Nice AI Larian
Divinity Original Sin 2
Totem-chan is my waifu!
Daily reminder that if you want Sebille in your party but can't stand her Shadow the Edgehog questline, you can simply play as her and not pick the edgelord options.
Is it possible to not have Fane in party and still take the mask from Wendigo and use it as an undead?
There's no reason not to have Fane in your party so the question is irrelevant.
>Slow combat
>Classic terrible Larian writing
>Their writing is so bad that they don't even bother actually writing your dialogue now, they just type out how your character acts instead of actually showing it
>Most boring narrator of all time
>Annoying voice acting
>Random loot
>The 2.0 A.I. is still dumb as bricks
>Pixel hunting for no reason other than added padding
They learned nothing. It's the same shit as the first game.
Can you get opportunist as a rogue and get backstab attacks of opportunity?
>be a skeleton
>summon a poison totem
>totem starts shooting at me when I'm hurt for free healing
>slow combat
Stopped reading there. Kill yourself you stupid faggot
Im playing an undead wizard and didnt want to double up roles
God why are people are so mad that this game is great and doing well
>Poison heals skelemen
I need to buy this game
There's a very vocal subgroup on Sup Forums that hates every new RPG that comes out except The Witcher.
anyone know what the patch files for 142.47 are? Playing pirated copy with friends and want to rid the savefile bloat already.
Memes aside, what is the Sup Forumseredict?
Currently doing a 2-hand/aero knight type character. I want aero mainly for the utility. Do I need to level INT all that much, or can I focus mostly on STR and CON?
do i need to play os 1 to get this?
Is OS2 considerably better than 1 or should I keep trucking through 1 and THEN get 2?
Is it really worth forty-five bucks? Should I wait for it to go on sale?
Writing is a little better, combat is worse. If you are enjoying 1 keep sticking with that probably
no, its 1000 years later you wont miss too much
If you're only focused on for utility you can just level aero a bit and not worry about stacking int
>2 days later
>still can't decide on what race to pick, what class to pick, what companions to pick and what name to pick
Fucking impossible artificial difficulty bullshit game
I'm having fun with it. I did lower the difficulty because I was sick of going through every encounter multiple times.
Skellymans are the best race
>poison heals you
>poison potions are easier to make and more effective than healing potions
>immune to bleeding
>immune to instakill deathfog
>your fingers count as lockpicks (because "skeleton keys" and Larian loves lame puns) as long as you have the right Thievery skill
>the Play Dead skill is OP as fuck if you're not stupid
>you can still be any race you want ie human skeleton, dwarf skeleton, etc.
The only downside is that healing magic works like poison on them and afaik there's no convenient way to get rid of heal poisoning like there is for regular poisoning. But since you can just poison yourself to heal up that's rarely an actual issue.
Most OP party is 4 skeletons with summoning skills so you can just sit behind your totems while sipping poisoned martinis.
>combat is worse
You only need INT for damage. If you don't use magic to deal damage you don't need INT.
>another str con faggot appears
Don't ever do that in larian games user, you can be knight all you want, just don't spec into shitfare or str. Go int, grab some touch spells, take some necromancy even.
>just don't spec into shitfare or str
But why
Just started this game, maybe 7 hours in. Give me your best tips, without spoilers.
I have the dwarf (made him go knight), the singing lady (enchanter), elf girl (told her to go wizard) and fane as MC (rogue)
Did I make mistake for rolling rogue? I figure it's handy to have someone scout ahead, steal shit, unlock stuff and similar
>mfw my fighter red prince is absolutely top tier with high str con
It's virtually the same thing as OS' combat, but with a tedious armor system thrown in to make the first few turns of every fight a straight trading of blows and to disincentive having a balanced party of mixed damage types
How is it not worse than OS's combat
Summoning is so unbelievably lame and brokenly op at the same time if you take it on more than one character.
>hurr shitty totems
>hurr recolored imps
i keep getting me ass kicked in os1
how do i git gud?
>not using Phoenix Dive to jump around while dealing damage and being immune to fire
>not using Bull Rush and Battle Stomp to keep everyone locked down
>not be a knight Chad annihilating wizard virgins all day with your big dicksword
wew lad
Are you kidding me? Sup Forums fucking despises witcher 3.
An all phys party is way better than anything else I've seen so far in this game. Tons of direct damage chews right through even high phys armor enemies, and every party member being tough as nails means that you never need to worry about ccing everything ASAP to keep squishy wizards alive.
>complaining about armor
How to spot a shitter. git gud
It is tho.
Oh I see, I thought you were actually going to try to have a discuss about the merits and faults of this game, but instead you just wanna shitpost and collect your paycheck from Swen
It's easily the most shilled RPG on Sup Forums unless you call Bloodbourne an RPG.
What Sup Forums are you browsing?
Abuse cheese tactics, like any other CRPG.
People keep pretending these games are deep but there's usually one very viable character build and several wrong builds, just google the best one and go at it.
How the FUCK are you supposed to keep Malady alive?
