How do we fix Sonic the Hedgehog?
How do we fix Sonic the Hedgehog?
That video sucked and its creator has returned to it and said it was dumb
Not like that. Sonic is supposed to be "cool" He goes fast and eats ass. His whole character is made to be just as radical as they can make him.
Well thank goodness he acknowledged it at the very least. I've said it a few times before but I'll say it again: Good lord it's stupid.
And how has that worked out for him..?
Its already fixed.
Sonic Mania and Sonic Forces are both coming out soon.
Make momentum matter
Pretty good seeing how has pretty damn popular. His games might always fucking suck but yet people still love him somehow.
Wait, did he make more?
Doesn't mean jack shit if the games aren't selling or reviewing well.
That's a secret area, there's a couple in that demo. He's still working on the project though. Sonic Utopia.
But they do sell. Sonic is the most beloved shitty game series ever.
you get rid of boostshit
rip sonic forces
The only recent Sonic game that sold and reviewed poorly was Sonic Boom.
The only bad thing is the shitty Green Hill remix.
This image is so fucking stupid. Why would that even matter, and why are you comparing two completely different gameplay styles?
You can't. Sonic was always shit
Again, why does it matter? You'd never notice this during regular gameplay.
What's your point? These games have better level design that never require you to do finicky platforming and have Sonic fly 90 degrees to bumfuck nowhere at mach speed.
More advertising in the high-end art market.
generations movement is not suitable for 3d space platforming, that is why modern sonic is just press X to boost through a cinematic """""""gameplay""""""" temple run tier shit, and then throw you into a 2D platforming section for the actual gameplay. Adventure is fully 3D and you can move anywhere you want with no restrictions.
He's being fixed, don't jinx it.
Make a game where you someone other than Sonic.
all you have is press jump, crouch, and dash left and right while you're boosting through a 3D section. That's not gameplay. That's a fucking smartphone """"""game"""""". In Adventure you feel like it's mario 64 with fast movement. Adventure might have shit level design, but with the physics tricks you can do, the levels become 3D platforming heavens.
>generations movement is not suitable for 3d space platforming
So? The gameplay is different from the Adventure games. You even said that yourself.
That's like complaining that Sonic controls like shit because playing as him in a Mario game would be impossible
You're a complete fucking moron. All that .webm proves is that Sonic Team are shitty level designers and put in a ton of exploits into their levels.
Modern Sonic games are designed around the boost feature. Just because they're easy doesn't mean it's "hold x to win" gameplay as you described.
>In order to get any enjoyment out of the game you need to exploit the physics to skip the actual platforming
Good game. I'll take boost to win cinematic shit with some decent platforming over this clusterfuck.
I hope he retools it to have an original character and sells it.
Because I will buy it.
Let Sonic die.
generations has no gameplay outside of 2D sections. And the 2D is not even done well because of shit momentum.
We wait for mid august.
You took 6 seconds out of a level that normally takes a few minutes to complete. It's also the first level of the game. I don't know if you know this or not, but they're usually the easiest in the game.
The Adventure games REALLY weren't that physics based when it came to getting around levels normally and were janky as fuck at times. They also had a ton of automated sequences.
>In Adventure you feel like it's mario 64 with fast movement.
Not even close. SM64 actually controls well and has level design that works with the mechanics. SA does not control well at all, though SA2 remedies this somewhat, and the level design is all over the fucking place.
You just can't make a game that's really, really fast while also including precision platforming on the same level as Mario. That is why games like Generations split the game into two parts. One which you are speeding ahead and doing basic dodging and the other where you get to do slower, more engaging platforming.
You're posting shit no normal would do, though. The game is ten times more linear than that on a regular playthrough.
For some reason it lacks Shadow, Heroes and Sonic 2007 on the left side.
I absolutely hate the physics they are using for the 3D games now. It's like Sonic is weighting 100kg.
I couldn't play Croc 2 weird analog controls.
>I hope I have to pay money for it!
Doesn't he have a patreon or donation page or something?
