At what moment did you realise bloodborne was kino Sup Forums?

At what moment did you realise bloodborne was kino Sup Forums?

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define "kino"

The moment I realized it was only for the PS4.

greek root word meaning "movement" or "motion" as in kinetic

so then what does it mean to define a game as "kino"

tv meme

>go back to BB after playing DS3
>game looks better, feels much more fluid
>art direction and setting are still god tier

What went so badly wrong?

nothing, you prefer the less tired eldritch setting as opposed to the tired castle setting, and that's ok.

It's short for kinotography, which is a film's setting described as the highest quality possible. If a game is "kino", it is extremely tasteful, moving, and thought-provoking all at the same time.

Bloodborne, Mass Effect 1, and Undertale are the only truly kino games ever released to the public eye.

What makes that moment so good? Also it was when I learned the truth of Gerhman and his presence in the Nightmare, also how everything got so fucked.

bloodborne is a very fast game with high emphasis on movement, is giving you the Sup Forums definition of kino. You don't want to be like anyone on Sup Forums, do you?

>Mass Effect 1, and Undertale

Shit post or shit taste, you decide

The reviews don't lie.

>public eye
i think those games could fit the definition.

>video game reviews are a mark of quality

i mean sure, if you read only one review then no, but if you have thousands of both paid and non paid reviews saying the game is good, then i could take that as solid grounds to say the game is indeed good.

The reviews don't mean shit

Man you reddit faggots need to fuck off, maybe to plebians that shit was good. It's a 7, 8/10 at best.

how many of these fucking pictures do you have

If the public approves of them, it's kino in the public eye. 2 or 3 of Sup Forums's simpleton opinions don't really matter.

It's ok to not like a game, but if a large majority of a population agrees that a game is good, then the game must objectively be at least "good".

BB is a movement alright
bowel movement.

>not ludo
Simply applying Sup Forums memes to Sup Forums is lazy, even by Sup Forums standards.

>The highest rated games of all time on PC are just mediocre garbage tier games.
Really gets your noggin' a joggin'

when I unzipped my katana for the first time

>reviews don't lie.
This has never been true

>The Orange Box, GTAv, Portal 2, GTA: Vice City, Skyrim, etc are all kino

Why are you acting contrarian? It's not cool anymore.

When the katana was unzipped, do you think it was personal?

When it was revealed that Sony were publishing it and Japan Studio were co-developing it. The asshurt was art in itself.

your image does

it would be incredibly unlikely

Probably the first time I saw Cathedral Ward.

The color of the city and the sky and the way the layout of the Ward is designed so you always have a nice wide view of Yharnam every couple of streets.

Even if you weren't impressed by that the true kino starts when you jump into the lake to reach Rom and then see queen Yharnam after Rom's defeat.


Back to Tumblr, faggot.

you're killing me user, I've been wanting to go back and do a chikage run but I want to have the DLC for my next playthrough but I don't want to spend $20 on the DLC right now

there hasn't been a sale on it in ages

Back to Sup Forums, contrarian.

when i picked and read the description on the cosmic eye watchers badge


Isn't there a PS exclusive sale on right now?
Pretty sure it's 50% off. Go check.

when i stepped through the clock tower into the fishing village and saw Yharnam underneath me

dlc is the tits my guy, buy it

sadly it seems not, at least for my region. Thanks though.

I probably would right now had I not just spent $60 on nier, I can't justify spending much on vidya until I can get a job.

jewish word for bread

When I killed rom

Realized it was the best souls game in the nightmares. 10/10, would replay for the 12th time

when gascoigne turned into a monster and the music went up a notch

so sony shitposters all come from Sup Forums?

suddenly everything makes sense

when i walked out of the cave into nightmare frontier

When you killed the vacation spider and saw the blood moon. all DLC bosses besides Living Failures which still were better than most of dark souls 2 trash.


Why would you use a movie term for games? Movies are inferior to games in every way.

go back to worst board, stay there and die there instead of coming to 2nd worst board to shit it up more

>Sup Forums is the worst board
Except we create all of the mainstream memes that the other boards leech off of, fucking idiot.

the transition from that clock tower into Fishing Hamlet. that's when I knew it was the GOAT game of all time.

Probably the point where I realized that every single thing Micolash said had some kind of purpose to it

Also the possibility that Eileen has some kind of connection with Mergo's Wetnurse

was the orphan of kos supposed to be hard? his audio cues are so... ample.

there's literally no fucking way you didn't think phase 2 was hard unless you were overleveled and OP

probably over leveled. I was 110 with 45 vit.

everyone says it was one of the hardest bosses but I got him first attempt in NG+

Ebrietas and Gascoigne were harder

the project beast leak

Sup Forums meme

That's over leveled by at least 40.


>Mass effect
I dropped that game like a ton of shit after the mako level


Sorry for the meme stereotype but for me it was when the music changed as Ludwig went to phase 2.

>This is it
>There will never be a better moment in all of video games

>tfw you run out of blood vials and the boss is at half health, but you kill it anyways.
Happened with orphan, ludwig, and blood starved beast.

I swear the feeling of satisfaction is better than fapping to the best porn.

Half Life 2 doesn't deserve that spot. It's a boring game that shows off an incredible engine.
Glorified tech demo.