Crowdfunding video games

>Crowdfunding video games

So what did we learn?

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Nothing. Crowdfunding was always a stupid idea and anyone who thought otherwise was a retard.

This,if you have the talent and energy to produce something finance it yourself.Don't have that much money? Scale down the project to something that can be affordable.

That crowdfunding follows the same general path as videogame development in general? Most games are bad but some are good.

That no matter how much Sup Forums wants to shit on something there's always some exception that makes the Sup Forumstards angry.

We've learnt there's a reason why lots of "cool" ideas get passed on by traditional game publishers.

Only WayForward can be trusted.

Only fund Divinity.

What about:
>Pillars of eternity
>Pillars of eternity 2
>Expeditions: Conquistador
>Grim Dawn
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall
>Hyper Light Drifter
>La-Mulana 2
>Risk of Rain
>Camelot Unchained
>Strike Suit Zero
>Banner Saga
>Shovel Knight
>Half-Genie Hero
>Shadowrun: Dragonfall
>Hollow Knight

Et cetera

We learned that some were good and some were bad and as such you should be discriminating in your choices before going in.

Wow it's just like literally everything else that exists!

That La Mulana 2 will be made.

Guys... if you want to see the best milker of funds of all time... you gotta check out Romero's "Blackroom"

Basically, Romero is a douche. Like, ultra-douche (his arms are like sticks coming out of a marshmallow).

For lulz, read through the pledge/backer bonuses.

The dude just doesn't get it.

No, that one blew, too.

We learned only to back those that include people we agree with politically.

Because we must keep politics out of video games.

Or something.

Do you agree with this question: there's been less than 5 good crowdfunding games and all of those have just been ripoffs of much older games.


They should be required to return every penny to everyone that donated. But no instead they ask for a million bucks, create a game using at most half that, pocketing the rest of the cash, then selling the game to make even more money. It would be like a bank giving me a loan to open a bar, my bar becomes extremely successful and makes a lot of money, but I don't need to pay back the bank. It's fucking retarded

> It would be like a bank giving me a loan to open a bar, my bar becomes extremely successful and makes a lot of money, but I don't need to pay back the bank. It's fucking retarded

That's a retarded analogy. As in that scenario the bank doesn't get shit. It's not similar at all.

In crowdfunding, you get the game that you crowdfunded. Usually for a lot cheaper than what they want to sell the game for. In crowdfunding they pay you back by giving you the product that you helped create.

It's not a loan.

Yeah, retard, lets just let Triple AAA studios like Bioware find the capital to make great games for us

>what is the Jap market

Never give money to Peter Molyneux, he's over promises and under delivers.

The idea was to break the anti-innovation AAA studio's stranglehold on resources and get them to talented people who love making video games. The problem is that this is capitalism, so of course sending money somewhere just created an outbreak of swindlers.

Lesson: nothing will be good until we eliminate capitalism and evolve as a civilization

b-but shemue

No sorry, it may get better with dog but the initial release was mediocre

Explain all the failed attempts at communism without using the "B-B-B-BUT ITS NOT REAL" excuse?

Crowdfunding a bunch of nobodies usually ends up well
Never crowdfund "trusted devs"

Literally read anything besides Breitbart and it makes complete sense. In theory, socialism is a stage of development beyond capitalism. Capitalism is required for industrialization; this is why the Soviets gave up their initial attempts at democracy and created a state capitalist society aiming at industrialization and creating a Russian proletariat that could carry out a future socialist revolution. It's very simple - I don't know why Americans can't understand simple definitions and insist on screaming capitalist propaganda when their worldview is challenged in the slightest way.

Independant game studios free from the shackles of publishers still have the capacity to be just as, if not more worse than AAA companies, and the only shelter from any of it, is to just enjoy what we play instead of worrying about a future where the gaming industry crashes again, and we wonder if it could recover.

Communism is good in theory, but in practice it usually just ends up being destroyed in a military coup financed by the CIA.

Communism gave us the only truly perfect video game.

Capitalism gave us horse armor.

That it results in a lot of flawed but unique and interesting games. I'm glad it exists, otherwise I'd never have played some of my favourite games.

>Communism is good in theory
>but in practice...

Eww, be liberal elsewhere please. Also, take your precious economic privilege elsewhere.

State Capitalist here.

Whether it is a capitalist or socialist system you would get swindlers in crowdfunding either way so it's not any different. People don't change suddenly because the economic model is different, there will always be greedy fucks.

