>browses chinese cartoon board
>somehow can socialize
Why is her character so underdevelopped?
Browses chinese cartoon board
I can socialize just fine, sounds like a (you) problem
japan neets are more socially adjusted than western neets
2chan isn't Sup Forums, the cultures are very different
2ch is for normalfags over there. It's basically Reddit but with anonymous posting.
Disgusting normie, I bet some bitch stole your mana already.
>tfw have 0 friends, live alone, kissless virgin, but can still socialize pretty well
Though I enjoy it. Had a few friends before, but I just cut contact with some and others did the same with me. I can't imagine myself getting a girlfriend either and I don't want one. Most normalfags would probably say that I'm lying to myself and that I should feel ashamed for just enjoying everything myself.
I had a girlfriend until last year, it was awful. Keep doing what you're doing and don't bother.
You are deluded
Im the same but better since I dont wojack post
I almost got a girlfriend a long time ago. Fucked it all up and it was my own fault. Felt pretty shitty, but nowadays I just really don't care about starting a relationship. At least not any time soon. Had a few friends who got girlfriends. They just spent all their time with them and forgot about their friends.
One friend went nuts when he got his first gf. Pampered her all the time, bought her stuff, went on dates, drove her everywhere if she asked. Then one day she left him and he became even more obsessed with her. Couldn't shut up how it was his fault that she left him for a better guy. Even fucking started a crowdfunding page to fund her ex-gf's and her new boyfriend's trip to Paris (asked for 10k euros). Sent me a link and asked me to donate some money. If I even dared to say something bad about her, he'd go apeshit. He was my last friend, but I cut contact with him after all that bullshit as well.
I don't do it often either.
This You should probably ask yourself why you're so underdeveloped
The word is "normalfag", you disgusting newfag.
I have no trouble interacting with others, but I don't necessarily enjoy it.
She is a cute grill not a disgusting male neckbeard or a landwhale ,she'll always have somebody to speak to even if she is a "le weird" grill that's the answer you need OP
Why does she have her headphones on when she's talking to people?
has history ever seen a game with a worse translation than this one
That English version of one of the SRW OGs games that came out last year was pretty shitty
>it's name carries the meaning of sex
Because Moon Dwellers was translated in singapoor, of course it's gonna have a shit translation.
can't forget she has a vagina.