>trying to play video games in this heat
Trying to play video games in this heat
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basement is cool and chill all year
>trying to do anything in this heat
fuck me in the ass i can't stand 3 more months of this crap
On exceptionally hot days I'm forced to play older games since the GPU and CPU temps stay low and don't turn the room into a sauna.
It's actually a good excuse to replay classics.
>so poor that he have to turn down the AC to manage cost
Im living in a flat above the heating cellar, tell me about it
How hot it is? Where are you guys even?
In Japan, 25 here so can't complain yet.
All I play are Valve games. Y'know, probably the most well optimized cool running games of all time.
>trying to play video games in heat
You anons in heat?
>Playing video games in this heat
>fire boss appears
Might live in the UK, right now it's hot as fuck and not many homes have AC because this is one of the only hot weeks in a year
What heat? It's raining and 50 f
>not taking ice cold power showers every 20 minutes
24 Denmark.
With getting into the shower, showering and drying off you're pretty much constantly showering the entire day then.
The fuck
Are you somewhere near the equator? Europe can't be that hot yet.
i want to rub up against sweaty neets and play vidya~
>tfw for once it's pleasantly cool after all the scorching summers
Feels good, but it might be actually too cold for the summer.
>winter in straya
>last few days have been hot as shit
typical its the days i have to go outside as well
Spain. There are even hotter places, Sevilla for example is at 38ºC right now.
Play the right games.
>tfw no one wants to go to the beach on the few days i'm not busy
One of us actually moved there?
Norway, 25. We're used to cold so it's like Satan's asscrack over here for us.
>Being affected by the outside temperature
How do you live without an AC?
with low electricity bills
france, 36 degrees, kill me
But it is cold here
kinda hot around here today
>live in fl
>constantly 80-90f
>summer = rain which means shut loads of humidity making it feel like 120f
>just used to it now
>living in a country where you need AC
>trying to play a game when you're in heat
Aw yes.
The sun rose at 3:30am this morning
fucking ridiculous
Madrid gets 40ºC for a few days every summer.
>years ago visit friend in south and volunteer to help with farm work since his dad keeps shit-talking me about how I'm a 'city' person
>keep up and feel pretty great
>just sit with cold beer to head after work, work catches up and body is wrecked, box fan pointed in my direction
>his dad is laughing at me
>notice friend isn't as sore so I feel like shit, sit up straight and drink beer
>ask what movies or games they have
>"We have super nintendo"
>knowing his dad this isn't surprising, lean up from my chair in interest
>he boots it up and hands me a controller
>no shit super ghouls and ghosts
>tfw have the AC on all day
Glad I'm not from a third world shithole
13°C, Wind S at 10 km/h, 58% Humidity
sucks to be you
All of your temps are cold as shit!
Here in Texas, it's pleasant right now at 80, but it will probably get around 95 today with high humidity.
my showers only last 7 or 10min, that includes drying. You need to get good.
29 Celsius in Bongistan and I can't fucking stand it
Here in Virginia it's 71F
Ever tried baking cookies in your truck cowboy?
>58% Humidity
Are you in a fucking brazilian forest?
You sound like a cool guy.
74% humidity here in canada.
97% humidity here with storms. Oklahoma is no fun.
>there are still people in this world without AC
I remember those days myself. It was awful. You can get pretty decent portable units though now, not as efficient as window/permanent but they work, they're reasonably quiet and you can put them in and out easily with zero screws so might work better for some of you who aren't allowed to do one for the season for whatever reason. Just go grab one.
>Gonna be stuck working in a huge greenhouse 10 while 6 everyday next week
Im not gonna make it lads...
Guys what if the sun fell into earth? How hot would that be?
>tfw neet
>Didn't even realize it's summer
Ah damn that'd be nice.
Nah I got nigger tint on every window of the Silverado. And honestly I couldn't tell you the last time I got in her without remote starting first.
Nah no cooking, won't get hot enough fast enough. But I do always recommend to people not to leave plastic bottles beverages in the bed or cab over 80. The plasticy taste after you do so isn't just taste, it's literally leeched plastic.
You mean felled out of orbit into earth?
yeah how hot do you think everyone would get do you think they'd get embarrassed being all sweaty haha
Ever touched a metal rod that was stuck in a furnace for 30 minutes?
Multiply that by 100
So is your console running fine in this heat, user?
Good /ss/ artist
I can live with it.
>walk to the kitchen to get some cereal
>Florida cicadas already blaring
It's summer
I want to die
41, greece. Chill as fuck.
>13% Humidity
Hard labour outside in a tshirt and jeans feels gr8 here in the PNW. Gaming in a sweater is even better.
That can't happen because Jupiter would make the Sun bounce back first (you think Earth is big but Jupiter is 10 times bigger, going to another continent there would really be a long flight). So it's not even worth considering really.
>Celsius not Fahrenheit burger
I just spent $250 on books. No AC this year, again. Sticking to ice packs and freezies I guess.
You jelly, stupid peendos?
>mfw Florida
You guys dont know shit
>cant afford air conditioning in 2017
Get a job, honestly.
>cold as shit
you're crazy, cowboy
It's 27°c in California
Actually its quite cold.
Gonna have to ramp it up the heat a bit more to get comfy.
Bunch of pussies. These weak fucks are complaining about how terrible 28c is. For you first world Americans, 28c is about 80 degrees F.
I'll go user
36 in France is way worse than 36 in Texas though, due to humidity difference.
Britbong here, 31C in my room right now and i'm literally dying.
Fuck this weather I'm gonna kill the sun
Do you seriously not have any form of air conditioning or at the very fucking minimum a box fan? I refuse to believe faggots are so poor that they are just sitting in the heat taking it up the ass like some people here. I get AC aint cheap, but fuck, just invest and re-manage your budget for the summer.
Sweden, 25. I'm not gonna make it.
30°C here in Italy
>in rooftop appartment
>all windows open
>literally no wind whatsoever
remember to drink boys
they don't even fit
Can't expect advanced countries that send humans to land on the moon and invent nuclear power and the internet to understand some weird primitive 3rd world temperature system.
I'm moving further up north in Canada.
28c, and 86% humidity with no wind.
Even AC isn't making much of a difference.
We're gonna die.
>live in Florida
>not allowed to have Basement cause Hurricanes
check the country first mexifag
>had snow and rain today
>it's currently -2°C outside
It's really sweltering right now.
I know that feel user. FL is suffering.
Fellow Floridafriend
How do we kill FPL
>American image board.
>Didn't specify a unit like other Europeans did.
How's the OnlyMuslims.com dating working out for you? This isn't like your typical cardboard builders forum.
on my way
I can't understand how anyone posting on this site could not manage to scrounge up 30-50 trumprubles and grab some used AC off of craigslist or something and at least have SOMETHING. Yeah new top of the line models that cost $200+ are more efficient and quieter and shit but old ones can still do the basic job and people often flat out give them away or charge the equivalent of a couple of pizzas. You have no fucking excuse, go find minimum wage work for literally like one day and you'd have the money for it.
>>American image board.
>but it's hooot I don't wanna go to the beach
Listen here you little faggot, get in the car
Where is this mystical land?
A light 24 degrees in my part of Ontario right now
>Live in Dumb Ol' Texas
>Work has AC
>House has AC
Living with parents is a blessing
>using fahrenburger
>triple digits not common but not surprising
>little snow past year if any
>high clammy humidity is also an unwelcome but common visitor
I'd share a controller but it's nicely kept and cool since I have AC.