The gaming market

early 2000s was the peak on when game developers pushed gaming to the top of its art form

they stopped caring for gaming as an art and made it about the doe when they made resi 4, as mush of a good fuckin game that was it killed the entire franchise and that led to shady business practices and let offs when the crash happened in 2008-2009

Capcom was the top tier of their profession but it give way to so many companies pulling every trick they could to fuck over the consumer

the psn store is such a fuckin joke, theres talk about a ps5 being in the works even though most games on the market are ether 8bit garbage or unity projects that barely kicked off

.) quality control has dropped massively in favor for more profit
.) theres such thing as a triple A title given the impression that i have to see it better than any other game because a greedy company said so
.) pre-orders exist the concept alone should be illegal given the abused nature of what it encourages
.) episodic content ... just... fuckin shameful
.) day one DLC, i don't even agree on dlc given the price for it is just insane amount let alone it being day 1
.) companies that were allowed to grow in the 90s now monopolize the market preventing companies to grow due to lack of regulation and rules to protect them
.) developing games used to be fun and was seen as a dream job now the work force are treated like shit or worse.

the list could actually go on but what im trying to say is we need another game crash like the Atari crash to save gaming as an art form, without it all we have is Japanese border line child porn cartoon RPG's that have the same amount of character development as bleach (the anime and the chemical)

This is what happens when you let your kids spend all their time on Sup Forums.

What the fuck is this

There were a lot of shit games in the early 2000s and there are a lot of shit games now.

I would argue there are more good games now then there has ever been. Games are more consistently good now then they were back then.

i don't hear you refuting it, just dismissing it

its shameful what gaming has become and its growing only as a cancer for children, being mentally trained to accept the practices companies get away with for the sake of profit.

its not in the same ratio and theres nothing but shit games now, standards have dropped and people enjoy app games over actual games and are willing to pay 3 times more for it

App games are shit, and there's an endless slog of shit indies, but big publishers have consistently good games.

>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5

These are all 8/10 or 9/10's that came out this year.

No day one DLC (aside cosmetics for P5)
All very well polished
All great art direction

>Nier: Automata
>Persona 5

5 games woo

now lets look at any year before 2005


>golden eye
>Castlevania Symphony of the Night
>Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
>Star Fox 64
>Quake II
>Age of Empires
>Crash Bandicoot 2
>Tomb Raider II
>Grand Theft Auto
>Yoshi's Story

some of MANY from just that one year alone, your deluded to think theres more good games now that back then and these games aren't just good or decent most of these are remembered as legendary in status

my list is what it looks like to have standards and quality control

nier in a few years from now will be seen as that weeb game that has nice pantie designs, lost in a sea of shit.

>I thought the "13 years later!" was pointing out something on his dick for about 5 minutes

This. None of the games released this year will be remembered as good. There's a reason we consider the big games in the 90s as eternal classics.

it was a subtle way to say what it represented by then 2015=dick

but yeh i can see why you would think that

woah this guy figured it out gaming isn't as good as it used to be

can we like elect this guy to be the president of Sup Forums or something? he seems to know a thing or two...

What is this new meme of typing a full stop in front of a sentence?

Is this a latino thing?



It became that way because videogames went mainstream. That and the "hip" geek/nerd culture.
It brought ignorant normies that were new to videogames and it is because of them why we have these shitty practices in the gaming industry, because they thought that those practices were the norm.

i think there pushing for an even more cancerous future and thats what scares me even further.

Overwatch is the pinnacle of this fear, porn is the advert and ''E sports'' is the goal, not having fun or even having modes to play but skins to show off bums for a high price ((chance)) of getting them in a crate, its just such a fuckin con.

Spitting reals while the others spitting feels. Good work bros.

It sickens me to think that people thought this year was in any way "good" for gaming.

>no replies to this
I take it everyone agrees with this? Good. We shouldn't be okay with redditors parading literal shit in front of our faces.

Almost makes me want to cheer on the FCC in killing NN, just to spite these cucks,

Behold, the pinnacle of modern gaming!

Remember kids, FFVI, Mario 64, OOT, those are classics.

This, right here, is schlock.

so true.. agenda based shit, completely forgot about that jesus christ its even more horrid of a situation than it already is.

>Almost makes me want to cheer on the FCC in killing NN, just to spite these cucks,
be careful user, you just triggered the libcucks who want government to decide what we browse!

So much this, just watch triggered redditors screech at us tho, it will be the funniest shit lol. fucking agenda pushers, every game released this year is a fucking scam.

>tfw i don't know what order to read this image because i've read too much manga
feels good, kinda

go back to sucking government cock bootlickers. youre the reason gaming is 1984 now.

kh, typical nugamer
"i dont wannabe redpiled on the state of gaming lol, feels good!"
bootlickers, seriously fucking cancer.

If people here played more games they wouldn't have this wrong opinion.
It's the same as every thread on this site "I do't play games, I just shitpost about them"

Wouldn't call Nier well polished but I agree.

