What went wrong?

what went wrong?

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Marketing and release date probably. There's actually nothing whatsoever wrong with the game.

*correction: There's nothing wrong with the exception that it's missing bestgirl

It feels half the length of human revolution despite being the same.

- Story felt like a sidequest
- Ended in a cliffhanger
- No marketing
- Online shit

Shame we won't get a sequel now

It has the same basic problems of HR that make it feel disconnected from Deus Ex, while also having a story that builds up very slowly to nothing in particular then seems to suddenly end. Even though the game is actually a respectable length and there was clearly a lot of work put into it, the game feels like a teaser. It was probably meant to be the first game of a trilogy but of course Squeenix's ridiculous sales expectations for their non-Japanese titles killed that real quick.

Also, they shoehorned in MTX and a shitty multiplayer, also thanks to Squeenix. Seriously I wish someone else would just buy Eidos from them, or better yet sell Deus Ex alone to someone else.

it was shitty to actually play, i remember being stuck in some bank mission where you gotta go third floor but every door has guards and if they see you, everyone starts to shoot you in less than five seconds and are in alert mode for hours. its just not that fun

I completely cleared that fucking bank out from multiple angles, way before I even had a real mission to go there. Maybe you should get good and stop trying to play this as a shooter.

Micro transactions in a single player game

>bonus item DLC
>that only works for one playthrough

It runs like BS. Another question to this though I bought it and I capped it at 62 fps. It stays between 60-62 fps (obviously not on ultra, this game is hot garbage optimazation wise) but it´s all jittery. It doesent feel smooth at all even though im at 60 fps. Whats going on?=

>keep the same protag
>introduce entirely new supporting cast

they fucked up here. this is why you have a new protag for ever DX game. I couldn't give a shit about any of the new characters in MD, especially that psychologist bimbo they try to make you fall in love with.

I just did a side mission there and didn't have a problem.
would you suggest going back in there and ran sacking the place? I did leave a couple guys floored but I never went to the vaults.
>>bonus item DLC
>>that only works for one playthrough
wait what?

The game is easy, what the hell are you talking about? On my first install I finished the game twice on the hardest mode, first a full non-lethal detectionless No-KO ghost playthrough with all augments. Then a full non-lethal detectionless playthrough with no augments.

this user is right though. It's badly optimized at some points. I'm biased in its favor because I got Hitman™ at the same time, and unfortunately I've got Nvidia so that game was 10fps at best on lowest possible settings.

>go for no-alarm run
>dialogue choice at ice base decides whether or not an alarm sounds, ruining your run

good game design.

lots of stuff. it's boring, too easy, and too full of it's own farts.

why do they try to make this series so serious? don't they know games are supposed to be fun?

I've never skipped so much dialogue in a game.

Vaults weren't that great if I remember correctly, I think it just had some of those level up items.

I picked this up for five quid just today, haven't started yet.
Surely it's worth that little.

Nothing with the game itself.

not even best girl in her own game

It still felt like consolized trash just like this. The first game was 100% focused on using a keyboard and mouse. It felt like it in the menus, the loading locations, and simplified gameplay.

You cant do it the other way ether. Just like how they tried to shoehorn Morrowind onto the original xbox or Starcraft for the N64. Sure it sort of worked but the main platform was PC and you knew it.

Forgot my pic

Nothing about the game feels consolized, the fuck are you even talking about.

The hacking minigame is a console thing. Do you want me to dig up more examples?

>Note: this DLC includes some consumable items which will permanently disappear from your inventory once used (including ammo, darts, grenades, weapon parts, Praxis kits and credits) and will not be available in subsequent play-throughs or other saved games.

>not even best girl in her own game
a hologram AI doesn't count you weirdo

How is it more consolized than the original Deus Ex? Just because IW did something different and HR or MD repeated it doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Remember, Ion Storm also made Thief: Deadly Shadows, and even though it's a console game it actually made changes that are improvements over the PC exclusive originals, for example separate buttons for using inventory items and frobbing world objects. Yeah, a console game with a control scheme squeezed down to 16 keys on a gamepad, and it has an additional button for an extra function that the PC predecessor did not have.

there is, it has all the problems of HR

Clicking on icons is consolized?