>summon one every turn
>before long fucking absurd 100 damage totem battery throwing out shitloads of damage and status effects errywhere
>worst case they spend a shitload of time attacking them instead of you
MVP of the early game hands down imo
You can be tough as nails as wizard too. Armor is much better way to tank shit than hp pool, and even then you can build high hp casters without sacrificing any of the sheer casting utility or damage.
This one? You literally can't have a Witcher thread without someone calling it the worst game ever made, usually coupled with cherry-picked webm of the combat.
git gud
How widespread are the game breaking bugs? Seems like save bloat and eventually being unable to load is happening for a decent amount of people.
I honestly want a group of filthy casuals to play this with and just do whatever we feel like.
So far the scariest enemy I've fought so far as been a Scare Crow
>Turn one Evade Aura
>All attacks are magical and hit for 150 non crit
>If it breaks your magical armor you hit it with terror aura
>Terror aura makes you run around in fear until you get new magical armor/calm mind/enrage
>Summons 5 other scare crows that hit just as hard
>Seems like save bloat and eventually being unable to load is happening for a decent amount of people.
They released a hotfix for that an hour or two ago.
I like the idea of armour, more varied vulnerabilities and strengths, E.G. mages take on the people with low magic armour, everybody else takes on low armour ones, but in practice, it really is just a stat check.
It's why I'm not playing yet.
The first game was also a broken mess at launch too.
I'm excited as fuck for this game but I think it's better to wait a month before I go trough a play trough.
Speaking of which is there any kind of save import from the first game? While I wait to play 2 I wouldn't mind going trough 1 again.
>TW3 and its expansion are shilled endlessly on Sup Forums even though it's long after release
>b-but some guy said he didn't like game this means Sup Forums is anti-TW3!
top lel
user are you confusing normal discussion with shilling again?
This guy? Taken down almost in one turn in tactician but the damage they deal is ridiculous so I had one member dying almost right away and ironically nobody else after.
It's too binary and there's too much of it imo. Maybe something like having %chances for CC to affect enemies that raises as you lower their armor would make it feel better, but having to chew through potentially tons of armor just to do any damage or for CC to have ANY effect feels absurd.
yeah him, I think I was under leveled, as you can see I only have 1 source bar and really few moves
also nice skelly bro
>classic mode
>tfw can't decide who to play as
I'd like a party of Fane/Ifan/Beast/Sebille but I just cannot pick between playing as Fane or Sebille. Fane seems great but also like he'd work much better as a party member and not an MC; I'd rather see him sitting around not caring about the sinking boat than running around saving lives. Sebille's story seems like shit but flesh sacrifice is strong, eating flesh for skills is good, and scoundrel/poly looks very fun. Would I still be forced to attack the people that Sebille always aggros if I were playing as her?
What spell is this?
I was using this at the time of the webm. I used to like it much more than the one I'm using right now.
yeah I really like the plate armor in the game, but I'm only level 9 just got to the reapers coast haven't done much exploring yet.
I am using Lohse as my mage secondary character, since she starts with water/Restoration. What does Fane start with?
Where the fuck can I get a magnifying glass?
How EPIC was your fight with Alexander? Mine was bretty good I r8 it an 8.
>Resisted by physical armor
I had to stop using Fane as my avatar because it felt so weird being kind and helpful when Fane is really kind of a pretentious dick
He's way more enjoyable as a party member
blacksmith chick right inside the gate in the very beginning sells one
This is what I'm currently using. Don't like it as much. Also, not sure in what difficulty you are playing but good luck on the dwarf cave. You'll know when you get there.
Onslaught, costs 4 AP and 2(two) source points.
do premade characters tend to be easier in these games?
Literally just break the physical armor and then taunt.
should i play one of the origin characters as MC or make my own ?
Yeah that sounds loads better. It feels really bad to use any abilities before you break it.
origin char or custom ? pro's and con';s ?
Origin unless you are heavily into role playing. There is no benefit to picking a non-origin character, and if you pick an origin character you get to do a their questline,
I really wish there was cosmetic slots in this game. Just so you can have a team of cool looking adventurers and not some mix matching pukeboys
Does Vampiric hunger from the hydro tree heal skellies or no?
How the hell do you make poison bottles? Wiki said empty potion bottle + intestines but that doesn't work.
I've been in 3 Divinity threads these past few days and seen this exact same post in every one.
Keep at it, buddy. You're a hero.
>teleport gheist away
>Used Loshe and arrows to charm
>Watched the hilarity as the gheist piss raped the magisters.
r8 my party
>Undead Geomancy/Summoning
>Human Aerothurge/Summoning
>Lizard Pyrokinetic/Summoning
>Dwarf Hydrosophist/Summoning
Summoning / 10
So what the point of cursed items? There is no way to remove it (I tried bless nothing happens) and they downsides are waaay to big for the marginally better stats it provides.
>spam totems every fucking turn
who thought this was balanced
I know this is a discussion for original sin 2, but I have to ask if anyone else thinks that archers are by FAR the best class in the first one. It feels like if I don't take out archers first, i'm bound to lose the battle.
>get to blackpits
>try to save people people being executed
>not enough stats to persuade
>try to save person from being hanged some where else
>after two waves of durable oil void blobs, waves of void equally durable flaming void blobs
jesus fuck