Reddit: the DLC
Reddit: the DLC
It really was terrible garbage. Dead Money was the only really good DLC
That's not Dead Memey.
Reddit: the board
I liked Dead Money and Honest Hearts. Something about Dead Mone felt so intense and isolated.
Dead Money didn't shit itself with reddit-tier memery
It really doesn't hold up to multiple play throughs.
The first time through is novel and I thought it was the best DLC yet. 2nd time through you realize how much fetching and retracing tracks there is, it's just boring.
Brainlet: the thread
trying too hard to fit in: the post
I started this recently for the first time and its made me stop playing because I've found it pretty dull.
i hated this one.
too much talking in the beginning
afterwards, too many boring and repeatitive quests after they have already bored player to death with dialogues.
No, it shat itself with George Lucas tier plot and garbage level design.
its true, but the only good DLC in new vegas was dead money
that's Sup Forums
>I am le Toasty the ANGRY Toaster lmao XD
>He has little penis fingers hahahah XD
You really are right. It was so foul how people in here were just creaming themselves over it on release. Showed me what shit taste a lot you Sup Forums has.
>humor has to be under at least 5 layers of irony, sarcastic, deadpan, and also spontaneous
Anyone who dislikes OWB is probably really unfunny irl.
You mean Sup Forums
t. redditors
>one person is Sup Forums
it is pretty fucking reddit but no where near as reddit as Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is bad!!!
reddit: the opinion
I do hate OWBs humor, it's so lowbrow it can bite its own forehead. But I really like the story hiding underneath that initial cringe layer that so confounds DM fans.
>Reddit spacing
>Likes Sup Forums
Fair enough
>>Reddit spacing
That's a newfag meme. Sup Forums is cancer but reddit spacing is fucking retarded
Didn't know images could cause physical pain.
Every fucking time.
I hate this place. I wish I could leave.
this is correct, its silly silly silly, but you eventually realize that the entire thing is dark as shit, and lots of horrible stuff happened that everyone is too insane to explain to you
its not perfect, but that realization made it worth it
Sup Forums made Sup Forums what it is today, Sup Forums only wishes it could be the cultural force it used to be. Sup Forums couldn't even stop Sup Forums from colonizing its board with gaf threads. sad!
At least explain to my you think it's a Reddit-tier DLC
so how many years until wojack/pepe is replaced by something new? it's been so long already
I think it's because centipedes work hard or something
They chose the worst possible living organism to name themselves after
>asking for reasons why something is shit
lol u triggered
>Reddit: the post
>centipedes work hard
ants and bees work hard, i don't think centipedes are associated with anything other than having many legs
I think some news reporter called them centipedes once and they decided they liked the name
The thing I don't understand is the way they use MAGA as a noun, verb, adjective and adverb, surely there's a better way to describe things
So /po/ is responsible for this shitty condition of the board?
A reporter called them that and it stuck
Sup Forums loves to ruin things and then claim it's other people's fault for letting them ruin it
thanks guys, still a pretty shitty nickname
Well yeah
this was the mothership zeta of NV.
Yeah it's pretty bad
Centipedes are gross as well
Nah, lonesome road was the worst vegas dlc.
I hated every second of this dlc, I had a few laughs and some of the shit about Ulysses and the other guys was pretty interesting but that didn't excuse the fucking backtracking of the levels and just annoying parts of it in general. Weapons it added weren't even that good.
Lonesome road wasn't terrible.
Dead Money was the worst. It took the cheesy pop science fiction from OWB and expected us to now take it seriously, it had more plot holes than plot, it had absolute garbage map design, and it attracted a following of mad cultists who scream about its brilliance in the streets. I'll take LR over it, Ulysses and creepy robot romance and all.
dead money was the only DLC that had actual choices and a story and good quests n shit
I'll give you choices, because that's rare as fuck to see in games, but the rest, no. Just no.
I dont recall having any choices in dead money aside from taking the easy way out on quests which just results in getting the bad endings for companions.
>mfw i still don’t know what reddit really is and just assume its a politer image board or meme fuck page
Imagine Sup Forums but an interface that is 100x worse to look at and users can create boards about whatever they want and within those boards you can make threads about the board topic. It has a bad reputation here because of their overuse of old memes/stealing memes created here. Other than extremely niche topics there really isnt a reason to use the website over this one because all discussion weighs entirely on getting upvotes rather than actually talking about things.
Nobody is actually as ignorant as you're pretending to be.
I didn't visit it until four years after I'd heard of its existence but I still had an almost complete picture of it in my head from all the fucking screencaps and how much it's talked about and used as a buzzword.
>all discussion weighs entirely on getting upvotes rather than actually talking about things
What? How do they talk about anything?? Surely the context would be all fucked up?
Dead Money is the worst DLC. Honest Hearts is the best.
We have this argument every week and you plebs just cannot stop tripping over yourselves attempting to explain away Dead Money's myriad of issues.
