RIP Overwatch

Is there even a popular game that has died quicker than Overwatch? From a massive hit to a graveyard in less than a year. Pathetic.

Worst attempt at bait i've ever seen and you asshole got me to reply.

There's a balance adjustment every week. Doesn't help that their newest Hero is Battleborn level trash.

>before release

"It's gonna SUCK you guys. Blizzard can't make FPS."

>after release

"Well critics might like it but the game was a total flop. Nobody bought it."

>one year later

"Well it might have broken many sales records but it's totally a DEAD GAME now."


The games repetitive trash. No match will ever feel different. It gets boring WAY to easily.

you can stop now op the thread is dead

So like the other blizzard games?


Oh yeah, it's dead.
>watch this thread hit bump limit

there's a new hero?
man I really don't give a shit about overwatch.

Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Obviously a huge ammount of people disagree.

I'm sorry that triggers you, but making up shit like "overwatch is dead" to avoid confronting it is just kind of sad.

>Can't defend the game he fanboys over so he calls me OP saying the threads dead

>He doesn't even come up with anything worth arguing over expecting people to counter argue
Actual autist

The first post already invalidated your claim.


>3 map updates
>All 3 maps suck
>2 new heroes
>1 is weak and useless, the other was too powerful and broke the game and Blizzard has yet to fix it

This game is popular as shit. That being said I think Quake Champions is gonna hit Overwatch's player count kinda hard, especially since its "free". I could never get into this game cause it just felt too casual for lack of a better word, so I'm hoping Quake Champions can get me back into arena FPS since I'm getting kinda tired of Quake Live now.

Sounds like Rocket League and now that's hitting 200,000 consecutive players almost every night.

It's fun to play with your mates. It's pretty. They seem to care about balance. It's easy to jump in and out of. I quite like it

I wonder if people actually think there is 25 million people playing this shit, even all the chinese and korean fags doesn't add up to that

Oasis is a great map

no map in overwatch is great, they are all repetitive and shit

World of Warcraft has lived like that for more than a decade.

We were right about the first part. The game is awful and only clueless casuals play it


>no map in overwatch is great
I was hoping they would learn after launch
they just need to hire some new talent

>They seem to care about balance.

They really don't though. Skill based classes are punished while the "I can't aim" classes have disproportionate HP and damage. Also all nerfs are based on event meta which is a terrible way to balance a game.

I can give Rocket League the benefit of the doubt and at least assume it has more depth, more variety and is just overall more fun than Overwatch, not to mention it's not a $40 to $60 game.
>They seem to care about balance
>pic related is you

It wouldn't have died so quick if they had kept the rate of new heroes to every two months or something. One hero per 6 months is too fucking slow and the meta fucking sucks because the lack of variety in the heroes.

This game is a complete mess. The only reason people play it is because its easy to pick up.

Overwatch on PC is $40 since they don't have to pay system fees or whatever but your point still stands.

you want to read that post again?


Seriously though. What is it about younger gamers that terrifies them away from supporting real skill based competitive games? It seems like a lot of cognitive dissonance to brag about your Rocket League or OW MMR. You are intentionally choosing a game because you know you are a casual trash player then you brag about your rank on said casual trash game?

>young gamers
That's almost all gamers nowadays. Nobody likes a game where you have to really learn its mechanics.

>rocket-powered car soccer has more depth than a game with 21 characters and 15 unique maps

Waiting for Quake Champions classic servers to come rape this game

this is true statement, yes.

>15 unique maps
Yeah my room can be painted everyday a different color and furniture can be moved around but its still the same room

I bought it, played it for 25 hours then never played it again. I'm not even sure why I lost interest. On the other hand, I recently picked up csgo and have nearly 100 hours in it now. Loving the hell out of it, one of the few FPS games here the shooting just feels good.

Just because you don't like the game it doesn' t mean it is dead senpai

Surely listening to your players in spite of how retarded they are is better than ignoring them completely?

