I'm bored. What are some good video game fanfics?

I'm bored. What are some good video game fanfics?

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there's no such thing, anyway


Also, did you know that a Smash fanfic is the largest work of literature?

The resident evil novels by SD Perry

are there any actual good video game novels?

Bumping for curiosity

The Deus Ex novels are both pretty excellent, as are a couple of the Assassin's Creed ones (Brotherhood in particular).

MGS Peace Walker, GZ and V are Kojima writing fanfiction about his own shit


Peace Walker I would believe since it's pretty much Monster Hunter with a MGS coat of paint.

Halo: Fall of Reach is pretty good. And I hate halo.

Seconding this, I detest the Halo games but the books are pretty neat.

go play Fallout 3 and 4. Those are great non-canon games.

But Fulllife Consequences was a fan fic first

Do you really want to jump down the fanfic rabbit hole?
It's a horrid place full of belt sanders and horribly written snuff made by horny Russian teenagers.




of course



The fuck is this?

Don't forget people who can't write.
I've lost count of how much trash I've seen where the writer constantly switches between past and present tense completely at random.
The average Sup Forums post is more verbose and well-written than 90% of any fanfic you'll read.