Yeah so I got a new controller (Pic related) and I plugged it in at the wall, went to get a drink, come back two minutes later and it's smoking.

Stinks of burning and won't turn on now.

I reckon it's the Samsung cable I used because charging from the wall is usually fine.

Just posting this here to warn you lads, never post on Sup Forums so I don't know if this is a know issue but whatever.


Cable wasn't powerful enough

I have two of those PDP-Energizer chargers that are currently on recall.

I can actually make a profit because the second one was accidentally sent to me and we just kept it.

>Children in charge of playing with mains electricity

fucking idoit
phone chargers have 1A
while normal USB like Xbox has less then 500mA
dont blame samsung for your tiny mind

Some of the wire coating melted and is causing a blockage in the circuit. Find a ceramic bowl large enough to fit the controller in, fill it with acetone, and fully submerge the controller, using tongs to turn it around until bubbles stop coming out of it. Take it out, put it in the sink, and wait for it to dry. The acetone will dissolve the previously melted coating (melting it will have destroyed the resistance the coating usually has to acetone and other solvents) and after three or four hours, charge it again and play away!

wrong samsung actually has the fast chargers which are at 2.1A

Too much current from a standard phone charger, especially today's chargers which tend to have 2.1A or more, and no overcurrent protection in the controllers will do this.

There's no such thing as "too much amps" unless it's poorly designed shit. Too much volts will fry shit, though.

Why on earth did you think that was a good idea?

Be careful with wall chargers in general. You should always test to make sure that there isn't a short on the chip since the spark gap is so fucking small that it isn't shorting mains to your USB.

Does this apply to ps4 controllers? I've charged it a couple times off my fast charge Samsung charger buy only for a short amount of time for emergency charges while playing cause I was worried it would fuck it up

why does this model look like an ipega chink controller?

I use my phone charager to charge everything from controllers to tablets and wireless headphones. No issues yet

I have a solution for you, user. This way, you never have to worry about charging at all; just swap out the batteries when they're low and keep playing.

>mfw ive basically only been charging my PS4 controller like that for 3 years now and it works fine

I use a wall charger when at my couch with a dualshock 4 control and haven't had the eproblem

>chargeing an xbox controller

But that lightbar cancer can't be turned off. Have they fucking fixed it?

No, really, have they added an option for that yet? If you're not using the camera there's no fucking reason it should be on.

don't think there's a way to fix it
just use a fucking cloth to cover it, user


Can confirm works for PS4 controllers too

You shouldn't use the fast samsung chargers with anything other than phones specifically designed with them in mind

Yeah but it still burns unnecessary battery power.

Yes, you can dim it on PS4 to the point that the LED is barely visible.
On PC you can turn it off completely or have it do rainbow colors.

I thought retarded posts like this were limited to Sup Forums

Samsung is shitty overheaped brand. What did you expect?

>tfw you can use PS4 hardware on a PC better than on a ps4

I guess it's good that they added a dimming option but an option to turn it off should be included if you're not using the camera.

t. iphone owner

the touchpad is what burns the most battery, the lightbar is just a single LED diode and it barely has any effect on the battery

I own a Galaxy S6. Its shit.

I had read once upon a time that disabling the lightbar on PC improved battery life significantly. May have just been anecdotal though I guess.

I have a Pixel and I can't stand Samsung products. I use their tablets only because they're the best price:performance ratio available that I've found.

>this is the average intelligence of Xbox consumers
Top kek

I've opened up several DS4's to clean them, the bar is just 1 multicolor led and a plastic lens that spreads the light equally on the bar.
Any effect on the battery is minimal, 10-15 minutes at most.

Ever since I was introtuced to smartphones I only owned samsung models, boughty myself a Pixel 3 months ago and I feel salvaged

>they're the best price:performance ratio available that I've found.

really? ntgb which ones do you get specifically? I got one by Rampow that's really nice for $8

I wouldn't blame OP with the fact that you can charge DS4 that way, hell if I got myself an Xbox controller I'd do the same since It's the only way I've been charging my controller ever since I got my PS4

Do you not jut get a standard plug from the manufacturer? Why not just use that

>blaming Samsung for Microsoft not technologically advancing with the times
Why are iPhone users so dumb?

These are fucking awesome. I have been using them since Gen2-3 and the original ones I bought still work to this day.

I eventually replaced all the batteries in my house with these.

Not with the DS4, I don't know about the Xbox controllers

Recently saw on the news that a certain controller charger for Xbox One controllers was catching on fire when charging.

Fun fact, trickle charging batteries generally significantly improve their lifespan over fast charging them.

Well, I guess for me I was looking for specific features that cheaper tablets didn't have -- at least a 1080P screen, expandable storage, etc. I honestly didn't research super extensively.

Anyway, to answer your question I ended up with a Tab S2 since I got it for ~$200. Mostly I was looking at that or a pure Android but the only one that I'm aware of that's still in production is the Pixel C and fuck paying $600 for a tablet.

The Pixel is so fucking good. I came from an HTC M8 and had so many problems with that thing from just a month or so in.

>Nintendo Switch pro controller the only controller with dedicated charging cable from manufacturer coming in the box
Why is Nintendo so GOAT bros?

Personally I only have a super short USB adapter connecter because a long one hanging off the front is ugly
Downside is if i want to charge it while playing I have to either stop playing or use my fast wall charger

>mfw using some chink oppo phone now

It is actually fucking great. Except mine is pink.

It can with DS4Windows

only on pc tho

>T. I've never bought a non Nintendo console

Got me

I personally don't see myself ever picking up a controller that doesn't have swappable AA batteries. Having to play with a cable attached to your controller when the battery gets low it shit.

Swapping out for freshly charged Eneloops is much more convenient.

Wrong. It depends on what phone charger he has, the regular Samsung chargers do around 700mA. I know this because it's a bitch to find a 2.5A 5V charger for a Raspberry Pi.

If you used the chargers with higher current, then you are a shit fucking dumb.

>he didn't get a 2nd gen ds4

Define trickle charge

But the iPhone is basically just all Samsung components with an Apple logo.

but the samsung is basically just all apple components with a samsung logo

I regularly charge my DS4 with my chinkshit Xiaomi 1.5 ma charger. No issues whatsoever.

Ok retard, Apple literally buys components from Samsung to use in the iPhone. Samsung doesn't use Apple components in their iPhones.

Hardware has nothing to do with apple being shit its their software that ruins their devices

No, Apple hardware is shit too. It's not Samsung's fault, but things like not including a headphone jack, having low resolution screens compared to equally priced Android phones, having mediocre battery life, etc etc, are all sub par hardware.

Consider this:

A lamp draws ~0.06 amps and a vacuum cleaner draws ~10 amps. Whether you plug in a lamp or a vacuum cleaner into a wall outlet in your house, neither will start smoking.
A car stater draws ~500 amps and a car stereo draws ~5 amps. Yet when you start your car after listening to the radio for a while, it doesn't start smoking.

Too many amps will not break a device.

apple designed them, samsung simply makes them, under apples direction

I think the samsung fast charger use a higer voltage than 5 V

If you want a melted controller follow these instructions

So you used the FAST CHARGER? The one that comes with the galaxies? If so, you're a fucking retard. You should never charge a controller with a fast charger.

Just charge it overnight when you aren't playing, it's not that hard