Be honest Sup Forums
Are you a Newman main?
Be honest Sup Forums
Are you a Newman main?
>not maining Puddy
What are you doing with your life my dude?
Soup Nazi main here
I have the strong urge to build a Seinfeld fighting game in Mugen.
only homosexuals don't main J. Peterman
Didn't he get nerfed because Elaine mains were bitching that he centralized the game?
nice meme character normie
>not maining George Costanza
>he hasn't unlocked turkey kramer
>not maining frank costanza
>he doesn't main Jackie Chiles
Costanzas are a meme. The Lawyer Teamup bonus with Jackie Chiles and Phoenix Wright is goat
Post Mains
Puddy, Dhalsim and Susan
>Jews vs Capom
The Jew fears the Samurai.
Why you gotta be like that.
Here we are having a nice Seinfeld vs. Capcom bullshit thread and you've got to waltz in with DA JOOS.
>tfw I main 'Crazy' Joe Davola
I see you're a Ryu/Wesker/Arthur main then?
Nah i main kramer i love his 3 bar NIGGER LOOK THERES A NIGGER super
>finally watched seinfeld so I can understand the jokes in these threads now
>Can't take a joke
That Jew Seinfeld was right, people are too sensitive these days.
where's the joke?
Now we're talking!
You getting anally devestated Steinfeld.
I don't get it
Larry David DLC when
When Mega Man reps are included.
>Not maining The drake
How would you feel if I told you Iron Man was included in the next DLC bundle?
They consider him a Capcom character BUT STILL NO MEGA MAN
>hating the drake
how could you not like the drake?
Doubling down on Frank was the best decision in my competitive life. I still troll Ranked with Amasterasu and Doloris on weekends, though.
>not maining Joe Davola with the clawn skin
How do you unlock Art Vandalay? I can't find a guide online anywhere.
The input for George's Pensky super is fucking impossible
What is the playstyle of each main cast character?
Elaine is a juggler
George is a grappler/poker
Jerry is an all-rounder
Kramer has insane combos but weak normal attacks
How fucking genius was it that they combined dr wily and Larry David for the final boss?
>post swimming george skin has a smaller hitbox
Wtf is this pay to win garbage?
Just play as Franks lawyer