>they stopped caring for gaming
that's not how it works, dumbshit - enthusiast game devs who want to try new ideas just went independent, since the publishers won't give a penny for a massive-budget title with risky design document

>Wouldn't call Nier well polished
right, its forgettable weebshit that will only be remembered for fanservice, what a shit game

>but I agree.
aaaaaaaannnnnd you lost me, good job reddit you suck corporate cock yet again

this, f people actually played more 90s and early 00s classics then the general opinon on this year in gaming would take a fucking nosedive. and it would be glorious

and all indies devs are just sjw agenda pushing cucks, they dont fucking matter

Can't blame them, games are so shit now a days it's funner to shit post about them and false flag

>This image
Good god, I'm glad I'm not THAT cynical. It's like they hate any sort of fun!

>and all indies devs are just sjw agenda pushing cucks, they dont fucking matter
yet people play many great games no matter who the devs are, because they are not massive sperglords from Sup Forums

Have you played Nier or Automata? Honest question.
Are you a PC Gamer?
Do you own any consoles?

Wanna know how I know you're retarded?

>Capcom was the top tier of their profession
have to stop you there. they had some good programers once, sure, but they've always tried to sell their games/licences as hard as they could to as many platforms as possible, usually quality-be-damned
don't forget who invented on-disc-DLC

>yet people play many great games no matter who the devs are
there hasnt been a great game in over a decade, stop deluding yourself
because they are not massive sperglords from Sup Forums
ooooh i get it, back to r*ddit bootlicker

not an argument
back to your nepshit

its true tho. stop being blinded by corporate cock.

Being a jaded faggot is not good you know

underage detected


kek i was talking about manga, though, nigger

>right, its forgettable weebshit that will only be remembered for fanservice, what a shit game
you didn't even play the game, don't lie on this japanese kintsugi forum

Please answer What was the last game you played?
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

at this point sonic forces is a sum up of all of my point combined

sonic with custom character feature to target the fan base thats heavy into the porn and they know it, rehash of the old ones AGAIN and

>who want to try new ideas just went independent
like mighty no.9... i rest my case
>massive-budget title with risky design document
every game in the 90s was just this but they went for it because they dared to dream big they wanted to see if they can push the mark of quality to new hights, your not getting that with 8bit psn cancer spread everywhere.

>yet people play many great games no matter who the devs are
you mean children
>great games
>no matter who the devs are
so much wrong in this statement jesus christ

capcom didn't invent episodic dlc and yet they went for it anyway, if you practice it your at fault and they had it all but it went out the window when they realized they didn't have to try anymore, resi 5 proved that

*ignore the extra and i didn't want to actually list even more points on the new sonic i made my point on it enough.

The vidya industry is an industry heavily influenced by trends and always has been. The internet has made the world smaller in a sense. So the trends that the vidya industry have gotten more homogenized over time as to appeal to the biggest crowd in this more interconnected world to that compared of even a decade ago.

Shit should come as no surprise to anyone, though not saying one should just accept or like it, since everything happening today was only inevitable since vidya being a for profit business it will obviously, as it has be shown to have been done in retrospect, follow the trends of what makes the easiest and biggest buck.

>could of
"Another"? What was the other FIRST PERSON Resident Evil game exactly?
>inb4 one of those arcade shooters
We both know that's not what you meant.

>would of
>could of

is there a more obvious indicator of somebody being an uneducated fuck than this?

even if this is bait, its still fucking autistic

>Directed by
Produced by
>the ""genius"" behind Color Splash and Fed Force
the producer of Metroid Prime 1, 2, and 3.

STFU, OP. Just be happy that Resident Evil isn't dead.

i would rather it be dead than be something it wasn't

>be happy that you have a hill billy chase simulator than an actual resi game

nope, i don't think i can be.

he says this while posting anime girl reaction images


Christ that sounds terrible. Just fucking type Resident Evil.
Your autism doesn't explain your picture that well. Bullet points all over the place with no discernible commentary besides the Remake.

I see that you praised the original remake for the incredible difference from the 1996 version. But then you compare it with RE4. Which has the same graphics, and is on the same console as the remake.

Is this a complaint? Because it's still limited to the Gamecube.

Then you have the "2 year before resi remake"
I don't see the point you are trying to convey. It's the same as all of the early games, just a fucking Hallway zombie shooter with graphics that are a bit more improved from the original.

The one year after post is on par with the remake. Still a hallway shooter.

HD remaster is literally that. The base fucking game with modern graphics. Did you expect them to actually re-do the entire game? No. It just ups the textures for profit.

And then the RE7 panel. Literally nothing wrong with first person horror. Adds to the immersion.

None of the games besides 7 have even been slight horror. just "shoot this zombie, kill this giant spider boss"

Tl;dr You're complaining about a franchise described as a horror game that's now finally a horror game and you're unhappy.