Opus Magnum

Just downloaded this game, I like it even though I may not have the most efficient of solutions.

This dev makes the most autistic games. I'm kind of impressed, but I'll never play them. Space Chem just made me angry.

Hello brainlet. Computers will take over any job you could be qualified for in the next 5 years.

>This dev makes the most autistic threads about his shitty "game".

They said that 15 years ago.

They were right. Delivery bots drive around and deliver food to people on campus at my school now. They are perfecting self driving cars. If phone tech service isnt outsourced, its automated. How many manufacturing jobs have turned into purely autonomous factory lines by now?
You're just lucky to have escaped until now, but you're next.

Computers could never do some jobs like weaving, glassblowing, and other trade jobs

>fun and puzzles are autism
Fuck off faggot
SpaceChem was retardedly difficult after a certain point though, I'll give you that

You're insane. Ive seen machines that weave thread, made entirely out of fucking legos. Glassblowing would be easier for a robot which could shape superheated glass directly.

Computers will not create art anytime soon, or at least meaningful art. Computers also wont solve real difficult human problems anytime soon. Your best bet is to learn to code, do science, or engineer. Course, you could be an artist and be secure in your poverty no matter what.

I just bought this too. Can anyone explain the scoring to me? I mean it's kind of self explanatory what the three criteria are, but is one more important than another? Like for this first lead to gold job, I have one that's 70g/106 cycles/11 area, and I have another that's 60g/136 cycles/7 area. The difference is just whether I use a single arm or a six arm assembly. The six arms make it significantly faster but it costs a little more and is bigger. So I'm trying to figure out which is the better machine?

Where did you have difficulty? It didnt take too long to plug in the answers when I found them online.
It's a puzzle game, you're not meant to play it without help. That's like being allowed a calculator for a math test and deliberately not using one.

Oh and also what's up with the graphs that represent the scoring criteria? Is that comparing my machine to others on Steam or something?

>witch is da betteh mawsheen :Dddd
You cant seriously be this stupid. It's fucking mind boggling.

In game, it doesn't matter. Any solution is a good enough solution for the game. Optimizing is a purely personal experience, and frankly the most fun part. Pick one of the three, or just multiply them all together, it doesn't matter as long as you have a goal.

Yeah fuck me for being unclear on whether cost/size or speed is more desirable...geez

The stupid part is that you believe there's an objective answer

Oh, it didnt say "Sandbox game" in the tags, so i guess I've just been cheated out of my money.
Thanks, shitbag

I was wondering if there was an aggregate score somewhere that takes all three criteria into account. Go jack off or something man, your mood may improve.

>so i guess I've just been cheated out of my money.
You're retarded

Dont fucking speak for me, turd.
Sorry, I didnt know that you didnt know what the leaderboards were. Yes, those are global scores for each category. I try to make 3 solutions, one which gets the least score in each graph. Or at least I go for one of them the first time around.
Try making 2 solutions, one good cycles and the other good area. You'll see that your position on the graph is the best of both, even though you didn't make a solution which has both good scores.
Its one of the features of zachtronics games which makes them 3x replayable.

Oh that's pretty cool, okay. I'm still not really sure what prompted your first reply lol but thanks.

What the fuck am I making and why is it working?

But they're right.
If you're unable to use computer efficiently you're greatly narrowing your job pool.
Even shit like warehouse work is rolling up things that separate people did into one job, like inventory management which was traditionally done by clerks is now being done by the grunts thanks to computers.

Well, if difficult problem solving means autistic for you, fair enough.

Very funny. Come back to me after you have 100% Jonathon Blow's The Witness, you fucking engisneer.

I have no idea, it's possible the most embarrassingly bad airship fuel I've ever seen.
And that's including the Loss one.

fuck ofd

Good, maybe we'll get a universal income sooner.

God youre going to get rustled to bad its going to be actually sad
Weaving and glassblowing? Yeah sure

This. The rise of the NEETs approaches.

Game is great but its a lot simpler and easier than Spacechem
Once you get the gimmick there's pretty much no puzzle you cant do and it will be fairly optimized already

Is Spacechem fun?

Just got this game, not that good yet but damn is it satisfying to see your solution go.

What is infinifactory like in comparison to opus magnum? I really liked this but i've run out of stuff to do.

They're graphs of other peoples scores, so you can compare your solutions to other peoples averages. You can optimise for whatever you want area / cost / cycles depending on what interests you, aesthetics is most important though.

Always bet on Kino


Witness was fine, but every puzzle was just about the sudden -click- for when you understood the idea behind it.

But waiting for the moon to align for an hour? Never gonna finish that semi-artsy self-wank of a puzzle.

Finished the campaign, extra puzzles are insane.

Infinifactory is more focused on space management and verticality than Opus Magnum. Your ability to move stuff up and down is a huge consideration. It's fun, especially when you start building real items like spaceships and weapons

This one ain't so bad, is it?

I fucking loved The Witness.

Did not bother too much with the environmental puzzles though.


Still got a bit to learn
For example you shouldnt rotate the product to match the glyph when outputting, instead rotate the output glyph.
You will get into collision problems until you realize the piston is completely useless and you should be using a long arm instead

They're pretty solid, some are super approachable but any of the ones where you need to deconstruct your starting element, or have weird bonds feel crazy hard.

The environmental puzzles were the best part though, didn't you have that fucking mindblowing moment where you clicked a random circle and suddenly you were solving one of them?
And then you realize that they're everywhere. Literally one of my favorite feelings in gaming is looking at the world from an entirely new perspective.
And I remember so many inane, beautiful details of the island because of the environmental puzzles. So much fun.

I meant the ridiculous ones. Like the video you have to wait for one hour.


Ok, yeah, that was stupid.

Why are your machines so idle motherfuckers
Constant movement is the way to efficiency