MS was a solid C-
less people on stage more games shown, but majority werent great
You didn't put a single exclusive and yet you put a B-, and then you said a 499 dollar console is great.
> at least they HAD games
> but none of them were XBX1X games
> it went from predictably bad to terrible
> scorecard attached
Fuck MS
I was so close
Sea of Thieves looked the most interesting to me. Shadows of War too, but that's multiplat I think
I am way too generous
What's the point of putting shit like DBZ Fighters on your list when its not even exclusive
Holy shit how can Sony even compete.
i formatted my HDD yesterday and forgot to save my card
pretty shit but there were a couple of nice moments
Exclusives are cancer anyways, they actually get bonus points for making everything available for PC
Gotta give them props for showing games, but most of what was shown wasn't that compelling. Shadow of War is a fucking abomination. Also, fuck them for making Metro 3 W10 exclusive.
Anyone got a blank one?
Better than expected. Granted that is not saying much
Surprisingly decent
Microshit mentioned "diversity" like twice, one can only imagine how many times Ubisoft will mention it.
>how do I use eraser
I just wanted to see what Scorpio looked like and proper name. Games were SHIT
looks like no one will need to buy one then
I'm a lazy cunt.
when the fuck is it TODD TIME
As a person that don't have a Xbox, I really liked the MS Conference, because I'm gonna be able to play everything showed.
Real nice show, hope next year they deliver more first party games tho. Weird how the big demos were all third party multiplat games
Thankfully it wasn't the Xbox conference, it was the microsoft conference
That was the most average E3 conference I've ever seen. Plenty of good stuff, but also plenty of bad stuff.
By the way, fuck Rare for cockteasing Banjo (or at least a new game of theirs) and then not delivering.
anyone giving Microshit higher than a C grade is obviously a xbox kiddie. their conference was garbage.
Why the fuck would I be inclined to buy an Xbox then? Thats not something you want when selling a product.
expected it to be alot worse
it was really good
really really good
>mfw people will rate it really badly because everyone hates Microsoft
It wasn't that bad
>is obviously a burger
Fixed that for you, they are the only ones that would buy that piece of shit after the 360
>todd lies in front of a live audience
>not a positive
Conference was good, back to back announcements.
Gotta say, they did pretty well.
Still no reason for Xboneonex to exist, though.
anyone giving microsoft lower than a B is obviously a Sonyfag
Look I can shitpost also.
I've literally never owned an xbox user
I just like fun video games
>Why the fuck would I be inclined to buy an Xbox then?
They don't really care if you buy one consoles are for kids, parents and you're average normie who doesn't want to/can't build a pc
It wasn't nowhere near bad
They gave me zero reasons why I need a one x or any xbox. They have LITERALLY no exclusives.
anyone got the template?
you buy an xbox or you buy windows 10
either way microsoft is getting profits of you
Microsoft is not Sony, they have a wide variety of profitable products and aren't chained to the ball of failure that are Sony's non-gaming divisions
I have high hopes for a new Wolfenstein at Bethesda's conference. Don't fuck this up, Toddy boy.
What the fuck? You must be REALLY into EA Sports, are you?
>or you buy windows 10
Uh, bro...
I'm glad i can play all their new games on pc
It wasn't great by any means but atleast showed games.
EA gets an F, it was literally a living hell
Microsoft gets C-, lots of games even if most of them were boring. The few good ones are multiplats so absolutely no reason to buy an Xbone. Backwards compatibility is nice, it feels like Microsoft is learning their lessons. They really need some system-selling true exclusives though.
>anything above F
good, not like ea, but still. some nice indies here and there, of course tumblr gay indies. anthem graphic look amazing, too much diversity bullshit games designers, minecraft.
ITT: no one reads anyone elses report cards
Surprisingly decent
not a whole lot for me in the conference but at least it was primarily about video games. depending on how well the other conferences are i may have to change my grading scale, i feel too generous with it.
No, they just had a meh conference. C is a meh conference.
Working on my report card now
Much better than I expected. They showed a lot of games, which is good, even though I didn't care about a lot of them.
Still not really convinced on the Xbone, but I think they're going in the right direction.
user I'm seriously impressed by this
like how?
It couldn't have been worse
>still shilling indies
They're a dead meme user. Literally only one indie is passable and it came out years ago.
there's absolutely no world in which EA had a better conference than Microsoft
Reporting in
I'm okay with this.
>not dead
Did you see that abomination it has been turned into? Fable is pretty much dead. That's worse than that Kinect game.
Anyone have template?
>I don't PC game
>xbox gets pc ports
>gives it a B-
I hope they kill the Xbox brand. That looks like what they're moving towards since nothing was Xbox exclusive. After that, I can give Microsoft some respect.
Who in the fuck would ever call anything by EA a term that is not synonymous with "shit"?
>or you buy an xbox or you buy windows 10
Then I'll just buy Windows 10
btw, you proved the other user's point. If I can just get a gaming PC, why would I bother with the Xbone?
I gotchu fampai
MS did surprisingly well
I'm an optimist. Looking forward to good games on PC
I think they had a solid C+ or 75-78, they tried and actually showed some fucking games for once
Thanks senpai
See my card if you're actually me?
>new Ryse
>new Sunset Overdrive
Weren't both of them flops though
average card coming through
>gave you 0 reasons to own an Xbox One or Xbox One X
>Giving them anything above a D
I think the conference was good because they cut the BS and focused on just showing games, but on the other hand they didn't really give me a reason to buy their new xBONEx
>actually wanting an All-Stars sequel
Maybe if they gave it to a developer that isn't incompetent this time. Seriously the first one was so fucking bad. Unfinished as fuck, terrible cast, poor choice of gameplay mechanic, awful maps etc etc. I just doubt they care enough to make a decent Smash clone since you have to have franchises and series outside of fads for it to work.