He has a point

He has a point..

>he doesn't like tits being thrown in his face
what a queer

You should leave and go back to that forum.

Are you guys already so irrelevant you have to screencap your own posts and regurgitate them here now?


I wish boobs were being thrown in my face.

Man big boobs are amazing I don't even see what's the point in all this bullshit lately.

I want mommy's milkies

go be a triggered fag elsewhere please

Fuck off NeoFAG.

>For all the complain about
If you can't write in proper English, I won't take the time to read your post and I'll assume that your point is wrong.


What's wrong with boobs?

this is link

>Actually enjoying cockteasing

You are not a man.

No he doesn't.

>neogaf screencaps


can we make this a boob thread?

Hey, after the censorship Boogaloo of X I deserve this


Asses come too?

>having boobs
What kind of retard made that picture?



It's not a permaban, so they're getting better, I guess?

>mentally deranged bitches about women
>gets told to stfu
>is now buttblasted that not everyone hates women like he does
Sometimes i don't even know where the misogynists really are.

>tfw you'll never suck Link's dick until he starts shaking

it's all welcome!

>neokeks don't know the difference between a trap and a tranny

Trap implies attractive and that's literally impossible for transtenders.

Because women in the real world never wear outfits with deep neck lines, right?

>doesnt like mega milk


is that sophie aspen?

What game are those milkies from?

cute robot

nice sweater


Stop with this meme.

It’s not funny.

what objectification? is a woman with big tits

being attractive is sexist in the current year

i kinda get now why bunch of faggots is the twitter cover image, thats their target audience

30 replies to titty image means every game should have titties for maxinum social media coverage

I bet nobody on Neogaf knows that she was designed by a woman.

And how is this different than that stupid novel: Twilight or those paperback romance novels you find in drugstores that are a fucking dime a dozen.

Damn look at those ballistics

Thank you kind user!


nice tits but awful everything else

Xenoblade 2.

xenoblade 2

Only reason to buy a switch

Me and my dick thank you anons. God bless.

>liking tits and ass on anime girls makes you a fag

Yes, but I like having boobs thrown in my face.

Can't even think of a good post to go along with the image so fuck it.

>nu-gaf has ban reasons listed
this just got 10x funnier

That was painful to read, not just because of the subject matter, but because of the broken as fuck grammar.

>GAFfers don't know the difference between homophobic and transphobic

As if we needed any more proof that they're just echoing whatever they think makes them sound progressive

Like it matters to them who designed it, they'd just use mental gymnastics to justify how it's still bad for X reason, there is no winning with them, and hence why they should never be paid attention to.

>I bet nobody on Neogaf knows that she was designed by a woman.


>it's a furry
well shit, ruined.

>titty monster becomes sword
>literally objectified

Having boobs everywhere in AAA is never going to end.
AAA -> mass market appeal to the max -> "how are we supposed to sell our game without an emphasis on sex appeal"

The only way to change this would be if teenage boys stopped buying games with tits. Very likely.


Why do these retards have a crusade against sex/sexuality. It's the most natural human function. This is why everyone hates them


Not enjoying breasts.

You're not a man. Faggot.

I really hope this clicked in someone's brain and actually made them gay as fuck.

Maybe you should a good character first

>on anime

Hold on, the faggot police want a word with you.

Imagine being such an absolute low-test, soy-packed, cuckshed-loving spineless faggot dipshit that you see giant tits in a game and your first thought is "OOOOOOO NOOOO NO NO NO THE OBJECTIFICATION NOOO DON'T DO THIS!".

Fucking PATHETIC. Anyone who does this should be curb-stomped until their faggot skull objectifies the ground in pieces.

It is a shit design. It's just that having big boobs isn't the reason why it's shit.

Wouldn't be the weirdest thing that's ever happened.

Yeah whatever, keep on telling normal-sized women with large breasts that they are not even human.

StraightShota 2

>That guy in the back

>internalized muhsoggyknees
>internalized racism/uncle tom

They have a list of buzzwords a mile long to hand wave away any opinion that doesn't match their own but, inconveniently, happens to belong to the people they claim to be "helping".
In short, they're misogynists and racists in denial whose number one concern is jacking themselves off on their self defined "moral high ground".

The feet aren't a big deal but the big hands are always a turn off

The fact that mental asylum patients actually get this offended over the word 'trap' simultaneously amuses and annoys me.

what is this garment called?


woah kiddo, just remember it's 'down the street' not 'across the road' when you're cutting yourself with that edge.

Neocucks are just masochists at this point.

>finally free of the godawful SJW prison camp you've been visiting for years
>gleefully enter an even worse prison afterwards where every post is carefully monitored for independent thoughts

even the text is happy

You mean the whole "unrealistic body type" thing?

Yeah, I'm also still amazed how many real women have impossible bodies, because that makes sense.

The Virgin-Killer.


>he has a point
No he is just restating the argument.
>if you wonder why everyone is complaining about boobs in games its because there are boobs in games
No shit shirlock. Everyone is saying the topic is retarded. No one is saying that boobs arent in video games.

>the nips created it
of course

How about you stop with the Reddit spacing, you tard.

>just because a female titty monster was designed by a woman that means you can't criticize the shit design

I love big anime titties

>bobs are too big
>bobs are nonexistent


Looks meh desu. It's too blatant to be sexy.
I prefer big tits under clothes.

>Neofags think traps are trannies

>People but boobs in games to distract people from shit parts of games
>Other people point this out
>Instead of being angry at being exploited they complain about losing access to them and companies now can put titty clothes in to sell even shittier games

Time and Time again it only goes to show that consumer's WANT to be exploited. And this has nothing to do with real life women or what they think about it, you are getting played by perceived threats to consumer exploitation that has been going on forever. No wonder all JRPGs have boiled down to flanderized bullshit with tacky fetishism stuffed in.

aren't female (male) traps tho?

I'm getting CoxCon flashbacks...

I can agree with these sentiments.

Well they ARE tremendous faggots, what do you expect of them?

Trannies can fall under the trap category, if you want to be correct about it. Pre-op or mid-op trannies that are male but dress and look female are traps by definition, since they're ''trapping'' you into believing they're the gender they're not. This is usually not the trap that everyone refers to.