Is Bloodborne art?
Is Bloodborne art?
Is art Bloodborne?
Anything can be art. That doesn't make it good art though.
every game is art
Every THING is art
Somebody get this hothead outta here!
true, but only if it's created by somebody
things created by nature arent art
10 days
Bloodborne is honestly the least kino Souls game
most is probably DaS3 actually
>talking about artistic value while posting reused yharnam assets
>How to spot a mustard race
It's painful how disappointing this level was after seeing that scene.
>poor man's yharnam
>pure kino (TL: movie)
>sub-30 fps
Hmmm, you are actually right!
If you want real gaming experience with 60+ fps, get PC and DaS 3.
Yeah, sure.
>Can art, or artistic ability, be transfered through bloodstream
Just imagine, you get a blood transfusion after an accident, and suddenly you know how to carve marble sculptures.
Wonder what made the reviewer think hmmm it's almost a 4 but it's just one decimal place not good enough