
Damn kids today

Fine then


I want more Walter

Inferior enforcer who doesn't even exist in evo's OP

I can't understand why Zane is always left out. He's like to cool teacher.

Ready or not, here I come!

>Renne and Tita will be 16 in Sen 3


i kind if want to see Estelle's baby

Can Renne even feel romantic love?

No but she can feel carnal love.

>the church are the good guys
Praise Aidios

I'd put my quartz in her slot if you catch my drift

Dumb autocorrect

What the hell was Walter on about when he said "That's what I've been looking for".

Please elaborate. I don't get it.

Is he talking about Kilika or Zane actually putting on a challenge. Seems to make sense with Zane.

I like the old artstyle, but going from to is objectively an improvement. The artist fucked up with Walters portrait

I don't mean anything lewd user. I just want to extract septium from her mines.

I just noticed you can see his stare through his glasses, but he looks skinnier in EVO.

But she doesn't own any septium mines

tbf evo's OP is absolute shit

Literally never noticed, now can't unsee it

Trail in the Sky the 3rd WHEN?

I want to show her my Aureole

3rd's evo op is not that bad, but FC and SC are complete disasters

it's more noticeable in game

I quite like the 3rds as its in keeping with the original. But the otherwise I agree, calling the first 2 complete trainwrecks is an understatement.

These guys look way better than the pixie club enemies in CS

B-but using aureole leads to hedonism

Spring. It's just a matter of time.

So any of yall have any theories on who the adorable sounding grandmaster is?

Reminder the aureole did literally nothing wrong






>finished CS 1-2
>read Ouroboros spoiler for TiTS 3
Vita is such a slut

Season 3 when?

She literally uses every white haired boytoy she can find
They end up dead
She'll use and dispose Rean too

I doubt Rean would ever join Ouroboros

>denied of field trips, headpats and husbandos
>Implying he's not gonna embrace his darkness

It's gonna be a turning point in the series because Rean actually joins Ouroboros.

I don't want to sed Rean stronger than any other Ouroboros member even Gilbert

Rean's too much of a pussy-whipped spaz to join them.


delet this


You are just jelly you did not get headpats.




We better see Walter in the Calvard arc.

But Aidos is the grandmaster and the church excommunicated her.

They still look chuuni to me bro.


Japan works fast

That's kind of the point, they are basically the Naruto villains.

You DID team up with Schera in SC, right?

Tita seeing how adults persuade others in that seen was cute too

agate is boring

Agate is just too good for early grinding

Lena Bright

I can see it. Loewe said that every single member of Ouroboros has went through tragedy, which is why he told Estelle that she's not suited for it.

Ricky. Anton takes all the attention away from him

Rean is a paedophile.

Rean is not only not a paedophile but also indoctrinates children into communism.

He will spread Communism all over the world.

Berets must be wearable