Rate my Splatoon 2 setup

Rate my Splatoon 2 setup.

This is absolutely retarded. Remind me again why Nintendo couldn't add a Ethernet port to their console for the millionth time?

>pull head back
>switch falls and breaks on top of your phone
10/10 design

You forgot to include the Modmic and its cable to participate in voice chat


>3 separate devices
>All wired together
>Portable gaming
You just know there's a whole team of people at Nintendo just silently hoping they still have jobs.

This is a good system. When you're gaming, you most likely already have your phone near you. So why not use your phone to set up lobbies and chat?

How about just plug directly into the console?

Ethernet? USB adapters are like 15 bucks, it's not that big a deal. The console has plenty of bigger problems.

I'm just waiting for thr inevitable photos of fat retards strangled by cables in public places

is this bait?

Wait, what. Can't you connect a regular audio jack straight to the switch?

Needs more cables desu

Nope. The online system is done entirely through a phone.

lol,no. Nintendinnovation user!

As horrible as this is, how many people would even use voicechat on a nintendy console?
Call me a drone but I really don't feel like voicechat is necessary on a Nintendo console.

Welcome to 2004 nintendo

Wow. That's fucking bad.


You're not forced to use it

>muh honorary
>soulless design

ehehe buy a proper game system made by white people next time

the levels of nintendodrone assblasting over this is hitting record levels

So Xbox and nothing else?

It's horrendous. The worst part is, it's so fucking easy for them to get shit right.


I keep hearing shit like this and I need to ask
Do american """adults""" actually play with their nintendo toys in public?
I know burgers are all manchildren but that's still pathetic

Rate mine.

Its really the only "white" console out there unless we go retro.

depends on your definition of "adult". if you mean over the age of 18, yes. if you mean someone that is capable of taking care of themselves without assistance, no.

i would take being an aspie burger on SSI over being some europoor or third worlder any day of the week though

>Nintendo expects players to pay for online

Cool 7/10 what weapon do you plan on using.

>play a match of splatoon
>immediately go on my phone while waiting for next match

How do I stop this?

All the retards on this site bought it knowing full well they'd need to pay for it. I hate how much praise this thing gets.

good thing reviews for splatoon 2 were out before this voice chat mess, imagine the shitposting if it got a score in the low 70s

use an android emulator on your pc. have your switch plugged into your first monitor, have switch app and discord/skype on the other. 2 monitors + pc is the patrician way of playing splatoon 2

More setup pics pls

the best thing is that someone is going to defend that anyway

They'll inevitably bring out a second version of it that'll come with all this bullshit built in, and all you'll need is a regular headset that plugs into one of the joycons. Early adopters always get fucked over, I learned this with the 360. Just wait.

>nintendo autists will actually do this

holy fuck if you fags ever see this shit IRL please take pictures

nintentoddlers unironically pay $10 a month to use this service

I would believe you but I haven't pc gaymed on a desk in years.

Here is a fresh one.

Post pictures of Nintendo manchildren playing at Nintendo demo kiosks, please.

This will become the new "plane does a 360, Switch flies out the window" meme, won't it?

What's that distance in non-retard units?

Honestly based MacGyver would fix this mess in no time.


Kill yourself

Doesn't Nintendo recommend being 5ft away from other devices to prevent the Joycons from acting screwy? How the fuck does this work?
>about to kill enemy
>Joycon doesn't register
Fuck that noise

Speaking of which, does anyone have that picture of the fat guy taking creepshots of people playing Nintendo demo kiosks? The one where his shadow was showing?

You found it on reddit / 10

Less than 1 meter in 3rd World units.

Half an Arshin.

Are you getting mixed up with this one?

I remember some from years back where some guy was taking pictures of kids playing PS4 at a kiosk and saying ''PS4 is the real baby console, not the Wii U.''

I think you guys are both remembering it wrong. Unless there are more of these

Forgot the picture.

Don't forget if your phone's screen turns off while you're talking, you drop from the chat.


White people have never designed anything other than a few guns

>Switch has great games available and more on the way
>But you need to pay $20 for the year to play online, so everyone should hate it
Go find a new hobby, nobody wants you here.

No there actually was some guy taking pictures of kids playing xbox one or ps4, can't remember, but he called them plebs or some shit

>So why not use your phone to set up lobbies and chat?
Or what if
hear me out
what if

You could do that through the game itself?

Enjoy your 600$ + console.

>joycons are advanced
>voicechat is some 90s tier shit

First, the online service isn't even available yet, so nobody is paying for it. Second, it's $20/year, which means the cost is completely inconsequential. If you can't afford $20 a year, well honestly, I don't know how you even manage to live.

Damn that is one fly looking headset...

who's this cutie

Nintendo wants to double dip by releasing a future switch with all of this built in. Too bad they getting fucked in the ass by Apple buying all the parts.

that would require me to play the stupid game

Someone get the milkers, this one's overflowing!

Literally nothing wrong with removing ethernet as long as you give the device 4 USB ports in the back.

Wii U having two USB 2.0 ports was inexcusable though.

Here's a challenge guys

Find a situation where this is BETTER than the xbox/playstation solution

That's my GF. Back off if you don't want any trouble.


>mom calls my phone
>voice chat gets immediately interrupted

i remember prank calling a shit ton of people using this

It's better for if you want to get irritated.

5 years ago on the Playstation Vita.
Use the built in microphone+speakers to voice chat, or plug in a headset or use bluetooth.


MS hasn't been white for 10 years

you think this be a joke image, but its actually true

No it's the NDF.


>yfw friendcodes still exist

How does this work with the dock?

Thanks for the laugh nintendo

delete b4 ban

None of these guys are fat enough.

Needs a cable to power the pad, too.
Wouldn't want to run out of charge in the middle of a vital match, after all.


Are we still pretending it needs the slightly bulky splatoon cord between the switch and phone or am I the only one who actually seems to know that it required?

No, we don't. That's how you get mugged here.

Sorry meant not required

Where can I buy that headset? I'll use it for my PS4 and PC.

Sorry, I'm not telling you.. I'm only letting my Nintenbros in on this bad boy.

It's shit.

Here you go.

You better start spilling it and tell me where I can get one?

You got any proof that I know where to get one?

gotcha covered

Thank god my rec room setup will give me a far superior albeit still kinda flawed alternative.

What's the big deal? I think it's a good idea that Nintendo keeps chat on a separate device. I would rather have the ram usage be entirely for my game. Nintendo needs to cut their costs down to make their system affordable, it's better to use other's hardware than their own.

Nintendo knows what they're doing. I'm defending this.