Sup Forums plays gheb FE

>In 2004, Intelligent Systems released the eighth installment of the popular Fire Emblem franchise
>The Sacred Stones was well-received, and released worldwide, gathering many new fans of the franchise
>4 years later, in the height of early imageboard culture, one person thought it would be hilarious and epic to release a ROMhack featuring one boss from the game - Gheb

Ladies(male) and's time to get shitfaced. This is Gheb Emblem.


Assuming it worked, I went ahead and hacked the shit out of the growths and bases, because I'm not feeling like dealing with the bullshit difficulty.

Yes, I cheated. I don't care. This game doesn't deserve playing fair.

That said, I'll be pre-drinking significantly, and every time I fuck up, I'll be taking another shot.


>Gheb emblem
I didn't think something worse than MK404 actually existed.

Absolutely not

just shotgunned my first glass of smirnoff ice.

Let's start this shit.


oh boy

its happendnig

This better be good

someone post the free me Eli meme, this is gonna be a hard ride

2 glasses down.

yes, yes it is.

There's the last of the litre bottle.



show of (you)s, who was like this at some point?

everyone was edgy when they were teenagers

I'm talking more the lolrandom shit.

isn't that was being a kid is all about?


I was a full lolrandom SO EPIK XDDD weeaboo back when I was a teenager.

WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN? It's good to see you.

summerfags killed my conquest run, so I decided to take a break for the summer.

But I got money for booze, so I figured now's a good a time as any to do gheb.

Oh man that shit was bullshit hard


They aren't even weapon puns

>can get doubled in the PROLOGUE
oh boy.

I never made it past the second chapter because it was too hard. How much worse does it get?

It's like a time capsule back to mid 2000's internet, fascinating

>summerfags killed my conquest run
you can at least stream your conquest run so we can see glorious lucky Arthur smite in the name of JUSTICE

>summerfags killed my conquest run,
awww that was going places, i hope for a retry sometime after this shitshow

it wouldn't be a Sup Forums plays if it was stream only m8

I have no idea.

I've been streaming thracia 776 and another sacred stones romhack with shitty, SHITTY sprite hacks to look like tales characters.

Absolutely absurd difficulty from what I remember
I don't know if simply bumping up growth rates would actually be enough to make it fun

well fuck, my hack didn't save right.

guess I'm cheating the old fashioned way.


>Gheb FE
Right, the pinnacle of the pre awakening fanbase

How much incest is in this one


no idea. so far I've seen lots of fat dude on loli.


My brain....ooooooow.

I'm not drunk enough to find this funny.


>Started first PoR playthrough recently.
>Ike is level 5 and hasn't hit STR once
>Look up STR growth


And then Nigger died of alcohol poisoning

what kind of maniac would subject himself to this?

I don't think you can drink enough to make this work.


What the hell nigger, I thought you said you wouldn't play this piece of shit



Don't do this to yourself Nigger, you can kick back and play something good instead.

Nigger is man enough for this, don't be wet blankets

his desire to get drunk surpassed his disdain for loliraeping


I said I wouldn't play it sober.

I'm getting drunk. It's this or playing a good drink hammered.

>1337 speak
What year am I in

How old is this game.

here's my first savestate reset.


2008, n00b!

we 2010 now, 1053R

>playing a good drink

Gheb in FE Musou when?

I didn't even know they made romhacks for sacred stones. Is this the only one? This garbage ass abomination that reads like its fresh out of the ovens at

we got tingle in HW so anything's possible

The one and only, fagola.

No there's a pretty decent amount of SS rom hacks. FE7 is most popular for them but there is Staff of Ages, Midnight Sun, I think Bloodlines is built on SS. None of those are finished though and development stopped completely on midnight sun.


,eant good game.

MK404 also did his sequel in SS

also Tales of the Emblem.


Sacred stones is my favorite by far, though its probably because it was my first before I started playing others. I understand why purists seem to dislike it because the Tower was an outlet to grind for security instead of having to carefully pick and choose which of your characters gets to level more than others throughout the story.

But I've been itching to play it again so Ill give some of these a shot. Thanks for the information fellers.

none of the SS hacks are done or any good.

stick to 7 hacks

or play 8 randomized.

Seriously why the fuck did Gheb become a meme anyway?

There are already like 3 other sexual deviants.


you don't need to remember

what year is this


>2008 was almost TEN YEARS AGO

>none of the SS hacks are done or any good.
FE Girls.

This reminds me of Firsnachi/whatever acct he has now from GameFAQs.

Cancer incarnate

Dank GFAQs memes.

>2008 was almost 10 years ago

I ask myself this every day.

I thought FE Girls wasn't translated?


Its not.


Did Bethany M like buttsex?


What's the flavor text on that?

2008 hack

I remember being a teenager in 2011 and finding out about imageboards and wishing it were 2008 for about half a year. Why.

There's a menu patch but the dialog is still Chinese.


I was expecting something more from Gheb.

Or less, I guess.

Ain't it good enough?


I played and finished Gheb when it first came out.

I liked it.

I'm getting to about 7/10 drunk now.
stream is live. I won't post my stream link as per global rules.

But search by game.

Oh it's this hack. Eh may as well see what the big deal is

So it's gonna be just romhacks until Summer is over?

What can we expect for Fall?

I'm playing gheb because I'm drunk.

I've been doing only streams of thracia and tales of the emblem.

come september....maybe 12!


If you get the president killed again Nigger...

>flirt instead of support

Did you pass out

IRL tomokos are GROSS.

>Nig get so drunk he starts telling us about his previous relationships

oh boy

no, I'm just sharing stories on stream about how tomokos and otherkins aregros.