Hey guys, I'm getting my tax return and was wondering which gaming system I should buy in your opinion. I haven't had a gaming system aside from my PC in a couple years. Should I go XBox? Will GTA be coming to switch? Thanks for your help
Switch or PS4
I would suggest either a new graphics card, or a Switch. They're about the same price anyway. It's redundant to own a PS4 or an Xbone if you also have a gaming PC.
Ok thanks for the info!
if you like weeb games, ps4 is still a solid buy
PC > ps4 > switch > xbone atm.
It's really up to what you want. Do you want a system for exclusives or function? PS4 has lots of good exclusives but Switch is an entirely different type of device. If it's functions seem appealing to you go with that. I doubt Switch with get GTA 5 but it's looking like it's going to get Dark Souls 3 and most likely lots of other big third party games coming up and lots of Nintendo published stuff. I have PC, PS4 and Switch I just suggest you do the same over time.
The Switch is wonderful. I haven't stopped playing it since it came out. And if you enjoy indie games, you'll have plenty to play after you beat Zelda. It's been a great launch so far.
dont listen to these neckbeards. pc gaming is shit and a total waste of money.
Non stop playing the single game it has? fucking pathetic
Same. I've played every Splatoon test fire so far too. Never played it on Wii U but it's fun as hell.
Zelda is incredible though. The best game for a system to launch with period.
Buy a Wii U and hack it.
>Sony shit using a meme exclusive to the PS4 on the Switch
Leave it to them to take something that exist and copy it.
I wouldn't buy a game console. I would buy books, or an instrument to learn, or save it, or buy weapons and ammunition, or literally anything else.
Console exclusivity is pretty much dead this gen. There's barely anything to distinguish PS4 and Bone from each other when you look at the game library, and almost all their games have definitive versions on PC.
ps4 is the only logical purchase
You seem like a sad man. It's got Zelda and a number of solid indies like Fast RMX and Blaster Master Zero. More than enough game to keep someone busy for months. I have 100 hours in Zelda and am still missing just under half the shrines.
It does not justify the purchase of a switch, you can play it on the blunder u, buying a system to play ONE game is retarded, just like every nintenbro
Buy something else OP
I remember when the N64 launched with Mario 64 and Pilotwings as its only games. It was still great because everyone was busy playing Mario 64.
The Wii U sucks though and I can't play it anywhere. I play my Switch on all of my breaks at work. It's fantastic.
Buying consoles on launch is usually something done by devout fans, yes. You think people bought a PS4 on launch for Knack? No, sir.
That's why you get a Switch. Exclusives are back bb
You do know you can buy unguents for that redassed butthurt?
>Sony shits claim BB is worth dropping $400
>but the Switch isn't worth $300
I've been playing on lunch in my car. Usually I'm bored flipping through twitter with the radio on.
Yes, but you can ONLY play zelda, its pathetic, if you cant play other games what's the fucking point
Its fucking shit anyways, the fans are literally eating shit with a brand
The Switch will likely be getting DS3? As a nintenbro, I hope it does
Why are you so butthurt that people enjoy something that you don't?
When did i ever mention Sony? you nintenbros are fucking pathetic, i never even mentioned sonybros and you already got on the defensive
PS4. Get a switch when it has more games. Pc gaming is a fucking meme, their best game that just came out (hollow knight) can be played on toasters, unless you only like triple a games then I guess it isn't a meme
Im not butthurt, its just laughable that you idiots are spending money on a Zelda machine
Bro, your opinion is so disposable. Just pure console war nonsense. Being of no use or entertainment to anyone.
>implying anyone on Sup Forums pays taxes
this is the land of autistic gigaNEETs
Is this a fucking joke? If you're old enough to get a tax return you should know the answer
>but you can ONLY play zelda
And Bomberman, Snipperclips, Fast RMX, you can even easily import through the eShop games that already have English translations.
>thread is specifically about Switch or PS4
>"Hurr, when did anyone mention Sony?!"
You cannot be this retarded.
Protip: I own everything, I'm trying to save someone from the PS4 meme.