>It's a Sup Forums goes full aspie on Blizzard episode

>That's almost all gamers nowadays
While this is true the culture has shifted to an absurd degree.

In the early 00s there was a social hierarchy in and level of respect in comp gaming that made sense. For instance, if you were a competitive Halo/UT or C&C player you knew you had nothing on a competitive CS or craft player.

>the game is repetitive trash
fucking explain

you guys love to use buzzwords to shit on OW

Not him but I'll take a stab at it. The problem with OW is not solely the game but largely the community. Players are so hellbent on meta without even really understanding why the meta exists that it creates either extremely boring deadlocks or extremely quick 1 sided ass beatings. OW is literally the only FPS I've seen where people ask someone to switch off of damage class when they are the only ones doing damage, playing the objective, and carrying the team. It's fucking bizzare how casual and scrubby everyone is on the game while thinking they are good.

Sup Forumsacks are mentally ill.

This game is great if you like teenagers shouting at you and any heroes that require effort being nerfed for no reason.

I never said it was dead... are you stupid?

>any heroes that require effort being nerfed for no reason.

Oh there's a reason user. They are intentionally lowering the skill ceiling since the majority of the people that play the game are garbage. One of my normie friends who doesn't even visit Sup Forums even independently noticed the game is a hugbox with reddit upvotes.

the gamer demographic has been diluted by people of every facet of life. its not just dedicated nerds playing for 10 hours a day now and games have to cater to people that dont have time to play an insane amount to get good because those people actually have jobs and are paying for games

games that focus too much on "getting good" like fighting games fail because realistic the demographic of people that actually play games enough to get good is incredibly low.

so now the dedicated gamers have to flock to casualized games and sate their thirst for competition in them, even if the game is casualize theres still challenges and skill required to climb to the top and that it also enjoyable even if the gameplay of the game is easy to become boring

Why are games like counter strike and Dota2 so popular if that's the case?

I just dont understand why you would brag about your MMR when you are casual though. I know a lot of adults working full time that play tennis competitively but they don't brag about how they do at tournaments.

this is true

im a diamond player who tanked my rank by trolling and i decided to boost random shitty players for fun

i teamed up with a gold player and hard carried a couple of his games.
yesterday i played a lot of bastion because people were playing a bunch of tanks and i consistently had the most damage and elims. we lost a total of 2 games while winning 4, and the guy had the gall to blame me for picking bastion against pharah on a team with no hitscans and a genji and deleted me

this is a gold player who would rather blame a diamond player for not playing meta than to realize that hes shit, a diamond player who literally teamwiped multiple times in other matches

>including open beta accounts
>including banned accounts
>including new accounts made by banned players
>including free weekend accounts
>including Chinese internet cafe accounts
>on all platforms

man i don't even like overwatch but the game is nowhere near dead

try a different kind of shitpost OP

Orisa was so much wasted potential. The character, the design, the loadout...

its valve games with cosmetics, get rid of that and half the player base goes poof

i guess its just a gamer temprament where your skills in a game is your only outstanding trait so you have to try to validate yourself by bragging, same reason people brag about fucking bitches

What's the point of this thread?

to drop meme balls

Got this game on PC after playing it on PS4 since release. I'm actually quite surprised at how much longer it takes to queue for games on PC. I was expecting the opposite considering it's a Blizzard game. What the fuck happened?

>Play Ana
>Reach 4000 ranked
>Stop playing
>Next season
I'm actually having more fun with diablo seasons than Overwatch, at least I don't have to deal with bitching brazilian monkeys while trying to have fun

Where did this overwatch is a dead game meme start? Is Sup Forums really that upset over a simple video game? If it was really dead then just shut up about it and move on

i got 50 away of 4000 then had a losing streak and now im having to suffer to get back. fuck

Shut the fuck up you fucking cunty fucking die you fuck you fuck you

You come back to gibe money plox hue

Sup Forums gets upset over everything that's popular.

