Villain gives a detailed speech laying out his motivations and actions

>villain gives a detailed speech laying out his motivations and actions
>hero has no valid counter-arguments and resorts to calling him a poopie-face

Other urls found in this thread:

>villain is butthurt that nothing was just handed to him in life and takes it out on innocent people.
>he dindu nuffing wrong guys.

>the world is shit, therefore I'll just kill people at random.
Even Monokuma had better motivation than him.

>villain has no valid argument in the first place and just is having a tantrum about his shit life
>no counterargument is needed

>Making people confront their shadow

He was trying to make the world a better place by making people accept their true selves, if you didn't accept your shadow it would kill you

He didn't know about any of that.
He pushed then in for the sole purpose that it would kill them.

If I put a gun in your hand, pointed it to your head, and forced you to pull the trigger, it would still count as murder.

That was based Eyeball Sphere's motive, not that fucking manchild.

>Villain murdered his victims because they didn't want to suck his dick
>Protagonist doesn't kill him

>Pritagonist teams up with him in the spinoff

>He was trying

He couldn't do anything. It was all Ameno-Sagiri and Izanami using him in the end as their trial for mankind to go through to prove their point.

Adachi is a coward who takes his own problems in life out on innocents.

I won't lie, if this was really true, this would have made his a hundred times better villain

technically suicide but under duress

Adachi was full of shit from the start. He might've claimed that what he was doing was for the greater good, but he really just wanted to kill people.

If he was really like how described however, he'd be the only good Persona villain.

What actually happened was Yukiko, easily the second least intelligent of the entire group, saying that he made no sense, to which he had basically no response. Adachi was a massive faggot which is why Sup Forums likes him. Making him out to be anything more than that is practically missing the point.

you're right. The fact that all his victims didn't want to fuck him was just a coincidence.

You're confusing him with the other guy. Adachi just liked being an asshole.

How in the FUCK do I beat her? I'm level 80 and my party is drained by the beginning of the second phase

You must have posted the wrong pic OP
Here's a real example

literally just use soul food P4 hands you so many

I ate them all at eyeball guy, I didn't know there was a true final boss.

then open golden chests in the final dungeon until you get one

No, that would be Persona Summoning

Fuse a yoshitsune

That would a cool Persona scenario actually
>Villain is forcing people to face their shadow because he thinks the world will be better for it
>But many people are unable to do so yet without deserving to die
>Some of the people who confronted their Shadow and got a Persona are abusing it because you don't need to be a good or very rational person to do so.

Guess I got some grinding to do, thanks for the help.

>I tried using my job to hit on females
>They rejected me so I pushed them into a TV
>Oh yeah, and I'm under the control of two powerful beings, so me being a dick is justified.

Holy shit.

>Villain is a moron who thinks that just because he has a motive means nobody is allowed to interfere with his killing

Do you have Asperger's?


Adachi is literally a manchild that hasn't even started his life proper. He's not even 40 yet but acts like his assignment to inaba is the rest of his career.

Counter argument?

How about

>murder is wrong

Good night to you as well my fellow edgy channers.

are they the same guy?

Yeah, I saw your post in that Sup Forums thread. It wasn't funny then, and it's not funny now.

>hero ends up agreeing with the villain

>Life's not fair
>So I'm allowed to just kill people

When the fog in TV World lifts, regular shadows go berserk and murder everything on their way. Neither Mayumi or Saki were killed by their own Shadows,. In fact you actually see Saki being torn apart by them but since it's before IT knows the context, no one really cares.

As for the OP, Adachi didn't deserve a counter-argument and wasn't supposed to be argued with in the first place. He's an example of what happens when you reject other people. The player spends 70 hours working on becoming a better person and his connections with charatcers around him, rest of IT spends the year improving themselves and their own lives while also working on their own bonds, you solve issues of all kinds of people and try to help them understand their life and situation, leading to changing their lives for better. Devs sort of expected you to remember and understand what were you doing for the last 95% of the game.

>Year ago
>/r9k/ makes him the poster boy villain of the board
>People unironically take him at face value as being right
>Argue against them relentlessly
>People are calling him out on his bullshit
I'm so proud, Sup Forums.

>You're confusing him with the other guy
No, he's right. He got mad at Saki for not wanting to fuck him.

Have a more obscure godly eye

>Reminder that Rise is forever tainted by having her final voice actress in the series farewell game being Ashley Birch.

I mean it isn't like you can just put down your weapons and talk it out. Shit would've been awkward considering the lengths the IT took

Not really.

I only played P4, and I don't watch streamers. Checkmate.