The fuck do I do here?

the fuck do I do here?

Uninstall and forget this ever happened.

power bomb, obviously

>he's so butthurt about this game not being at failure that he goes into threads about it just to cry

>Yooka Laylee
>Not a failure
Be honest with me, how much did you back it for?

$0 I bought it after release

Yooka-Laylee is a massive success

Ok, now I know you're trollin me.

>I suck youtuber cock so everyone else must too

The game is good, bro. If you hated it you probably never liked Banjo-Kazooie in the first place.

>it's not what I wanted to hear so it's a troll!
You know, if you didn't believe everything Sup Forums says, you'd be a lot happier

Holy crap, he actually did it. He actually wasted $40 on this piece of shit. That mad man.

should have backed it for 15 bucks while you could and save the money. its not worth 40 bucks

>this piece of shit
Just your opinion

I wasn't sure about this game for a while, so I didn't get the chance to back it
>its not worth 40 bucks
You're right, it's worth 60

>this shill thinks his opinions means an argument

just fuck off

Now this is a shill

Oh my god you're pathetic

>they've resorted to yelling buzzwords

You're the one who came into my thread to whine about a game you don't like

I just wanted some help with a problem

And they're helping you with your problem


the game looks like trash to me but the bullying of OP was unnecessary, it's behaviour like this that prevents Sup Forums ever actually discussing games.

>And they're helping you with your problem
Whining about the game not being a failure isn't helping

Exactly what I was thinking. Uncanny.

There is no power bomb