If the switch has only one game, its not worth to be bought right now, its a perfectly fine argument, stop crying because i dont like your shitty console
From has said they are supporting the Switch. Leaks from within From say it's running on Switch and now there was a video leaked that shows an image from DS3 saying "captured on Switch".
-last of us remastered
-uncharted 4
-ratchet and clank
-the last guardian
-killzone shadowfall
-infamous second son
-gravity rush 2
coming out
-death stranding
-god of war
-last of us part 2
-days gone
ps4 is cheaper than a gaming rig and you have far more variety
It's also laughable you're getting so assblasted over people enjoying something
Why are sony niggers so insanely assblasted, bros?
I own both, there's a lot more to play on the PS4 right now.
1 exclusive*
*also on wiiu/pc*
Im not OP, i suggest that he should spend his money in something that IS NOT switch or PS4
Again, im not butthurt at all fag
>look at this list of shit
By the end of the year it's going to have a boatload of mentionable titles. It's rather tiring and downright boring listening to you dweebs on the internet talk about a launch like it's the end of the consoles life or something. Like you've never experienced a console launch before. Give it a rest, kid.
PS4 weeb games Xbox is dude bro and sports switch has Zelda. Gta isn't coming to the switch ever gta 4 and 5 are on the bone along with rdr. Psnow has rdr maybe I don't remember?
Because they spend weeks shilling up the next exclusive for it to be met with moderate praise, just to get BTFO by the next big Nintendo title.
>Implying there will only ever be one exclusive on the Switch
They bought a Vita.
Exclusives are based on company, not consoles
>a shitty botnet emu that crashes all the time and doesn't even provide required functionality for the game is an alternative
Then he should buy it by the end of the year or when it goes down in price you stupid fag, right now its not worth it
Why do you save pictures like that to post around? How much time do you spend here a day? You need to relax and do other things now and again.
Stop being so deluded, the game is going to be perfectly playable very soon, its not an exclusive anymore, accept it.
that distinction belongs to Super Monkey Ball, the best release title ever
Games listed are on Wii U and PC? Where?
>"I'm totally not a sonyfag guys!"
Faurk I really want Super Monkey Ball 3
PS4 first, switch when they come up with the lite version that makes the OG switch looks like a clumsy piece of shit.
I have 50+ of these wojak edits, i love them
I am constantly getting more of them
Im just shitposting before i go to the club
It has more than one game, but it can have more
Sweet. I've been interested in Dark Souls, but I haven't played it yet, because no ps4. Hope the rumors are true.
any good games or nah?
I am not, honest
Then buy the console when it has those games
Aww, are you someones DD? Bet you are cuz you're such a cuck.
Holy shit there are some clinically assblasted niggers of sony in this thread
No you faggot, i go there to have fun, im not a fat fuck like the majority here
If you want what will likely be the most worthwhile system other than a PC in the future, buy a Switch
If you want what is currently the most worthwhile system to own other than a PC, buy a 3DS
Calm down, buddy. You make valid points, but you sound like a sperg when saying them.
>fat fuck
Never said anything about you being fat, sounds like you've got some issues you need to work out, cuck.
>buy an overpriced toaster with zero exclusives
lol k
Also im hoping someone to save them up in case they like wojak edits
Nothing about the things i wrote in the post you've replied is irrational or seems angry, maybe the picture is the trigger
I never said anything about being a DD, but you assumed it anyway fag, you can believe me or not, i dont give a single fuck
It will be playable soon fag, get ready
Pretty much this, you are only gonna have that powrfull pc for emulation, shitty indies and multi plats.
Nobody releases good lucking exclusives for pc its such a waste.
Swith and ps4 are both good and you should eventually get both.
The real question is ps4 or ps4 pro.
>save la faire maiden from pig man Volume: 48
Time to grow up and lay something new
>shilling for nintendo
>uses sonygold
>yfw 1000 hours in CS:GO
>yfw 2000 hours in Hearthstone
>yfw 3000 hours in Dota 2
>yfw 4000 hours in LoL
>yfw 5000 hours in Overwatch
E-sports. it's in the game.
>doesn't know about facebros
dumb fucking sony nigger worthless shitstain
How long in minecraft?
