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How is the stand alone version. Like anyone else I love the game in TW3 but I'm not sure how this'll go
Its great. Try signing up for the closed beta on GOG. I got in within minutes.
Its much more complex than the game in The Witcher 3, and the presentation is absolutely amazing. It looks and feels so good.
Whoops, its not on GOG, its here
It's nice that they don't force you to buy card like Shillstone since you can easily get 3 packs a day (more once you start climbing in ranks). But man, the closed beta pool really hurts matchmaking sometimes.
if you don't get in, give me a mail address. I have 3 spare codes.
Are monsters still overpowered as fuck? I got really tired of seeing the same deck brought every time, so I quit.
Literally impossible to get a good deck since I can't beat anyone with my shit deck and I can't get more cards without winning. Everyone already has a levelled up deck so the only way I win is by extreme negligence on their part
Nobody because only like 20 people got into the Beta and the Gwent general got slower and slower. They should really release it soon.
I mean, they have alright staying power, but I have villentrentemerth, so winning against them is easy. Also, just use weather effects in the end rounds, nothing powerful for them has weather resist.
Mill things you don't need/want to play. I milled everything but my NR deck and sure, it's not a Tier 1 netdeck yet, but it has all the base cards I need +1 legendary, which is more then enough to go on climbing the beta ladder.
That's not even remotely true, I just started 2 weeks ago and I'm doing fine. Git gud
[email protected]
Thanks user, I have shit luck with these things
Is the meta still full of ST?
>start the game out
>go through all my options
>turns out I lucked out with monsters
>win first five games
>every single one was down to the wire, using our very last card each
I want to get cards to curb stomp people. But it's the opposite from what you're describing. No matter what, everybody EVERYBODY can fucking turn the game around at any point.
>they put best girl on the main menu
eat shit trissfags
that sounds good though
It kinda is.
I'm not because getting into new card games is too fucking expensive.
Play Shadowverse, not this shitty cashgrab
anyone have High-rez images from the original arts from the witcher 3 game?
I wanna print them out myself, because fuck this shit
>shitty jap cashgrab (from THE kikes themselves) is better than good kurwa cashgrab
Lmao. Neck yourself.
nigga how the fuck is it a cashgrab its been over a year since TW3 and they still haven't released it
I'm waiting for the progress wipe and the open beta that follows it.
because they made it very grindy since the beggining, and there will be wipe for all CBT players. You can only keep cards that you bought with real money
>literally packs out of the ass on every occasion
I just got 8 packs because they released the chinese version and you can exploit that by changing language in the client
kys stupid shitter
Lmao stop shilling your weeb garbage cuck.
give me a sec
apparently theirs gonna be some news next week
oh they made the free closed beta a bit too grindy for you? does baby need a cuddle to cheer themselves up?
This better not be dolphin porn
reddit fags calling out Sup Forumsirgins who use the space bar will never not be funny. Stop outing yourself as redditors if you want to be taken seriously.
Look who took a screenshot from Reddit
While they were on Reddit
no, they made it impossible to build a good meta deck right from the beginning and impossible to get it fast even playing for a week, so people would buy fucking packs, which are pretty ungenerous in terms of card drops.
Now go fucking back you reddit shitter.
oh noes it takes a while to get a good deck ;__;
literally google
I'll play when it's out of beta, but it feels like a waste to put a bunch of hours into it when I know my shit will get wiped
It looks fun but I have most of the cards in eternal so I haven't put much time into gwent
>Couple of weeks ago
>Playing MGSV on the Xbone
>Get message
>It's a code for Gwent
>Never played a Witcher game
>Haven't played cards since middle school
>Not for sure if I'll like it
What should I do with the code Sup Forums?
Unrelated pic.
sorry that nobody wants to play your shitty korean pedo game dude, maybe reddit will like it?
gg ty
Sure buddy. But you have to go back anyway.
the opposite
SV is the second most popular game after HS
It's huge in Asian countries
>weebshit is huge in asian countries
Wow really makes you think.
Just play it. Its good fun.
>opponent skips on final turn
>you still have 3 cards left and can triple your score to absolutely curbstomp them
feels goodman
>Round 3 pass
>ignoring "the most popular game after HS" part
BTFO already you piece of shit
this is official art
you're welcome. my friends are hearthstone playing faggots
Are you still here?
They were playing Nilfgaard and probably had some shitty card left, knew they couldn't do much.
They had eyes on my cards at the time, a Commanders Horn, Blue Stripes Scout and a Kaedweni Siege Support.
>buff Redanian Knight using Siege Support
>buff Redanian Knight with Blue Stripes Scout
>clone it using Foltest card
>then use Commanders Horn on melee row
Like a stiff dick across the cheeks for the opponent.
That play is piss easy to counter with borkh or gigni.
Sure, but this is a card game. Everything is easy to counter with something else, but it all depends on the cards drawn in the first place, and how you play them over the rounds.
Can't do much in the final round if you spent all your good shit already.
Every game of Gwent is BO3 so you never waste your resourses before r3. Unless you're a noob.
>saving for round 2/3
>losing to a competent deck that goes hard round 1/2
Yeah and that's what its about. Sometimes taking the risk and placing a big card at first might bait someone into wasting a Scorch, or something else, because they might be dead-set on winning the first round of the game.
You can't go hard round 2/3 because every deck runs some kind of insane combo breaker or just floods the board round1.
>It's popular among soulless chinks so it's good.
Wew lad.
Said who? I'm playing NR and win 70% of my matches round 1/2. Scorch baiting is a non-issue for medics. Praise based-swim
Do they still plan to reset the progress to everyone when the final version comes out ?
Because that made me stop the game. Really love it tho I've played it for like 35h so far
In a couple weeks tops open beta will start. The only reset will be the one from closed to open beta.
Nice thanks, I might get into it again then.
Haven't played since like 2 or 3 months. We'll see what's new
>everyone plays boring easywin Foltestdecks
Reddit spacing is a fake meme. Look back into the Sup Forums archives and you can find "Reddit spacing" dating back to the beginning.
did the last wipe happen yet? I liked what I played of the closed beta but I want to wait until shit is permanent before I go in hard.
Am I missing something? What's great about this game?
I got into the beta and I'm not seeing the appeal of the number climb gameplay in the tutorial