That being said, our current model of capitalism is fucking horrendous and the sooner the liberals are put against the wall the sooner both actual socialists and patrician conservatives can hammer shit back into order so we can all stop being fucked by the banks.

found the numale

You say that like every gamer is suddenly going to buy weeb shit. What if they're not interested? There goes Gaming in America.

Why do communists hate liberals if they are liberals?

>implying leftists are reasonable

>state capitalist
>muh human nature
>don't change economic substructure

Yeah, "actual socialists" are going to see you as part of the problem.

>we eliminate capitalism and evolve as a civilization
My god you're a genius! So tell me Emperor Genius, what new ideology/system shall we follow into our golden age?

how about crowdfunding demos instead?
if the demo is good and people are interested then it shouldnt be a hard sell for a real publisher

Because your worldview is wrong. Socialists hate liberals because they're extremely pro-capitalist and are only trying to justify their economic privilege through a shallow humanitarianism.

Do it because we'vce had nothing but good results so far?

Is this a bait thread?

>Sup Forums
Wait, what am I saying, of course it's a bait thread.

Nothing. Consumers of this hobby are unable to learn even in their games.

>You now remember when Tim Schafer made his Kikestarter and people thought it would be a new golden age of risky, creative ideas and the death of meddling publishers who ruin every thing they touch
>Instead we got the same shitty games without a publisher logo splash screen

I don't support that shit, and I don't buy Early Access games.

This. If the game does well enough, then save your more ambitious ideas for the sequel.

It's not real communism when the party centralizes all power. It happens everytime, but still!

ITT: people who spend their entire lives in front of a computer screen pretend they understand the world outside of their home

>white upper-middle class jobless "men" asking for higher taxes

You will definitely get Pablo and Jamal's support

Would that make it worse, as something that immediately turns into something else?

Barkley 2 is still looking good. I'll enjoy it in 2023.

They make good games sometimes.

>Muh human nature.
In that one very specific case, yes.

>Don't change economic substructure.
Who said anything about not changing the economic substructure?
Any market in which there is a natural monopoly should be state-owned or in the least have a heavy state presence to balance out cartel economics.
Co-Operatives (the workhorses of a socialist utopia) should be helped to flourish as they help to naturally regulate and add healthy competition to ensure functioning markets.

I used to be a socialist like you pal and then I realized that no matter what you do, it would eventually be consumed and if it's top-down then it crashes down all the harder.

Enjoying Hollow Knight so far, very challenging: 7.5/10 so far
Risk of Rain looks so fucking good and I want it
Shovel Knight doesn't really appeal to me all that much
others are meh or never heard of them

It's just an ideal that is impossible to reach until humans turn into robots. Not even communists want to live under perfect communism. And anarchy will always lead to capitalism, then to tribal societies, then to feudal, and so on. It is a ridiculous myth that is not progressive.

Right-wing idealogy is progressive.

>It's not real communism when the party centralizes all power. It happens everytime, but still!

In no other situation besides a conversation about society's power structure would it be acceptable to make this kind of universal statement based on induction with absolutely no analysis of historical circumstances.

I can't tell if this is supposed to be the good list, because you have FTL on there twice, and FTL was awesome enough to be on there twice.

What is wrong with her left eye?

fake news

If you're still talking about markets, then you're doing absolutely nothing to change the economic substructure. You're just building different structures on top of capitalism and keeping the source of antagonistic productive relations and ruling class power structure - the private ownership of capital - intact. Socialism is a society in which wage labor, market exchange of goods for profit, and private ownership of capital do not exist at all.

If you were a socialist, then you're not very well read.

all garbage that could be done on 0 budget?

Currently the only crowfunded project that is still an "if" that compares to the quality of AAA games is star citizen but I doubt we'll ever see it come out.

>Not even communists want to live under perfect communism.

Nice bumper sticker - care to explain what you mean?

>Right-wing idealogy

Every time

The guy who made Tetris moved to America because anyone who suffered under communism knows how shit it is. Then he made a better version, Tetrisphere.

There's no need to fight. You're all fucking commies.

You do realize that socialism would still have market economics only it would be market economics between Co-Operatives owned by workers, right?

You don't just toss out basic economics when you change management, these things still apply no matter who owns the business.

National Socialism worked. Communism didn't.

>Huh, I thought this thread was dead. How did it suddenly get 45 posts?
>Sup Forums shit
Jesus fucking christ. Go back to your containment board

There are actually people who don't own Risk of Rain yet? Not only is it just $10, but it's been on sale and on humble bundle many times for literally pennies.

