He reviewed Castlekino
I hated this anime, but i'll be damned if I watch a video by some professional youtube NEET
Eh, little korean girl cartoon, whatever
As some user put it yesterday:
>I expected Vampire Hunter D
>I got the animation of Initial D
>and the writing of Tenacious D
he liked it
>tfw AOTS was USAnime
*tips fedora*
you're wrong
So it's not the greatest show in the world, it is just a tribute?
The townsfolk literally burned Lisa t the stake for witchcraft, user. That's hardly anachronistic.
Hi Sup Forums. You keep posting this image. What do you hope to accomplish?
>Ecclesia is the church
Nope. Ecclesia is a cult. Albus is sent by the church to fuck them up.
>everyone you don't agree with is Sup Forums now
Can this stop, soon?
>Fucking normies am I right guys? ...guys?
>defending netflix
>netflix shills
for fuck's sake how many more brands of shills do we have to contend with here
>he still has cable
I got rid of Netflix after they decided white people weren't their audience.
>You're a shill if you remember SOTN
You had to be there, it was a matter of opinion
It must suck feeling so persecuted :(
>this triggers Sup Forums and Sup Forums
>demon sneaks up on priest
>the redditor claps his hands into bloody stumps
>demon tells priest "god doesn't love you"
>redditor starts laughing until his monitor is soaked in spit and cheeto-infused phlegm
>demon eats priest
>redditor has a simultaneous convulsion and aneurysm from the atheistic dopamine rush
>dies in utter euphoria
Does this mean that Sup Forums is pro-Catholic now? That is surprising.
Wait, hating the church is Sup Forums now? Is just everything Sup Forums now?
I thought atheist shit was like /soc/ or something...
Don't be silly. But let's not pretend that all spaces are for all people. I don't expect newspapers from Indonesia to be in English just for me if I subscribe to them, and Netflix shouldn't expect my money if they start talking about how evil white people are.
It's just basic dignity all around, m8.
what the fuck is kino?
I can't even tell what counts anymore. This is a who's trolling who situation.
white supremacist movements have hated Catholics for generations. Most movements are rooted in Protestant faith. Not saying Sup Forums is a white power ranger, but its not without precedent.
wait, why is he not bald anymore?
>Hates Castlekino
>Calls it anime
>Hates AVGN
>Calls him a youtube NEET
Go back to Sup Forums, you easily triggered faggot.
sorry but no actual Sup Forumsirgins liked your show, netflix marketer, though you seem to be doing your best to make it look like they did
>Sup Forums likes this show
>implying they didn't make the "night cut" of it asap
What the hell are you talking about? Why would you give money every month to people who don't like you?
You earn that money, you should use it more wisely.
season 2 DLC
Why were there no jews?
you dumb little butthurt christfag, why do you feel the need to whine about your poor little cult being accurate represented?
>only reply will be le fedora maymay
They're called "speakers" in the show
Listen, it was alright but it had some incredible flaws.
>Fight scenes are hit or miss. Animation for the Cyclops was on point, parts of the Alucard fight were terrible.
>4 30 minute episodes where nothing fucking happens, horrible pacing.
Seriously, could have done -everything- in 60 minutes.
>Trevor is an unlikeable character
This is obvious but they're doing the whole "apathetic at face value character but really is a great guy" but it doesnt' feel appropriate for a fucking Belmont.
>existence of god and demons
>when supernatural creatures are eating a priest
at best this is antitheist, not atheist
Embarrassingly pleb review. I like James but the only points he had were about the music.
>same guy posts the same pasta to the same webm every day since this show aired
You're posting it yourself just so you can reply to it aren't you
How autistic are you
>if you watch a netflix show, its bcuz ur a shill!
>never mind that literally every Netflix show has a torrent up within hours of going live
What if I told you can enjoy popular things without contributing to their financial success?
*goes into tipping overdrive*
Would you?
He's looking healthier all of the sudden.
>demon tells the evil bishop that god has forsaken him because he started all of this
>eats him alive for his sins
>Sup Forums doesn't like this for some reason
>wanting castlevania accurately represented
>somehow a "christfag"
I've never been called THAT before.
Wait, why? This webm is pretty pro-christianity. Evil bishop is evil, tries to claim God will protect him, Demons tell him God abandoned him because priest is a fucking asshole, demons eat evil priest.
a retard Sup Forums meme that is overdue for a global permaban.
Sounds about right.
