I want to get Nier Automata but I don't want to contribute to the pervasive hyper-sexualization of female protagonists...

I want to get Nier Automata but I don't want to contribute to the pervasive hyper-sexualization of female protagonists. What should I do Sup Forums?




kill your fucking self


buy Nier Automata

have sex with a bunch of black men simultaneously and see if you put a dent in the stereotypical identity of gamers

kill yourself

But that's the only selling point of Nier Ass-omata.

all the wits of a 15 year old in a single post


you are just 1 of 3000000000 people of earth, you arent special, just a speck of smegma on earths dick

You should kill yourself.

pretty much this


There's something you should know...

OP if you didn't realize guys dont have 16 packs and biceps the size of mt everest. Both are catering to certain groups but you don't see men complaining about Snake's leg size

Read Descartes and Nietzsche. That'll sum up everything the game has to say.

>Asking these fucking questions on Sup Forums


You autistic bro?
I mean I knoww you're doing le funny hook meme, but you just HAVE to pick this topic?
Like everyone already said, most games have protagonists that are attractive, because nobody wants to play as a Kleinfeltzer-Syndrome abomination of a """"Woman"""" (See ME Andromeda). Name me one game that isn't satirical, comedic, or has children protags that doesn't have at least an attractive male lead.

2B isn't the protagonist. She could nearly be considered an antagonist as a matter of fact.

>I don't want to contribute to the pervasive hyper-sexualization of female protagonists
You could always tell yourself it's just a video game and sexy women in games are not a representation of women as a whole. But that would probably require realizing that reality and video games are two separate things.

stop being gay

Then you should get nier
you spend most of the game playing a shota anyways

Buy Nier Automata. Then slit your throat on a sharp corner of the box.

Buy it, then give yourself 40 lashes with the whip.

No you don't understand that's a male power fantasy.

She wears a leotard, the fuck is this shit?


>hahhaha im gonna to try to be funny on the 4chinz tonite

And stay away from nier, from Sup Forums, from your life.

then aren't the women in vidya women beauty fantasies? Cause that's what they are

Are you implying Chickens, Australians, Turkish people and Feminists are more oppressed than Blacks?

>pervasive hyper-sexualization of female protagonists
Buzzword Hyper-Buzzword of buzzword
fuck off with this already.
Who cares?
Their target audience is young MEN so why the fuck wouldn't they cater to them
fuck's sake, you complain about AAA companies that put out dumbed-down norrmie garbage because it appeals to the LCD, but don't realize that this LCD is at least composed of people like you-Young men who want to waste time and forget about their troubles. Why should they turn games into a diversity pushing clusterfuck of hideous """"Empowered"""" women and vapid gameplay to appeal to a (Very) vocal minority?

it's a meme picture faggot it doesn't matter what order they're in lmao

Those don't count because men find them attractive.

Kill (you)rself Neofag this game has super sexy guys as well

people who view entertainment products as anything other than entertainment products should be euthanized

jump off a bridge

It still caters to men

Which is good because males are the fucking market in videogames.

God, I hate that comic. It's like a bad defense for thought policing.
>lulz, your fictional fantasies are real now because you drew it out!

and women don't find men attractive? that's very sexist of you

To be fair the comic is about a magic pen that gives life to whatever is drawn. Its still a shit comic though.

well that's a given, what company doesn't want to cater to their target audience? I just think it's bullshit how lefties go ape shit over a short skirt on 1 female character but not over sleevless guys left and right

I know, but you can tell that's the message it's trying to get across, and it's a very stupid message.

She's an android, and even if she wasn't, she isn't fucking real.

Do you think the female form is something to be ashamed of by not buying this game you are telling everyone you are a sexist.

>tfw want to get Nier Automata because hear everybody raving about it
>Every thread I see of it though is just people ogling 2B's ass
>Decide to watch some lets plays and read previews of the game
>The combat is extremely repetitive and shallow, game looks like an empty barebones where everything besides 2B's character model appears to be an afterthought
>tfw don't give a shit about 2B's character model, just want to play a good game with good gameplay, story, presentation and length

Waiting for the pricedrop which should be soon, hopefully I can pick this up for $20 or less


Oh don't worry I realize that. The authors tries to pass himself off as neutral, but its very obvious how he feels about the whole topic.

Stop being such a whiney bitch and play the game or not

bleach your eyes so that you never rape a womyn again, shitlord

The fuck is wrong with her hips

start by not making shitty bait threads

>Says the man, using technology that, in all liklihood, wouldn't exist without Star Trek, Star Wars, Blade Runner, or any of another billion pieces of popular fiction that inspired the original engineers, designers, mathematicians and physicists

Popular culture makes the world go 'round, user. It's the reason and the means to keep going forward.

lmao no

why is first post always best post?

Nothing wrong with appreciating the female body.

You should stop saving pics like that first. Start from there on your road to faggotry