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Do they ever explain why they are always grumpy?

Because the secret is playing games for money sounds like a dream until it becomes a job and you have to force yourself to play the shit on a daily basis on hours end. It stops being enjoyable pretty fucking fast.

Hell it's why johntron left and instead of the daily videos he prefers to take his time and work on stuff when he wants.

Why did they still make and release Dream Daddy after Ding Dong and Julian told them clearly and concisely why they felt it was wrong of them to do so?

>Hell it's why johntron left and instead of the daily videos he prefers to take his time and work on stuff when he wants.

His non-vidya stuff is garbage, though.

A stock clerk isn't gonna change the way a store operates by complaining to the manager

When is Dan gonna make more non-meme music? I love his voice.

Ey Arin, we gotta cook all the Jews and Blacks and Gays and Muslims in ovens and spread our message of white superiority across the globe ECH



Well, he's not wrong.

>someone was upset enough by an internet comedian's opinion to make this

Him making fun of crappy kids horror shows was good but oh god his new stuff is unfunny trash. Dude just needs to stop.


>tfw this wasnt ironic


Why do you never post this in the AVGN threads

/ourpersian/ is right

This channel wasn't funny in the slightest and it's solid proof people in this board probably aren't even 18 yet.

Because he isn't a pretentious dropout who spouts memes for a living.

He's actually passionate about what he does and works hard no matter the odds.


>it's okay because I like it
Not an argument

AVGN is trash

still an e-celeb you fucking retard

>Not an argument
Learn to read, you fucking mongoloid. He's objectively more deserving of respect and admiration than some Florida Man slob who gave up on animation because "it's hard boohoo".

AVGN threads are 100% shitposting about Mike.

How is he more deserving of respect? Every e-celeb is the same unfunny trash "reacting" to stupid shit, the only difference is the AVGN would react with anger and "I'D RATHER EAT A SKUNK'S DECOMPOSED ASSHOLE THAN PLAY THIS SHITTY GAME" instead of "OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE LE GAME JUST DID THAT XDDDD"

There's also that off chance it becomes balding general

>pretends to hates E-celebs
>sucks AVGN cock
fucking kek my dude

I stopped thinking these guys were funny a very long time ago. The humor is extremely forced and it's usually immature, lazy, and unfunny.
Putting out 5 videos a day is a huge mistake. There's no way you could possibly come up with that much good material every 24 hours for every fucking day of the year.

It became hit and miss. For example, I really liked that Titanic movie one or The Talking Cat, but the Vanilla Ice one was funny because of the fucking shit in the movie more than Jontron himself

He's the only one who does the "reacting to stupid shit" right. He doesn't act like an ironic and sarcastic hip millenial who just spouts random shit from his head. There's way more creativity and hard work involved in making an episode (scripting, lightning, costumes, editing, etc.) rather than just putting an audio track over some gameplay footage and the occasional "le funny text insert xDDDD".

These boys stopped being funny when Jon left, but goddamn if I didn't start my liver-destroying channel afterwards. #shameless


>let's get drunk because we're not actually funny woo
>memes in the title right from episode 1
>minecraft aesthetics
>game grump avatars

There was a time a few years ago where I'd call you a troll but Sup Forums is honestly so shit now that I know you're completely serious and this really is your youtube channel

It's 2017

Did they finally stop censoring every girl in the Leisure Suit Larry game?

What does any of that even mean?

>"ECH! Hey kiddos it's /yergoy/ Janno here long time no see right? Now I know I keep saying I'll be back and updating with more content, but it's really had to focus when you're up to your armpits in nigglets here in jewyork! I mean I can't even go down to... can't even go down to the store without one of these MMM... onathese MMMM freeloaders begging for fried chicken and nikes! Well the good news is I found something black that actually works! STUNNING I KNOW! It's Flextape(tm)(r)(c)!"


>Well the good news is I found something black that actually works! STUNNING I KNOW! It's Flextape(tm)(r)(c)!"

Hey James. Your recent episodes suck.

Are remixes the only good thing to come out of this?

The fanimations were excellent. I ended up subscribing to a lot of animators.


Put your Reddit content on Reddit. Why is that so hard to understand?

Not all of it was bad. His Goosebumps video was the last entertaining thing he did before it went to shit.

>it's okay because I like him

This is literally your argument.

Young Jontron is cute.


what happened between Chris and supermega? They're not following each other on twitter anymore.

This is really awful

This guy would be really attractive if he was underweight and not morbidly obese.

Stop posting e-celeb shit on my video game board. It is not video game culture, it is Youtube and social media culture.

e-celebs are NOT your friends. They only care about the likes and subsrcibes you give them so they can get paid. Relying on these leeches as surrogate friends is NOT healthy.

e-celeb threads are never about video games or video game characaters but the drama revolving around these literal whos.


damn, he was already scalping niggers at such a young age


>Jon didnt win that debate

I'll stop if you stop being a namefag.

I can watch nuJon when Im high, but thats about it.

Some people on Sup Forums were upset enough by an internet critic's opinion to start a movement, make websites, comics and an OC mascot

>Hell it's why johntron left
I thought he left because he let slip his white supremacist views to Arin and he promptly kicked him the fuck out. Kicked him out so fast that he didn't even do a departing video with him because he couldn't stand to see his face.

pretty much

No drawfags don't need an excuse to smear their shit oc here.