I never touched the consumables because I didn't want to break the game's balance.
And frankly, I was A-OK without 'em. Towards the end I had already bought all the augs I could use in a stealth/non-lethal run and was just putting points into whatever. I had been maxing out a stealth pistol that I never used because I had been favoring take downs and a stun gun instead.

I can come up with a problem HR has that MD doesn't off the top of my head. HR doesn't have ammo types, multitools or bioelectric cells. MD does. Hyperbole serves no one. The game may not be the holy grail but it's a step to the right direction.

I buyed it before the end of steam sales, i wanted to play some cyberpunk games and i have already finished again the first Deus Ex and Human Revolution. How long it is?

The dlc plex consumables are just like the shit you see in modern asscreed games etc. I.e. they're a complete non-issue for anyone who isn't a complete mouthbreather, although I agree these things shouldn't exist in the first place.

20 to 30 hours depening on how much you fuck around.

Not an excuse, but iirc you can keep the weapons for NG+ if you go with them in your inventory while doing the last mission. Still stupid, though.

It's an expansion pack for HR which they released 4 years too late

I'm sure you would have had no complaints if said expansion would have been released 4 years sooner with 100% less content.

The story is non existant and the tone of the aug incident aftermath clashes with the tone of the Illuminati shit.
The game took 5 years to make and it's still reusing old animations. There is bad lip sync and they didn't bother to motion capture anything, so it feels older than it really is.

Give MD a try. Underrated game. People give it shit it doesn't deserve.

I enjoyed the game, just explaining why it flopped. In narrative terms it's a disaster. Just 'hey remember this particular character's story arc from 5 years ago?'
Jensen is not as 'iconic' as they obviously thought he was

>Augment your pre-order
>Pay actual money to buy Praxis kits in a single player game.
>Cut the story in half and sell it later for another sequel despite the development team working under the assumption they are releasing a full narrative in the game
>Release title gets less than 30fps on a 1080GTX 8GB card rendering at 1080p and i7 because it's an un-optimized piece of garbage
>Be the first sequel to use the same protagonist despite being set on an entirely different continent with no characters other than Jensen being recognizable.
>Sarif's VA isn't even used and the man is a cheap homeless bum who hasn't had a good gig since Counterstrike (1989) who only asked for a couple thousand dollars

I could go on.

>multitools or bioelectric cells
you mean the AUDs and candy bars?

My favorite game is Thief 2 so I give less than a shit about animations. But I agree with the first point. MD repeated the same nonsensical shit as Ion Storm decided was a good idea with Invisible War. It tried to make sense out of combining multiple mutually exlusive endings to one canon continuation which is absolutely retarded.

Story feels too small scale. Sure you still travel to different places but catching one terrorist who occasionally blows things up is not the same as blowing the lid off of a gigantic worldwide conspiracy.

the usual shitty DLC jewery from Squeenix.

Game still punishes you for playing lethal and rewards you way too much for playing nonlethal

And like pretty much every Eidos game these days, most of the voice acting is surprisingly bad and is like, PS2 quality compared to the Hollywood-tier stuff you expect from games these days.

Aside from those the game was absolutely fantastic, especially when it comes to the overall level design, really detailed and made you really want to explore.

>Release title gets less than 30fps on a 1080GTX 8GB card rendering at 1080p and i7 because it's an un-optimized piece of garbage
shoulda turned off msaa lol

Some shit went down with Sarif's VA, didn't it? Like he thought Eidos had betrayed him somehow.

Thanks anons, i'll give it a chance.

