How would you improve this game?

How would you improve this game?


having a common sense test implemented before you play with other players

if you fail it your account is banned

it takes away 90% of the playerbase but it doesnt matter because it takes 5 minutes to find a game anyway

more waifus

Remove all the oriental characters.

Bam, game is improved 1000000%


Remove fags

Introduce more female Amaris.

Remove all male characters and make everyone a lesbian.

By bombing Blizzard 10 years ago.

Dogger Healer Character.

Preferably Talon aligned so Villains can get some representation in that class because Symmetra isn't even really "Villain" and i wanna play as a Dog.


Give it to a team who actually knows how to make good maps and balance properly. Also make all characters cute lolis.

add a trap
make asses and tits bigger for all females
add bikinis for ALL heroes

A turkish/romanian gypsie beastmaster qt with a whip made out of lava
left click whips the enemy, aiming it is kinda tricky and takes practice, 3 consecutive hits without a seconds break sets the enemy on fire.
being set on fire works similarly to being on fire in tf2, meis left click, genjis dash and anas grenade can put the fire out and it goes out on its own after 20 seconds dealing 5 damage per second.
right click and drag creates a thin wall of fire that can be used as an environmental hazard, drawing a circle creates a hoop that speeds up and temporarily damage boosts your teammates/burns enemies that go through the hoop
e summons a tiger made out of fire which anyone on your team can ride into battle or use to escape, it sets enemies on fire upon contact but disappears also, 20 sec cd
shift allows her to run on her es environmental hazard like a tight rope. she can also charge her e and throw a ball of fire that sets fire to all enemies that get hit, it also reveals enemie position ult lets her fly and gives her pyros flamethrower, kinda like yoshis final smash, alternate idea is an elephant that you do not control that charges the enemy team constantly like an npc rein that dies after 20 seconds setting fire ot everyone it charges.
her name is jahan

i mean her right clicks environmental hazard*

Steal pl_upward from tf2

actually a better idea, charging her e* lets her place a cannonball made out of fire instead which your teammates can get into and fire themselves with into the enemy point.

the game reallly needs a trap/femboy/twink
also make the guys asses bigger too

Into the worlds easiest Zarya/Pharah ultimate.

That would be cool, they already have a monkey scientist. And that gorilla from the Moon.

I actually have an idea for a combat dog support hero that gives a targeted ally auto aim with hitscan weapons so like when ana hits an ally to heal them.
It has other utilites like the ability to pick up and drop healthpacks as well as ally buildings.

Why not have the cannon as an additional ult ability than can be used at 33% + charge


Lol how does it give auto aim, does it have a fucking satellite dish on its back or something

By not playing it.

am i the only one who gets creeped out by sfm?


Blizzard + more T&A is really all it ever needs. Add more of this and watch as the cash keeps flowing in.

If they let sjws sway them against this, it'll just die out since besides it being a Blizzard game, sex is it's only real selling point.

Remove ults, maybe skills too

Get rid of the class separation and have the hero select like HoTS

Well I get spooked by it too. It's just uncanny

kill it

there needs to be a semi auto rifle character like a long ranged mccree

Buff Zarya

she's not really weak though, she was crazy strong before the nerf. maybe just reverse like half of the barrier nerf?