>We guarantee you: Trump won't last 2 more weeks >Our experts just confirmed: Trump will be impeached in less than a week >This time is for real, Trump won't finish 2017 as the president
8 years of this 8 years of this 8 years of this 8 years of this
Brandon Adams
shh you'll anger all the Sup Forumsedditors
Jayden Peterson
video games
Jonathan Sullivan
What do you think Sup Forumss favorite video game is?
Noah Butler
I too like vidya games
Zachary Cruz
Literally Sup Forums material
What video game is this?
David Rivera
Yea no 4 max
video games
Nolan Moore
I think you meant to post this somewhere else, my man.
Matthew Robinson
all the more reason to ignore the "news"
Jackson Phillips
no he didn't
Xavier Robinson
Yup, he's here to stay and make an ass out of himself proving you should've voted for Hillary again and again and again.
Video games.
Juan Thomas
why did it seem like the past two presidential terms were so much comfier internet wise.
this fucking sucks.
Elijah Fisher
>video games Thank you for further proving that Sup Forums is a cancer that needs to be removed from this website forever
Adam Campbell
James Kelly
I can't imagine 7 years and 10 months of this It's going to melt my brain
Blake Collins
Richard Nixon 2.0
Adam Jenkins
where the fuck you been? they been doing this for over a year and liberals somehow havent notice this. their lies get exposed and they move to a new one.
Lucas Baker
You're right, but where are the video games?
David Butler
Easton Sanchez
>/r/the_donald so buttblasted they smear their shit on Sup Forums of all places lmao desu senpai
Chase Bell
Sure is video games here
Kevin Hill
Ahahaha we're all laughing at you losers being triggered by trump
Jaxon Wright
Because Republicans aren't as whiny pieces of shit that get their fee fees in a bunch when they don't win
Coming from an European so don't accuse me of being one
Jacob Richardson
Christian Hill
What does this thread have to do with romancing my autistic sister?
Luis Hall
Evan Perez
what's bad about this? nixon was a really good president apart from watergate
Joshua Roberts
fuck off,Sup Forums moron
Ryan Jones
vidya gaems
Gabriel Morgan
Libtards are right, we should ban all muslims countries, not only the one we're at war with.
Logan Jones
solving puzzles is a game?
Robert Moore
You're not even attempting to keep this even slightly vidya related, the fuck are you doing OP?
Connor Baker
Nathan Davis
>sony email hacks >all those horrible spiderman ideas >the new movie is STILL in the hands of these fucking idiots bad time to be a spiderman, my friedn
Alexander Reyes
Jeux sans frontieres Jeux sans frontieres Jeux sans frontieres Jeux sans frontieres
Ian Mitchell
pol here
AMA related to video games
Nicholas Ortiz
Obama wasn't comfy in real life due to being godawful at foreign relations. Especially when living in Europe.
Angel Clark
I am gonna kill myself and everyone here if OPdoesnt explain exactly WHAT THE FUCK THIS HAS TO DO WITH VIDEO GAMES
Gavin White
Funny that Trump triggers CNN more than Hitler triggers the jews.
Dominic Brooks
Nah that game sucks
Jacob Myers
Republicans are the most easily offended motherfuckers alive.
Eli Rodriguez
Fix your fucking website Hiro fuck sake. literally 10 years here and it's never been this fucking bad.
Liam Davis
Jacob Brown
Wrong board, negro.
but I agree
Zachary Green
No one says that you fucktard. It took 2 years for watergate to finally yield results and we're going to probably have to sit through a similar wait for the cheeto.
Luckily he's performed high treason, so hopefully we'll get to kill him
Nicholas Cooper
>yooka laylee thread gets deleted >this pops up keep at it mods