Any chance of KH3 coming to PC

Any chance of KH3 coming to PC.
Id rather play it on my PC than ps4.
Because i assume it can run at 60 fps and not have broken physics because it uses unreal engine which doesn't have this issue.
While it will probably be locked at 30 fps on consoles even on pro and Scorpio.
I have a pro and i am not impressed by the system.
It runs all the games on it at 30 fps and i only turn it on like once a month for that one exclusive such as Bloodborne Yakuza or Gravity rush 2.
I did not even buy FFXV for it because the high probability of a 60 fps PC port next year.

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PCfats don't buy games, only sonybros and xbots do

nobody care on pc about shit kh3

It's entirely possible it'll make it to PC as well. Obviously not on launch, and not even soon after it.

Considering how they've ported multiple FF titles on PC over the years, i'd say there's a chance.

Would be grand if they ported the whole collection too while they're at it.

its never had a PC release before, don't hold your breath
If it were to come it would start with porting old versions to steam in order to test the water

KH3 Ground Zeroes runs at unlocked framerate on PS4 Pro. It's not quite stable 60, but it's there most of the time.

Consoles aren't capable of uncapped fps.

You're clinically retarded and never played on consoles then, plenty of PS2 titles ran at 60 FPS and before PS1 days it was actually the industry standard with few outliers being sub 60.

Since KH3 is using Unreal Engine 4, it's 100% likely but probably not at console launch.

Consoles barely run at 60 fps at 900p. Are we going back to 800x600 lmao

KH3 isn't 900p, did you even watch the video? Shitpost harder.
Seriously why do I even reply, it's all platform warrior niggers these days.

Fucking never you delusional retard

I am sorry i offended your religion.
I keep forgetting sonygrians take any notion that any game not being an exclusive only they ca play at cinematic 24 fps is blasphemy.
And every other game is automatically shit by comparison.

>I did not even buy FFXV for it because the high probability of a 60 fps PC port next year.

You think square are likely to port a game that's on an engine they've never used before and are never likely to use again?

If they made a Xbone version why is a PC version an issue.
Didn't they also make that tech demo video about how the engine runs on Nvidia.

>Baaaa waaaaw gib us PS4 games

It's boring.

The only sony console I own is a ps2, I'm just calling a spade a spade

>kh3 ps4 game


>Baaaa waaaaw dont gib away my super special reasons for owning a console

It's boring.

>Consoles barely run at 60 fps at 900p

Why are you lying? I have many games at 1080p and 60fps.

>DQ will be on pc because they've ported all FF games
>KH too despite there not being a single game released on the platform ever
>even when they made two remakes recently for a system that runs on a similar architecture to PC
>yet didn't come out for PC
>but KH3 will

It will run 1080p60fps on the scorpio.


U wut? KH3 will always be on PS3. It's pathethic that you have to beg for console games.

>tfw all those PC shit eaters are so jealous of my games

Feels good to be PS4 owner.

Inevitable, but for a loong time. Just buy a console and play it for fucks sake

Just after the Bloodborne pc release.

that mad

None, no KH game is available on PC.

And for all the PS4 owners, KH3 will be best on Xbone thanks to the Scorpio ;).

Why should I buy Scorpio? Are you retarded?

>tfw all those console shit eaters acualy think PC users are jealous when in fact most of them have a console for exclusives but prefer not to play games at shit frame rates

Feels good not to be a pour fag.

>will be best on Xbone thanks to the Scorpio

Wait, what?

>shit framerate

It's PC cucks jealousy because their games blows. This is what you got for buying inferior system.

But he didn't buy a PS4.

KH3 is vaporware

How are you able to reply when you can't read?

But PS4 is getting KH3 unlike PC. I don't see PS4 owners crying for other systems games.

>PC gaming

That's because PS4 owners don't play games.

But they do.

PC gamers dont play games. They just expand their steam libraries to brag.

Pkeks begging for ports on a system that already has a justified library
Is there a more pathetic thing on this board


Give me your fucking games right now sonyfaggots

PC owners don't play games. They only watch Twich and pay cam whores like cucks they are.