Join discord channel for new players for a game

>join discord channel for new players for a game
>play with someone
>check their Steam profile
>they have 300+ hours on record

Wanna play with me, cutie?

>anime poster

Don't call me that.

The game is Rev 2.

Wanna play with me, handsome?

Fuck off

>Space Jin
My balls are not ready

Please be nice...

Just tryna get my dick wet, bitch.



>shocked by 300 hours

are you new to games, user?

>join pixiv discord channel
>Space Zin kicks you in the balls

VR should succeed if only to give these people the containment world they deserve.

I'm not shocked by it, I'm simply saying 300+ hours is hardly "new player".

He's in the new player channel

>join eve online new player channel
>filled with characters made 8 years ago with over a thousand hours of gameplay
>no one bats an eye

>join a new player channel in an mmo that's 10 years old
>ask questions related to the game
>get told to fuck off

its not like theres many pc xrd players tho
no need to be surprised

>join discord channel
Hmmm, now where could my prechanology posters be?

Look faggot, you at least gotta include the source in the filename for your crops

If you don't recognize the artist you need to lurk more or learn to read

That was rune scape for me in 2004. It wasnt a competetive game so why were people so unhelpful?

>drop game completely after being destroyed by a "new" player with no fighting chance
What's her name Sup Forums?

None because I'm not a casual

Don't even bother.

I can recognize Space Jin's work based on the eyes, it's just the principle of the matter

shit boat 2hu komachi is better