Remember me?

Remember me?

No man why?


flavor of the month

1. Possibly the worst big-seller mainstream game of all time. Only real competition is from 30 years ago.
2. Eternal evidence of that stupid manchildren and their mindless hype culture is nothing but rabid blind ignorance.

Overall, quite an interesting trainwreck. Looking forward to how future developers will be able to top this one.

Never have the five stages of grief been so thoroughly been displayed.

Try flavor of the day


try blunder of the decade


Also I'll probably buy it when it's complete and on sale


This game was so bad it literally made my friend sell his PS4 and quit video games for good.

I wish I could play a video game so bad that it made me quit gaming, I might actually manage to do something with my life.

Unfortunately for me, when the game is bad, the shitposting is good.

Your friend is a fucking drama queen.
You're a faggot lying to strangers on the internet.

Either way, you and your friend are dipshits for being friends with each other and existing.

This game was an absolute piece of shit. Not even in a funny way. They ripped everyone off and knew it was going to happen. Fagtron knew, Sony knew, they all knew. Terrible game, terrible company. Although unlike the faggots who bought the PS4, after the rootkit fiasco every intelligent person knew to avoid Sony forever.


>don't worry guys we'll fix it don't stop giving us money pls
>disappear off the face of the earth after releasing a single update

He might a well be a normie so wouldn't even know about the shitposting desu.

He was literally hyped as fuck for it, and my m8s and I were questioning him about it "what do you do?" "Is there a goal?" all the standard questions people were asking about this game before release. He'd been following it since they announced at 2015, and when he finally got his hands on it he played it for a week straight and then sold his PS4 lol.

They just released another though.


my fucking sides

Yes. The low quality astroneer.

Have they added stuff to actually do?

literally who?