These are currently the top 25 indie games to play right now according to PC Gamer

These are currently the top 25 indie games to play right now according to PC Gamer.

25. Gone Home
24. Proteus
23. Papers, Please
22. N++
21. West of Loathing
20. Crypt of the Necrodancer
19. Bastion
18. Her Story
17. Dungeons of Dredmor
16. Lovely Planet
14. Oikospiel
13. The Stanley Parable
12. SOMA
11. Thumper
10. Nidhogg 2
9. Fez
8. Night in the Woods
7. Kentucky Route Zero
6. Stardew Valley
5. Undertale
4. Kerbal Space Program
3. Hollow Knight
2. Darkest Dungeon
1. Spelunky

Did your game make the list?

I've only playd about half of this list but I'm not sure any of them are really worth playing desu...

>25. Gone Home
Stopped reading there.

Darkest Dungeon is one of my favorite games ever, didn't like some of the changes they made down the line, but it's great still.

>No FTL: Faster Than Light
Into the trash it goes

>4. Kerbal Space Program
>3. Hollow Knight
>2. Darkest Dungeon
well at lest they got some things right

Rocket League is my favorite but didn't make the cut

>no isaac
list is invalidated
go home everybody

>Factorio isn't #1
Shit list TEE BE AITCH

I couldn't get through 10 minutes of that. It was so fucking boring.