Also Blizzard.

>get br scum as a teammate
>call and ambush from the right
>the br says something and no one understands
>he keeps yelling at the mic
>we got ambushed and wiped out
>the br starts trollpicking and keep laughing at mic
>found out they have their own server
Why are these maggots crawling into my server GO BACK TO YOUR SHITHOLE!


Shitting on Blizzard is apparently just part of Sup Forums culture like any other kind of shitposting.


I'm not even from Sup Forums. Sup Forums has been my homeboard since its inception. I'm a core gamer that has been playing games online since the original quake on MP and TEN. Blizzard has been riding off of Stacraft's legitimacy since it came out. No real gamer considered them a good developer. You are just too young to know.

I'm 25. Warcraft 2 was one of my first and favorite games. I've noticed the decline, but it isn't exclusive to Blizzard. All legacy developers and publishers have fallen to shit, Blizzard at least doesn't release anything that's fucking broken like Mass Effect: Andromeda or For Honor.

Its the other way around, Quake does not have a marketing campaign as strong, and f2p games are full of microtranstions or grind for a year. Its going to flop, sadly.

>The games repetitive trash. No match will ever feel different.
So just like old school arena shooters?

I really want to like overwatch, but it's just so goddamn stale

I like going in as soldier in QP from time to time. There's something gratifying about aiming with a hitscan rifle, and since it's QP I get to pubstomp retards and win most of the time.

it does, objectively, yes.

> Blizzard at least doesn't release anything that's fucking broken like Mass Effect: Andromeda or For Honor.

That's true but they are also without a doubt the most guilty company when it comes to casualizing genres and bringing a general toxic element to games.

kys yourself my man

You're right user. Games are definitely made better by a bunch of delusional autists and children thinking they have skill and screaming at each other. I should definitely kill myself.

Just like LoL and just like it they will be successful. Because large budget doesn't disappear on blizzards watch.

>still takes 3-5 minutes to find a game of quick play
>25 million people

Sadly that's true.

keep using your reddit-tier word then faggot

Blizzard is all about that easy to play hard to master crap. WoW's success came from the fact that it was incredibly easy to learn how to play. People called it babies first MMO because of that.

But Blizzard isn't the driving force behind it. Blizzard didn't inspire companies like Nintendo to casualize their games. They all did it on their own.

Remember when they got caught lying about WoW numbers too? Even with gold farmers that game was never even close to 10 million subs. Blizzard is the fucking Apple of game developers.


Turns out you can't make anyone care about "characters" who don't matter

Tracer is gay! That changes how you pl- wait no it doesn't

But this is like the ultimate driving force to getting people to play a game. Why do you think so many people laugh at dead games and talk about player numbers when it comes to a multiplayer game's quality.

Nigga we were using toxic on CS before reddit even existed you diaper baby.

they just kept releasing junk "diversity" characters so the hype is just flatlining

It certainly changed how other people played against Tracer.

Do you still use l33t speak too you noob?

>It's fucking bizzare how casual and scrubby everyone is on the game while thinking they are good.
thats because there are no stats to review after each match. and overbuff and sites like it, are too vague to be helpful. gold doesn't mean a thing if you can tie with others for it as well.

OW is still massive. OP is a fucking tool.

it doesn't matter what level you are, there are whiners everywhere doing this.

I finally reached platinum and got bitched out by my team for picking symmetra on attack. even though I was the only one wiping the enemy team and capturing with hardly any help.

so I switched and we lost. oh and we also had a torb on attack. but they didn't bitch at him though.

All ranks have their idiots.

to forget about battleborn.

It's not doing "bad", but even normies are starting to realize that turtling behind a Rein shield is starting to get old.

I mean, at least in LoL there were 8-10 playable champs as opposed to the 4 in OW.

people keep saying he's hitscan but i don't think so. I have to lead my shots like a projectile shot.

I'm sorry, but what's his name again?

Mike "curing gays with electric rays" Pence.