I'm not saying Adventure had good level design. I'm saying their physics were the best 3D sonic ever had for 3D space manouvering. Sonic moves like a fucking fridge in Generations, of course they'll send you to fuck off to 2D sections for actual platforming. Thankfully due to spindash+jump in Adventure you can skip most automated sections.
>Hit speed pad
>Push control stick one degree to the left
>Sonic flies off the slope he's on
>Goes out of bounds
This is how it goes when you try to play it like the developers intended. How it was designed to play. Only when you start bringing speedrun tech and wacky physics shit into the mix does it get anywhere near fun, but that's arguably not a strength at all. The game is that broken.
I'm aware of that. The level design is not that good. But when you learn about the physics tricks you can do, Adventure becomes a fast-paced, high-risk high-reward 3D-space platformer.
It's more so it doesn't get DMCA'd.
I want this guy to succeed in spite of the collapse of Sega.
Can you tell me what the fuck is going on with these webms? They're always a few seconds long and don't prove anything. Why even bother posting them?
The Adventure ones also have nothing to do with your posts. They're mainly just exploits for skipping parts of levels.
What does Sonic moving like a fridge have to do with anything? Again, the way he controls is designed around the gameplay of his game. He's not controlled in an Adventure-like environment.
What is your point?
got you game grumps fan, heres my meme picture.
Sega truly stopped giving a shit when they games didn't need to move hardware any longer.
If I have to do all that autistic shit do have "fun" or whatever the hell you think I'm supposed to be feeling, I'd rather just play a more automated game like Generations.
What does it have to do with game grumps?
Adventure is high-risk high-reward if you want to finish the stage quickly. You said it yourself
>push control stick one degree to the left
That's 100% your fault and you should be punished for it.
look how good sonic moves here in 3D space compared to
Do Sonicfags also fight over the 2D/3D thing like Metroidfags?
Again, you're comparing two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT gameplay styles. You're a complete fucking retard.
The 3D spaces they're moving in are different. Adventure Sonic isn't expected to be played in Generations, and Generations Sonic isn't expected to be played in Adventure. Do you really not get that?
What. Is. Your. Point?
>What does Sonic moving like a fridge have to do with anything?
It's like moving from Megaman X1-3 smooth and perfect controls to Megaman X4-6 sluggish ones.
Can you imagine 3D Mario/Zelda or Banjo Kazooie moving like they're going through a swamp by default?
Sega made some of the best racing games in existance, why hasn't Sonic played like a racing car yet is beyond me.
Make him faster.
do people really even care about sonic design? I'd rather the game be fun
like i wouldn't care if bayonetta got changed to be a fat midget or something, as long as it was still a fun as fuck game to play.
Srsly, Mario Kart drifting feels great. Just take that and add a jump button.
ok. adventure style >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3d section modern sonic
adventure style is the best 3D sonic has ever felt. making forces control like generations was a mistake.
The Megaman games you listed all have the same gameplay, though, aside from how the characters control. It's different with Sonic.
Sonic definitely does NOT control like he's in a fucking swamp. Maybe alone when you're spinning him around for 2 seconds like in that webm, but that doesn't apply to regular gameplay.
The level design is based around how Sonic controls, which I can't say for the Adventure games.
Yeah, keep on posting webms of things 99% of Sonic fans can't do. That'll prove your point.
It's not really that better. Generations might be a bit easy, but Adventure is a clunky mess most of the time. You can see why it would look embarrassing in current era.
I'm talking about controls. Modern Sonic controls like shit.
You picked out one word out of my post that doesn't reflect what I was trying to say.
>Sonic definitely does NOT control like he's in a fucking swamp
Got all the red stars in Generations and never had any issue with controls. I mean sure I cannot skip 90% of the level by doing some trick but why would I ever want to.
Have you played Sonic Colors, Unleashed, or Generations? Pretty much what you're describing.
Why do you keep bringing those guys up? Because they made fun of Sonic '06? That game is a fucking nightmare to play.
You have some weird obsession with Game Grumps for some reason. I just found Generations more fun, even if it was much more casual experience.
But Sonic 06 being a piece of shit game meme'd ad nauseum dates back to its release. That's the only reason the Gooch Grapes played it.