Just keep in mind that you might feel like the ending is half-assed.
The game is the middle man of a trilogy. Naturally, the ending will lead onto a potential sequel.

who gives a fuck about sarif, what happened to frozen bill clinton's voice

I didn't care for Prague very much, but I thought the missions were great because I didn't have to sit through bad dialogue sequences and you felt like you were part of a team. I wish there was more of the Dubai/GARM/London type missions.

meant for

>No marketing
Oh yes there were, the horrendous "augment your pre-order" bullshit.

All the criticisms of the plot I've heard say it's crap because it goes nowhere and has nothing to do with the overall story of the Deus Ex universe. You track down a terrorist who... turns out to just be a terrorist and not involved in any kind of Illuminati plot.

>less than 30fps on a 1080GTX 8GB card rendering at 1080p and i7 because it's an un-optimized piece of garbage

Still better than Dishonored 2 though

>idTech6 engine
>does buttery smooth 100fps on decent settings @1080p in D44M
>does choppy sub-40fps on low settings @720p in Dish2

Fuck off. DX1 hacking is way more casual than the new hacking. In DX1 you just wait while anprogress bar moves. That's all the hacking there is.

I guess I can't refute that claim. It seems to be mostly setup. Still, there's lots of intrigue going on.
The terrorist IS an illuminati project, more or less.

They obviously scaled down the plot because they were planning a cross-media franchise ("Deus Ex Universe"). Now that that's been obviously axed in favor of the Marvel licensing deal, maybe the next game will deal will be a proper prequel featuring MJ12 (I fucking wish).

HR has ammo types...
>he never used revolver explosive rounds

>Tfw he was a real conspiracy lunatic

>a hologram AI doesn't count you weirdo

Explosive Rounds is a weapon mod. You can't switch between explosive and regular bullets without carrying two revolvers.

Borderlands looter shooter weapon mod that magically converts JHP bullets into explosive rounds when they exit the barrel don't count as "explosive rounds"

>mouse acceleration
the game is pretty much unplayable and setting mouse sensetivity to 0 like many recommend doesnt fix it

This was clearly a joke video, but for some reason SE took it close to heart.


What the fuck happened?

MD had an extremely limited scope in terms of story and locales compared to the other Deus Ex games which were much more grandiose in scale. To put it another way: my first MD play-through took 10 hours longer than my HR run, but HR felt like the longer, more complete, game.

Gameplay was still good, though, and I am a sucker for dystopian police state settings.

Punished Sarif is real

Sarif died in Panchaea two years ago

holy fucking shit

Just like Adam

>Sarif was the medic all along

That's the twist, Adam is the real Adam

When was the last time you bought a game on PC? Having to edit ini files or get third party fixes in order to finish developing the game for PC that the devs neglected to do has been standard for PC games (ports) for at least a decade.

1.You make the game for consoles
2.You do all the playtesting on consoles
3.You outsource the PC port
4.They still test it using a gamepad because fuck you
5.Last minute fix a day before release to haphazardly emulate mouse input in real time to analog stick data and mask the inaccuracy with an acceleration filter

lol okay

forgot image

is that a freudian slip? Were you attempting to say that "Adam! (exclaimed in Sarif's voice) is the real Adam"?

>posting an MiB clone slug

>No scars from glasses removal
>No sign of the hexagonal cranial patch/CASiE device
That's the clone. The Adam we play is the OG.

While I appreciated the kill it all ending of the first game, it's reasoning is ridiculous. It would just lead to same thing happening with different players, because no lessons were learned.

Best ending was:
Blame the Extremists


So I bought this game a few weeks ago for the PS4 and only played through the prologue so far (until you actually get to Prague). I hated the game that far is it better after the prologue? That ducking behind crates, sneaky mechanics have been used up three years ago I found it very boring and dull. Is there a reason to keep on playing?


Oh shit. Well that throws a wrench into my theory.

If you like exploring environments and finding hidden shit and reading lore, the game is really good at all of that.

you don't have to play it sneaky but it is alot harder going guns ablaze.

The game becomes more about interaction, negotiation, and solving problems your way in your order in Prague. Keep playing a little, and see from there.