Are elves the most patrician vidya race Sup Forums?

Are elves the most patrician vidya race Sup Forums?

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What are those orcs going to do to her?

>humans with big ears

wow, what a unique race

you must be jesting
who could ever like a knife war

They're gonna bang her.


Why are elves either

A cum dumpsters

B "My race is the best, if you ain't yellow you ain't my fellow"

They are going to help her reach her home safely.

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

elves are the niggers of every single game where you can play as one

>They are going to help her reach her home safely

No, they're gonna bang her.

Wide hipped muscular orc girls are the best race.

>anime elf
>blatant off-topic shitposting
>ebin dorf video already posted
Someone post something about rape so we can be done here.

Elves are for ___________.

Knife ears are a trash tier race.

Artificial life forms like CAST are the real top tier.

obviously stop her from going the wrong way in the dangerous woods

they just surprised her, is all.

Off-topic garbage threads.

Is it weird if I want to lick a cute elf girls pointy ears? I'd also like to touch them.

They're bringing her back to her house so she can go dress into something that doesn't make her look like a slut



Wrong, they're gonna bang her.

Well, that's porn.


Only for raping and turning them into sex slaves.

Stop being such an edge-fag, user.

yeah, bang it on home!
and then give her new friends a wonderful dinner!

While were on the topic of elves whats Sup Forums's favorite potrayal of elves?


Disgusting animals.

Pale, blonde, dressed in green.

Warhammer fantasy, Noldor, Dunmer. Elf from Dragon's Crown.

Is elf x orc porn crypto white woman x black man porn?

Dark skinned.
Giant titted.
Thick as fuck.
Anime elves.


>another thread obviously made by a shilling knife-ear

this one

loving marriages

Fuckability, is what

Age of Wonders
Nymph spam with seduction while fapping to her naked sprite /vr/ style

Are you implying that blacks are brainless idiots who are only good for physical slave labor and random acts of violence? Oh my that's very racist.

>Giant titted
>Thick as fuck
These are not elf things. You don't like elves.

Settling the list

source on OP, if anyone needs it

Green clothes?

friendly orcs.

Elves shouldn't have big tits. They're supposed to be slender framed, and have enticing budding nubs reminiscent of a middle schooler's growing chest.

Yay, less video games. More porn!


You are talking to people here that consumed japanese pornography before they ever touched any serious fantasy. Or god forbid, read a book, had a look into some DnD source book or something like this.

Jap elves are just white women.

feel free to make a vidya thread faggot

all us shitposters are contained right now in this shitty thread! what an opportunity for you! go, craft valuable video game discussion with your own two hands

Elves deserve to die!

If you are so keen on realism, you shouldn't read about elves at all since they are not fucking real anyway

I almost always wanna lewd the guys that are gonna rape/gangrape the girls in these pictures.

What if they're really old elves

Why is it always orcs? Elf pussy belongs to the humans, like everything else.

>acting superior when your only exposure to elves is tolkien fantasy

You're no better

No please, fuck this place up even more. Who cares about this board when you can go to reddit or anywhere else to actually talk about video games. Sup Forums is about shitposting afterall.


They're shit

>get BLACKED all the time

And you people need to accept that fantasy was created so that people can make up their own fantasies, as the name implicitly says. Not every elf has to come straight from Tolkien.

Next you're going to tell me every orc needs to be some hunched over, small screeching corruption of an elf and big, green barbarians or pig-men should never have existed.

What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

Tolkiens elves were never more slender than humans. Good job user.


Because there's a subset of people who like seeing a girl get fucked by something disgusting, the degradation is a turn on. Also some people want to get fucked by orcs

Fuck off, elves look best with itty bitty titties. Cowtits are fucking garbage, especially on elves.

>Who cares about this board when you can go to reddit or anywhere else to actually talk about video games
>Sup Forums is about shitposting afterall.

glad we agree

Orcs being kind and caring is A+, tbqh.

Because then there's no revulsion. You can assume a human might at the very least treat the girl like a pet. To the orcs she's just a piece of meat.

But you posted a pretty great elf.

>japs depicts elves as tree hugging forestniggers who use nature magic and very rarely come out of their forest
>white people began the industrial revolution and tried to spread industry wherever they could get their grubby colonizing hands on, which was the entire world because they keep going everywhere

Sup Forums is wrong once again.

Fuck you, big tits and bigger ears.

Prove that with video games. No fanfiction, no fanmade porn.

I say Tolkien fantasy to generalize the fantasy genre post-LOTR. You're ignoring the long history of elves in folklore which are totally different.

go back to Sup Forums pedophile

Elder Scrolls

weird, but still fuckable, like everything in Elder Scrolls

Best Elf. I want to take a walk trough the woods with her holding hands.

Wow, she really is an anvil.


Was Four really the best?

>You're ignoring the long history of elves in folklore which are totally different
Which have barely anything to do with our fantasy elves. Show me these bow shooting pointy ears from norse and germanic mythology if you can.



Yes. And fuck Decadus for being an idiot Do-M.

consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, cuddling and handholding

so uh yeah hook me up with that sauce, boss

>ever not looking like sluts
Love to be the one to break it to you user, but...

That one he posted isn't the DC elf though.



>hundreds of years old
>still a petulant child who doesn't know shit
Elfs are the worst race my man

wrong elf

That's the whole damn point, the definition of what an elf is changes with time and authors and getting autistic over elven cowtits is pathetic.

How the fuck are elves supposed to be the more slender and agile race when they have useless flesh sacs hanging from their chests? Just admit that your tastes are wrong, and we can all go about our lives.

All elves are closet sluts waiting to be fucked senselessly

Glorantha (King of Dragon Pass and Runequest RPGs) weird plant people FTW

Goblin Slayer is badly written, glad that we can agree.

I guffawed for like two minutes. Have a paladin maiden.


I just can't get into it. I'm so far into degeneracy it's not a turn off anymore but it does nothing for me.

I fucking hate elves

can't even masturbate to elf porn because I hate them so fucking much