.

How so?

>the problem is they went nuclear and blocked/banned anyone that so much as asked about refunds.

But they didn't.
They gave refunds to anyone who asked.

thats still considered a flop
also 144mil was just the production costs, doesn't include marketing or anything else. The studio itself said they had to hit 300 mil to break even
>That was the studio's last public mention of a sequel. As of Aug. 7, Ghostbusters had earned just under $180 million at the global box office, including $117 million domestic. The film still hasn't opened in a few markets, including France, Japan and Mexico, but box-office experts say it will have trouble getting to $225 million despite a hefty net production budget of $144 million plus a big marketing spend. The studio has said break-even would be $300 million.
>The studio has said break-even would be $300 million.

tldr; youre wrong

It didnt help they actively banned and mocked fans for asking a refund, causing more people to ask for a refund for acting like cunts

I cant tell if this is a serious question. You equate the demonizing and vocal hatred of minorities with histories of violent and murderous oppression with not wanting portions of society to demonize and vocally hate/call to murder you? Are polerinas literally all psychopaths? What is wrong with you people?

Well, to be fair about the Wii U thing Yookah Laylee was funded right before Nintendo revealed they were working on new hardware and before the Wii U was officially dead in the water. A lot of shit changed.

but why

Cost of production doesn't include marketing. That shit flopped.
Don't believe me? Then why aren't we hearing more about the Ghostbusters CU?

because shitstorm culture on Sup Forums means unless something already has a niche audience, like Nier, the only way something like YL will get discussion is if there's some controversy, and then we have nonstop threads for weeks. fucking LOL threads are less cancerous. I don't even know why I come here anymore.

>conveniently leaving out the marketing budget

lmao get a date

>These boards don't influence shit.

Is that why Hillary had speeches about Nazi frogs?

Do you? That 144 number doesnt include marketing, go google this shit, a movie not making at least double what it spent is considered bad in the film industry