Because Chris fell out with Arin and supermega sided with Arin.

>find myself not really laughing at his stuff ever since Starcade
What happened? I get the feeling he’s basically phoning it in these days also he feels like he’s crying for help with all of the jokes about him hating himself

Even people who like Jon agree he didnt

Danny is clearly burnt out doing this and never really liked video games that much to start with.

Arin is a loud, obnoxious bully who constantly harasses Danny and is really really bad at video games. Like I can't even understand why he can't even understand the most basic video game concepts. That and he's admitted multiple times to using a guide.

These guys were once funny. Now it's just Arin being a dick and Danny being stuck dealing with it because he wants to get paid.

This, Dan is the only good thing about nu-GG. I just wish he would stop being Arin's "yes-man."

before Starcade honestly

>Ding Dong thinks Arin is just shamelessly pandering to the gay community with Dream Daddy.
>Arin won't let Oney record at the Grump Studio anymore unless he drops Ding Dong.
>Oney sides with Ding Dong and Julian so Arin kicks all three of them out.
>Arin says that if Super Mega do anymore cameos with Oneyplays they can't record at the Grump Studio anymore

This is basically what happened in a nutshell.

dude, Danny is having a blast playing Leisure Suit Larry, you can tell just by watching it.

I still don't know what the fuck hotpockets means but seeing how it always comes from the same DOES IT FOR FREE KEK!!! KEK crowd it's bound to be retarded

Chris is also fucking suzy on the side, but most of the GG crew are so he probably doesn't mind so much

everything he made after the space ace review is garbage

Sorta seconding this, but I believe him moving to NY was a mistake.

he literally just released a new cover CD. And, there's a new NSP CD coming soon.

It's a shame Arin shits on it for making sex jokes before he can.

Jontron makes game videos with Sargon of Akkad. It's no wonder Arin has cut all ties with him.


>Likes one game out of a million
And? That doesn't refute the fact that most of the time he sounds absolutely bored out of his mind. That and Arin makes him play stuff like "Fuck Mr. Hatcher" that clearly makes him uncomfortable.

>my video game board

Does Sup Forums like Sargon? I hope not, Even I have better standards than that

My favorite Game Grumps moment is the time they had Steve-O on and how uncomfortable Arin gets when Dan and Steve talk about fucking women.

Regardless of what you think about Sargon, why would anyone care who someone plays vidya with?

>shit tier microphone
>sub-100 sub count
>terrible introduction
>can't come up with their own idea and have to model their shitty channel after a shitty meme channel
>awful art and terrible thumbnails
>unremarkable and inconsistent channel branding at BEST
>only two videos IN YOUR ENTIRE HISTORY with more than double-digit views
>literal rip-off grump heads

listen if you guys are having fun doing your youtube thing more power to you man, but save your liver, your bandwidth, and your attention span for something else, guys. Goddamn.

Supermega are actually employed by Arin. They are the current editors. If they go against Arin's wishes, they would be out of a job.

I have no strong opinions on him one way or the other, but Sup Forums apparently hates him.

Huh, that's surpring, now I'm curious. And confused, because if Sup Forums hates him and leftists hate him then who the heck is his fanbase?

I’m hate niggers!

Blame H3H3 and Psychicpebbles for that. Hila was Jontron's producer during their stay in NY and Zach did the writing for some of the episodes. Now Jontron just has a bunch of no name nu-males writing and directing his shit losing any appeal that Jontron once had. Also Jon will be appearing in the next H3H3 podcast in two weeks. Be prepared for that.

Sup Forums is tusn for him.

He's basically center "right" with most of his videos consisting of "SJWs are bad but ethnic pride is also bad guys." Also he created the whole kekistan thing.

Gay people.

I'm sure you'd be saying the exact same right now had Jon made game videos with Anita or Zoe Quinn

I used to watch him every once in a while to compare my arguments for/against shit to his arguments, but I stopped after he made a few of those videos where you pretend to not be butthurt while responding to a fuck ton of comments.

I would be cheering for him knowing that they are probably sucking that thick Persian cock behind closed doors.

>Both sides hate him and yet he's one of the most popular political commentators on Youtube

Why the fuck do people purposefully watch things they hate? Is this why the Tonight Show with Colbert is so popular?

Yes I would, because i'm not a child.

>they only care about the likes and subscribes so they can het paid
I've met multiple awesome streamers who care about their fanbase for more than just the contents of their wallets. There are unscrupulous people out there but you can avoid them if you use your head.

supermega are the better version of gamegrumps even tho they are employed by them

Didn't Jontron do a Game Jam with Zoe Quinn and then Zoe accused the organizer of harassing her and caused the whole thing to get shut down?

Post it or fuck off.

>worthless talentless funnyless fucks think they have any pull anywhere
They ride on oneys coat tails. Their lets plays are horrendously unfunny and, even after editing around to get to the good stuff, its fucking terrible.

His "takedowns" of anti sjws are weak as fuck though, I guess any opposition turns them off him

I think his fanbase is just edgy teen boys desu, one of those channels where they pretend thier fanbase is more than just kids. Like Game Grumps honestly

>muh vidya game bord