How do we make good 2d art viable again?

How do we make good 2d art viable again?

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You don't


Indie devs dragged the name of 2D graphics in the dirt. Don't think any actually talented developers are going to bother.

This makes me too mad

magically revive all the dead 2D artists and make them work for free

It isn't viable anymore because 3D animation is now quicker/cheaper to produce and hire for than SNK-tier spritework. Not to mention the mass market prefers 3D. Your hope lies with the indie devs like the dudes who made Owlboy.

I literally ant to bunch this man in the throat.


It's also cheaper and quicker to make the kinds of sprites you'd see in Undertale than in Metal Slug or even games whose sprites are pre-rendered EG

It's also cheaper and quicker to make the kinds of sprites you'd see in Undertale than in Metal Slug or even games whose sprites are pre-rendered CG

yeah well he said good 2D art not undertale

damn he even closed it out with a food analogy.
got a link to the whole review?


Late pixel > early 3d

prove me wrong

Late pixel >current 3d

Somehow develop a way to churn out high quality sprites for cheap.

Just to be sure, is duelyst made by an indie dev? Because the gameplay is fun, and the artstyle is fenomenal, i literally started playing the game becase of it?

Good 2d graphic does NOT cost more than 3d. Its a myth.
The problem is, the market is not interested in 2d graphic anymore(unless its retro garbage), its not interested in 2d gameplay and there are not enough good 2d artists who would work on something good.
Mostly because people is not interested tho.

That sprite alone probably took months to make

dragons crown was fucking gorgeous though
i hope that reviewer falls into the river thaems and drowns in filthy britbong sewage water

Make 3D disguised as 2D instead

I was about to say that. I loved DC; felt like it was made just for me, and now i feel murderous rage toward this artless simpleton


I like stylized 3D for 2.5D, works well.

now OP, we aren't going to get detailed sprites anytime soon due to how expensive it is compared to 3D models, you have to bear in mind Metal Slug sprites were made for lower resolutions than 720p, now making a sprite today for 1080p means it has to be more detailed than the SNK type sprites. The more detailed the sprite is, the harder it is to animate them, since you gotta draw every frame, you need to re-create the detailed sprite over and over and over, while a 3D model you make once and then animate it. Also remember that the Metal Slug sprites were done by teams of talented artists.

The way to make it viable would be to have a free or very cheap engine that would make 2D games easier to make. I remember UbiArt was one of those, Michel Ancel wanted to make it opensource, but Ubisoft said no.


You don't and shouldn't want to. 2D was gorgeous, but it's inferior to 3D now.

>people think 3D is inherently superior to 2D

And yet historically painting has always eclipsed sculpture in popularity.

vidya """journalists""" aren't people