You don't. We stop trying to revive a series that only appeals to literal autists and furries that hasn't had a decent game in decades. Because reviving it for the 10th time isn't going to do anything.
Those control like roller coasters. Very little control, you just blast forward with no punishment for screw-ups. Mario Kart also has barely any automation or scripted parts at all, only thing I can think of is that big cannon in the one Donkey Kong level. Meanwhile Sonic is littered with crap like grinding, loop-de-loops, 2D segments, swinging on vines, rockets, running from dolphins, etc.
It's simple. We let him die.
Sega hired a person who made fan games
They love fan games
sonic was never good
Generations was decent (even if nothing more), All Star Racing was stellar IMO.
It's not that hard to make a good Sonic game, they've nailed the basics with Generations. Forces will shot if they've learned anything or if it was just a fluke.
There really wasn't much fighting between Metroidfags until ACfag started shitting up the threads and some other shitposters copied him. Everyone pretty much agreed that Super and Prime were good games.
I'm glad we'll get both a 2D game and Prime 4, hopefully making both sides happy.
>grinding, loop-de-loops, 2D segments, swinging on vines, rockets, running from dolphins, etc.
It's not like those moments are entirely automated, though. You can't move Sonic, but you still have to react accordingly to what's going on. There are even shortcuts and other bonuses in some scripted parts.
Cool, I don't want them.
Most of 3D Sonic's issues can be solved simply by introducing a run button. Having a run button means you can have Sonic move at a satisfying pace while still being easy to control without reaching speeds where it's impossible to make fine adjustments. Holding the run button would simply increase the speed ceiling, so you can go really fast if you wanted to.
The Press X to Boost shit can also be replaced by the boosting system in Advance 2, which activated automatically after running at full speed for a while. This means the level design can be built with specific areas where you're free to build up speed and boost and the challenge then would be trying to maintain that boost through following areas.
You mean like this?
or just put him back to adventure style which is where he thrived. just a suggestion, don't mind me.
Adventure-like gameplay is pretty dated and wouldn't fly today. There's a reason it was abandoned after Heroes.
Full control all the time, less scripted on-rail shit.
>want to play this finally
>they announce a remaster
The basic movements are like moving though a swamp.
The controls being functional enough to complete the game are not the issue being raised here.
But user, that would require talent and effort, Sega has none, why do you think they're turning the levels into semi animation movies?
But, that's what I'm suggesting. Except instead of having Sonic constantly on the verge of impossible-to-control speed mode and slow, unsatisfying pace, have a run button that lets you switch between the two.
The problem with Adventure is that Sonic gains too much speed all at once, which is fine when you actually want to run through linear levels, but when they throw you platforming segments, you have to fucking tip-toe between platforms and it kills all fun.
Just take this concept and apply it to more grounded levels with loops and various paths. There. Perfect Sonic game.
I'm so glad people are finally speaking out against these games.
Hopefully Sega is aware and we can get a real 3D sonic game next time.
What this image doesn't take into consideration is how the camera in Adventure doesn't quiet work very well, so if you hold right for a turn, the camera will spaz out, trying to keep steady and you will effectively make a 180 degree turn instead, whereas in future games they realised it would be a good idea to smooth it out.
git gud
That looks like trying to grip a bar of soap in the shower. There's no friction at all.
>I don't actually like the game
>I just like how broken it is and how much you can skip the actual game itself
>that means it's better than a game that is actually good because it isn't a broken mess of terribly designed decisions
This. Modern Sonic had nothing to with classic Sonic anymore, but then the same can be said about Mario.
Modern sonic is about what the classic sonic games where marketed as but didn't end up being.
I prefer modern in the instances where it is done well (unleashed day levels, generations)
>Modern sonic is about what the classic sonic games where marketed as but didn't end up being
Style over substance?
Stop trying to "fix" games and let them breathe for once
Style AND substance.
Thanks for the laugh.
>sega DMCAing fan projects
they're not nintendo son they actually like fanmade shit
>tfw I hate Nintendo more than Sega since the last few years
Give him thighs highs
Dream cast wasn't a bad way to end.