Killing Floor 2 Free Weekend Meet up

that is... if Sup Forums still plays video games.

I do, but not on pubs

OP here. Everyone's welcome in the discord. Come in and chill all are welcome here!

Come on guy's it'll be great. Anyone of any creed or mindset are welcome. Anyone who wants to chill and shoot the shit will be right at home.

> hell on earth
> half the players are lvl 0
> Argentinian faggot yelling at everyone

Don't be sour. I'm sure you'll find your place in my cozy discord.

Played a few hours earlier, was fun.

When it says
>Press ____ to receive grenades/ammo
What does it really mean? Do I just steal my teammate's ammunition? Do people just steal mine too on demand?

I'm also liking that M16 on Demolition now

>What does it really mean?
It's a support skill. You can grab ammo / nade from him once per wave, free of charge. No, it's not out of him either.

OP here. Anyone else killing floor here? If not we also talk about any games under the sun. We have a very diverse palette of knowledge throughout our members. Jrpgs you got it, Fps's you got it, Srpg's you got it, Shmups's you got it. Come on in and chill we invite anyone and everyone.

who here /SWAT/

I've been messing with him a lot lately. Flashbanging a scrake and taking him out with 30-40 kriss rounds is fun.

Hey man you interested in vidya and chills? If so come on down. The more the better!

It's a fun game but the final bosses are really boring after a few times


What is that

If you don't heal others, especially when medic class, you can fuck off and burn in hell, and take your shit plays with you.

10/10 fucking furious

There's little excuse for teammates to not at least get a medic pistol. Hell, with the cross-perk benefits other perks like Support and Commando can take tremendous advantage of respective medic guns.


just, if nothing else, press the fucking 5 key and use it on others.

People never learn that you heal more often, and MORE in general by helping, but NOOOOO

i get to watch shitdicks and dumbfuck look at me with 30 health, while they at 70+ both self heal instead, WHILE ENEMIES WERENT AROUND.

Thank god it was the first friendly fire server i've ever been on. Shot them both and fucking quit.
Just couldn't take it. Bitch way to go, but it felt so good.

I would love to tell them off if they fucking had an INSULT COMMAND

Fucking cheap fucks.

Everyone wants to go around being a badass god forbid teamwork. What're you going to do.

I fell in love with this game but I'm playing on PS4.

Oh and another thing, fuck you GameStop. Tried to buy it in store where it says online they have it new. Nope, just the display copy. So then I order on their archaic website, have to pay $6 shipping and has no timetable when it will arrive.

Wish the game was exclusive to Best Buy, GameStop can rot in hell.

Just had the opposite experience. Usually gamestop's a piece of shit, but I walked in and bought the last copy of a game I wanted and the gave me the display and limited edition stuff. The website really is bullshit though.

Might join later.

Stop by anytime!

Stop shilling your shit discord for your shit game

Never tripwire

>someone wants to play games
>ree shillnig

bump just to make this autist more mad

Hey man no need to bully. I'm just providing the opportunity to join a chill group dedicated to vidya for anyone that may be interested. You can join too if you like. Everyone has a place in my discord!

I will never forgive tripwire

>I will never forgive tripwire

I see. Well that's unfortunate. If you don't want to join we understand, but if you ever change your mind feel free to stop by!

Invite has expired. New one?

I'm not joining your shit.

Though, I've been playing it for 2 hours and it feels like a remake more than anything, nothing wrong with that, I really liked the first one.

It's pretty good, but I understand have a great night though!

I'll put one up as soon as I can I have to wrap some things up.