Kek, modern gaming is so cucked
Hey guys OP here thanks so much for all your responses so far. Will BOTW be released on PC at some point? I think I'll be getting the PS4 if it will be coming out for PC.
Yes, soon you will be able to emulate it with CEMU, dont let any of these fags tell you otherwise. But dont even think about buying the PS4, its a piece of shit, save that money up for something useful
If at all possible, a good GPU is your most solid bet, even if it's not what you asked for. You will get a lot more value from it, as you can play both new shit and pretty much everything else released on PC ever.
PS4 is the best console to own, especially if you like RPGs. GTA5 is great on PS4 too and has the larger player base.
XBone is not a bad console, but has few exclusive games truly worth it. Idk, if you want some Halo then get it but it mostly has inferior versions of the PS4 games.
Switch is neat, and i'm getting one myself (have PS4 and PC already), but in terms of games it's a complete fucking desert. BoTW is good and that's about it unless you want party games or indie games already on PC. It's not really worth it yet, and i wouldnt make it a priority unless you're like me and already have the others. (I plan on buying a Wii U alongside it to mod, as homebrew is dope on the Wii U)
If you don't wanna end up like this, your only choice is to make the /switch/
If you dont want to end like any of the guys in the images, just dont waste your money in the new consoles of this gen, they are all garbage
You guys are pretty funny. I hear a Mario kart 8 is coming out in a couple months. What else is coming out for Switch?
Console pleb here. I want to join the light. But I don't want to game on a chair sitting in front of a monitor in my room like some lonely neckbeard.
What can I do? I was thinking laptops, but they're like twice the cost.
You recommend a new PC or a SMACH Z?
The only game I have there is BB. I'm only interested in the new Spiderman game and WiLD, if it ever releases.
My Switch has took my attention away from my Xbox One and Ps4.
Just hook up to a TV, senpai. Get a long-ass HDMI cable and use that and some adapters.
I do that for Fallout 4 and play with a controller since the menus were clearly designed for a controller and not a mouse (frustratingly). Pretty comfy, especially when fucking around my settlements.
Yes, is Mario Kart 8 HD Remastered Deluxe Edition FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + ebin mario characters
New PC, dont give in to the neckbeard meme, PC is not the best thing, since modern gaming is fucked every choice is fucked too, but PC at least has the advantage that you can play pretty much anything
I was thinking about that. Just use a PC as a console.
WHEN will the switch be back in stock and stay in stock for more than literally 30 seconds?
Never, because nintendo understocks their consoles on purpose to simulate """big outstanding sales"""
It works great. You still get the FPS and shit of PC without sacrificing comfy. (Black Flag was a ton fo fun like that, because FUCK playing those games with keyboard)
Get a wireless keyboard as well to keep with you in case you have to enter text or something
Ill make it easy to you OP.
PC - Emulate all past system and games, indies and mods is the way with PC.
Pros: piracy, modding, a lot of cheap games.
Cons: Digital games, bad ports e the usual performance issues related to PC's.
PS4 - The powerhouse of the gen, has a nice and rich variety of games.
Pros - A lot of the good games are weeb, can have some solid discounts for digital games.
Cons - Some games suffer performance issues unless you get the pro, if you want coach coop the ps4 doesn't offer that much.
Switch - Portability.
Pros - A portable device that can be docked, it promises a nice variety of games mostly first/second party nintendo games, a lot of coach coop games controllers have a pretty big battery duration which is a plus.
Cons - Relatively weak system compared to others, a fresh new console so lack of games.
Is it really that bad?
I feel lucky that I had mine pre-ordered since the day they went live.
Thanks user.
jesus how many of these images do you have?
You're pretty dedicated, shitposter-kun
its been restocked like 3 times since the 3rd, and then sells out same day. at every single store.
He didn't pre-order so he is grumpy
Thanks user-kun, im very fond of my ever-growing collection
I was in the same boat as you, pre-ordered it the day they became available and got it on release day from Amazon
there were a lot of restocks in the last couple days
i waltzed into target 30 minutes after opening today and there was one waiting for me
you just haven't been trying at all
unrelated: i'm surprised how comfy the joycons are to hold separately. i was sure i'd need a pro controller but these are actually more comfortable. i love being able to rest my hands at my sides