*tips fedora*
But seriously. Sounds about fucking right.
>not watching the night cut
>not seeing the SOTN music cut in beautifully
>not having all the bullshit cut out
It's actually good after that
He's been getting higher T ever since he's was uncucked
>hating Warren Ellis
Because muh church, muh reddit, muh fedora
Sup Forums is just as easily triggered as tumblr
Kill yourself, you stupid LARPer.
>liking Warren Ellis
I grew out of dick jokes and pointless swearing every five seconds when I was 17.
We're all gonna make it, user.
>actually shilling your autistic re-edit other anons mocked you for after you tried shilling it in another thread
>he doesn't pay any bills
You think anyone you give money to likes you? They want your money and you give it to them...you stop the money, they stop the services, that's all there is to it.
Perhaps the same could be said to all religions!
So it's good then?
both sides le same XD upvote
who else enjoyed the castlekino netflix btw? rly good lol and epic gore
(this post paid for by NetflixTM marketing department)
You're a shill if you like anything
It's not mine. It's just good. The music is especially fitting
It's a cartoon
Dracula Chronicles X is objectively the best castlevania game and castlevania collection.
I just put my pee fetish to bed, user. Why do you do this to me?
It's not even anime, it's done in a western style, by a western studio, by a western staff.
She gives me Super Girl vibes.
I like her.
I want to drink Sypha's beer!
It's animated. It's anime, you purist faggot.
So he likes it then and just wants more original music?
Okay, cool.
Targo/v/iste BTFO
Yes I too want to drink the urine fellow goyim!
A good show would have people in threads talking about the story, the best moments, most memorable characters, etc.
Castlevania threads seem to be comprised of people arguing about religion and piss fetishists..
>Hi, I'm Sypha Belnades. I lived in a monastery where I trained as a monk and learned magic spells. The Church sent me as part of a team to kill Dracula, and ignored the Belmont clan, since they ex-communicated the clan ever since rejecting Leon aid to save his wife and his use of alchemy to fight supernatural entities. When I went missing, The Pope crawled back to the Belmonts like a little bitch and contacted Trevor to help his as.
>Hi, I'm Yoko Belnades. I'm an officer in the Roman Catholic Church who has been sent to search for Dracula and what remains of his powers. I also have no personality and the game I am from is barebones in its plot, making my character contribute nothing of worth to this discussion.
>Hi, I'm a corrupt Bishop who triggers Christians who are too stupid to understand that I do not represent the entirety of the church and my character is not intended to be taken as such. My character is a cliche, but nonetheless one that has lasted for hundreds of years. The plot line of Lisa Tepes being burned at the stake with a priest condoning the burning is canon and taken straight from SOTN, and the church is never really portrayed as good OR bad in the video game series. Dracula is not the protagonist, Trevor + Sypha + Alucard are, who are interested in the welfare of the people (a Christian value), and the show ultimately pushes those values at the forefront, although butthurt Christians will beg to differ since they can't handle there being a few corrupt priests in a cartoon.
If it's anime for being animated in Korea then the Simpsons is my favorite anime.
Thanks for proving my point autist
Inb4 more autistic drivel and just pretending
Jews don't drink piss. It's not kosher.
>A good show would have people in threads talking about the story, the best moments, most memorable characters, etc.
Anywhere other than Sup Forums, it would.
No it's not, your faggy edits are shit.
>trying THIS hard and still failing
they must be paying you pretty good huh :^)
I see. Family guy is truly the best anime then. You have enlightened me user.
there is nothing funny or endearing about (((this))) and the seemingly automated replies this post always gets raises an eyebrow
So you're saying the show is shit because Sup Forums is too autistic to discuss it without being retarded.
Yeah, go kill yourself.
>implying that fucker walks around and doesn't just lay there watching/playing idol master shit all day
Finish Berserk you fuck
deus vult is on same lvl as tip fedora both posters cringy
Spongebob is anime Kino. At least the first few seasons.
>A good show would have people in threads talking about the story, the best moments, most memorable characters, etc.
And we did until triggered Sup Forumstards and Christcucks started diarrheaing over every thread and snuff any attempt at discussing the show in any meaningful way under cries of "SHILLS! JEWS! KIKES! NETFLIXDRONES!"
>he's never been in a comfy classic anime or movie discussion on Sup Forums
get out newshit
if you look like my pic sure
Threads like this are why we need IDs, it's always one autist baiting everyone into hating something so he doesn't feel alone and an outlier.