>Could be done on 0 budget
Sure, if you know absolutely nothing about game design and rate the complexity and effort put into a game entirely off of how pretty it is.

>Quality of AAA
Which it appears that you do

Why'd Pat burn his SIN

That's wrong though. Things can only be the same if they have all properties in common. Half of those are pro-capitalist and the other are anti-capitalist. Perhaps Ayn Rand misled you.

Such as?

It only works when a large superpower provides your defense and you're willing to let your country slowly go bankrupt.

>It's fucking retarded
You got that right, because that's a horrible analogy.

Yes, you've proven that you don't understand the basic ideas of socialism. Your mind is still anchored in the current system and you can't imagine anything being fundamentally different from the way it is now. You're just imagining a world that has slightly different institutions but works in fundamentally the same way.

If you think that market economics is natural law instead of a description of a human-constructed system of distribution, you're still entirely liberal in ideology.

We learned that Sup Forums can no longer blame the "evil publisher" for ruining what would have been "good games" knowing exactly how publishers/investors feel in regards to funding a project.

Oh yes isometric top-down view games are known for how hard they are to develop.

Oh wait people like the banished dev did it completely by himself on 0 budget, all these games hugely profited from the crowfunding using next to 0 of the money for the budget.

And hear hear any project more complex than that because it takes actual money & skill fails miserably.

Videogames are a capitalist product.

Ok so you give everyone who works at the bank a free beer. Wow so much better bro

>Paid a lot of money for Planetary Annihilation

Yes, because getting the product that you helped fund at half the price you would have to pay if you didn't is completely the same as giving a bank employee a beer in exchange for loan. What an astute and brilliant analogy.

You've exposed to the corruption in this flawed system.

I do note that you've not provided an explanation in any way shape of form of why people exchanging money for services would be fundamentally so different that much of basic economics (which is not based on artificial systems but observes how people naturally exchange with one another and how enterprises regardless of ownership behave and interact with one another) should be tossed out like the baby with the bathwater.

Mind you, I grant that there are differing kinds of socialism and while non-market socialism is a thing it is also something that has never existed and cannot feasibly exist because of the economic upheavals and control that is required by a government to put it in place. For a moneyless society to be created you would need a leader with as much power and political capital as old Uncle Joseph and that's worked so well for us in the past.

I'll wait, don't worry.

When Kickstarter started to gain some footing with high profile devs, I decided to take a look at what its all about. I read the FAQs, and learned that Kickstarters legally do not have to produce a product and/or a physical reward unless required so in their jurisdiction and the end product can drastically change from the concept.

Not a dime of my money will ever go to crowdfunding.

>People who donate 5 grand and get a game in return that is sold for 20 bucks but with an autograph is a great deal!
>Its ok that they can keep my money even if they don't release a game or postpone the release for 50 years!


I just crowdfunded a board game for $100 and easily got $80 worth of stuff extra from the kickstarter stretch goals.

maybe you guys are crowdfunding the wrong games

Sup Forums wants to call everyone retarded for crowdfunding but then will bitch and moan when good games get fucked by publishers.

There is a disconnect of reasoning.

What a deal! You should of given at least 1,000 dollars though hot. Look at you only giving 100 bucks you should be ashamed of only donating 50 bucks. 30 bucks is pretty low man

Nothing new outside of it delivering some sick ass games.

If you donate past the reward tiers then you are just giving a donation, not a loan. How do you get ripped off when you're willingly donating more than what they're offering in return?

Why are you arguing about the way rich whales spend their money like it has anything to do with me or you? They're not expecting an equal return on their investment so why are you acting as though they're getting ripped off?

I wonder whose behind this post

>Rich whales
>Not 15 year olds with daddies credit card who get a beating when the bill comes in and called a retard for giving someone money for no other reason than to create a product to later sell to you

>Publishers are run by jews
>Jews support a method that eliminates publishers

I don't know who to trust anymore

>Hahah what fucking idiot would fund a game on kickstart?
>Even if it looks good it will fail, you'd have to be a braindead retard to give your hard-earned money to some faggot in hopes of getting a good game
>Waaah what the fuck, evil kike publishers ruined this game!
>Holy shit why didn't they fund this game it would have been 10/10
>Why the fuck did they make these horrible changes to this game to make it more like a generic shooter!
>Publishers are fucking evil, we should be able to fund a game our- oh wait.

Hopefully Sup Forums learned the difference between a Producer and a director.

communists hate everyone, even themselves. if you arent with them, then you are against them. and if you are with them, then you are probably a subversive agent trying to undermine the revolution.