Destiny 2

>not releasing pc version for more than a month after console
What were they thinking?

I can't wrap my head around it either. What, are they trying to make sure it works well on pc or something? The game was fine during the Beta test so what could cause them to prolong Destiny 2's Pc release?

Shouldn't take a whole month, but removing auto aim exploits is, I hope, pretty high on their priority list.

>whole month
You mean two months.

That people would be too impatient and buy two copies.

Patching the game so pcbros won't scream and ruin destiny 2's reputation.

I stopped caring about the wait, less downtime before the DLC. If you played on console you already ran out of shit to do

could be any number of things

all I know is enjoy your dead game when it comes out on PC. the last month has been fun but everybody will be done with it by the time PC drops, and all the fun secrets will have long been figured out

what I expect is the PC pvp will be even worse. the whole meta revolves around MIDA and I only see that getting worse with mouses involved

one more thing. This game really isn't meant for PC since aim assist is a stat on the guns. some of them snap right to crit spots with minimal input, others you have to aim yourself, and that stat becomes pretty redundant without a controller

It just made me not care honestly. I skipped destiny 1 and from what I here and have seen, I didn't miss much. Destiny 2 is more of the same with less content, the same braindead AI and awful class variety. I could've gotten it on ps4 too but meh I don't care anymore, just gonna play total warhammer 2.

It's really not that hard to figure out if you have two brain cells. Sony and Microsoft clearly have a deal with the developers to release the game for console first to boost their sales.