>Nobody is actually as ignorant as you're pretending to be
Fuck off you nonce, there are LOADS of websites i have not been to, its just Sup Forums wont shut the fuck up about reddit, neogaf or whatever the fuck. There is no “pretend” here.
it's an echochamber
That's what I'm fucking saying. If you go to Sup Forums you know exactly what reddit is because Sup Forums fucking loves talking about it so much
>there really isnt a reason to use the website over this one because all discussion weighs entirely on getting upvotes rather than actually talking about things.
>this is what 4channers actually believe
Reddit is for real discussion, Sup Forums is for shitposting.
>b-but muh epic meme underage Reddit cancer subs
So like every Sup Forums board? Difference is, at least Reddit has good subs.
it mostly just descends into barely related jokes and references or quote chains from a tv show or something
Basically if you arent voicing the same commonly accepted opinions as everyone else you will get downvoted which will lead your comment to being pushed so far down that nobody can even see it. Resulting in circle jerking.
It's not bait. Dead Money is pure garbage.
Not that Old World Blues is that much better, but I'll take a guilty laugh over an honest cringe any day.
Sup Forums also has good boards. Just because all you browse is Sup Forums, Sup Forums and [s4s] doesnt mean there isnt meaningful discussion to be had here.
I agree. I don't know why people hate dead money so much.
But i dont. It’s the website equivilent of being called gay. All i literally know about neogaf is that its alegedly Sony. Thats it.
Leave Sup Forums and find a better hobby. Some of the niche boards are pretty cool.
How many people gave of their playthrough when they got stuck in fest quest blues?
What the actual fuck, that sounds terrible. Where is the point?
I think Dead Money is great but I initially had a bad opinion of it. It grew on me.
I understand disliking Dead Money but don't agree with it.
But I don't understand liking Honest Hearts.
You have Joshua and six journal entries by a dead man and that's the only good in the entire really tedious DLC.
>all discussion weighs entirely on getting (you)s
This but unironically. I don't know why, but I'll tell you this:
This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.
People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each other. Nobody is interested in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.
This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learning, or growing as a person. Instead you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interaction. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.
I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling you to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make friends. Just leave Sup Forums. Do anything else.
Like i said before its good for niche topics. The best comparison is imagine if /vg/ was its own website but you could talk about whatever you want aside from a specific video game.
>stealing memes created here.
it's like you don't even know what a meme is.
>being such a contrarian that you develop shit taste just to stand out
Joshua is a weaker character than Daniel.
>I used to be tough but now I try to stay away from the darkness within...
>I am a literal Mormon missionary and the actions of my people have inadvertently led to the genocide of many of these tribes. It is my duty to maintain the innocence of their culture and make amends because I believe it is the most righteous course of action.
Dead Money > Honest Hearts = OWB > Literal Shit > Lonesome Road.
Dead Money being as hard and dreary as it was really made it for me, felt so different from all the others. If Honest Hearts had a more content to it I'd probably like it better, whole thing seems too fast. Graham definitely makes the DLC though. OWB has a bit of a rough start, but once you start getting into the absurdity of it it's fun. Lonesome Road is absolutely awful in every way imaginable. One big, shitty straight line all the way up until Ulysses. They did such a good job building him up in all the other DLCs just to not deliver. I'm not even going to go into the "Hurr you did all this bad stuff in the past, fuck you." garbage.
Sure. But Joshua is far more nuanced in relation to the actual events which go by.
Daniel might have been cool but he is written to do nothing.
>But Joshua is far more nuanced in relation to the actual events which go by.
This is a consequence of their decision to make him more interactive / reactive, not any actual skill or craftsmanship on their part. He remains a merely good character who reacts while they had a complete goldmine sitting silently nearby.
God damn, I wish Obsidian could have figured their timetables out.
Yes, the fault is obvious. But that doesn't change the conclusion, which is as the DLC stands, Joshua is one of two good things contained within and Daniel is not the other.
>Daniel is not the other
I can speak only for the thinking man when I point out that you are wrong.
It was the worst DLC but it wasn't bad.
A parrot can speak for whoever it wants, doesn't mean it's worth listening to.
Playing Dead Money on survival was probably the most fun I had with New Vegas dlc.
>trying to shit on /po/
Oh shit nigga wat are you doing
>everything I don't like is Reddit: the 13 year-old's guide to starting Sup Forums threads
Whom am I parroting? I've never seen someone espouse this opinion unless I've already convinced them of it.
That's what I thought. Miss me with those half-baked quips if you can't actually talk about things you enjoy.
>t. thinking man
address your own faults before considering others
reddit: the game
Dead Money is not contrarian. It's genuinely good. Fans of games like dead space will enjoy it.
Honest hearts is overrated. the good writing doesn't fix it and it can be completed in a half hour.
It would be significantly easier if (you) were capable of anything other than continued half-baked quips.
>I'm starting to realize that atoning for 30 years of committing atrocities on undeserving people is a lot harder than I thought and that no matter how much I've convinced myself otherwise, that brutality is still a part of me, dressed up as "righteous anger"
>I watched the White Legs kill my family. I couldn't stop them. Now they want to kill my new family. Now I feel I can do something about it. I'm not thinking this all the way through because my trauma is a lot more recent and less involved.
Daniel does not come out ahead, no matter how you try to twist it. His core motivation is avoiding a repeat of New Canaan.