Sup Forums will defend this

>Sup Forums will defend this

nice thread

Sup Forums is one person

The ending was a let down, but the rest of the game is great

Yeah WTF why is there no option to Sacrifice both Chloe AND Arcadia Bay??

I don't play shit games.

Life is strange simply doesn’t belong on Sup Forums

Sup Forums will defend anything as long as there's cute girls

it seemed dumb to me but after playing it it really felt like it was more about the journey, who cares how it ends anyway if you don't play past that point

It's not even that the game comes down to one final choice no matter what, it's that that choice renders the rest of the game totally pointless no matter what.

The rest of the game is actually pretty good, but goddamn part five is dogshit.

I'll defend it. Life is Strange is extremely story oriented, it could have easily been a point and click adventure.

In the context of the narrative there's no reason to assume that there weren't ultimately two choices to make, every action in the game holds a consequence that's essentially binary, why would that change at the end?

a movie with QTEs isn't a video game

>game has no 10000 endings

Choices give the illusion of replayability.

The game itself has like 100 choices. that play out differently, only the end always stays the same. You can't expect them to make 2000 endings.

This is a legitimate criticism of it but it applies to the whole genre. I think LIS stacks up well against most """choice""" games. At least it had some choices that actually impacted the story quite a bit like the attempt to save Kate.

It's only okay when shitty American studios do it

>Shadow of Memories consists of eight endings, with six available at first.

>That cover
>Literally never heard of this game

Yes, this looks like quality game that I want to spend hours on because it has 8 whole endings.

So the ending, like every other choice, is a choice?

There's actually nothing wrong with this. The whole game was more or less a butterfly effect ripoff, but does it need to be a massive branching tree with a ton of endings?

Think of it this way: each choice you make in each situation is a choice contained within a bigger choice. Ultimately every situation only has a couple ways to resolve it, but typically there are a few choices that lead up to that resolution. The ending to the whole series is the same.

This is a bit different in LIS though. Yeah getting bottlenecked into the same ending choice is common, but in LIS the choice actively renders ALL previous decisions moot, because you either reset everything back to how it was at the start, or everyone who could have been affected by your choices dies.

I have no idea who Chloe and Arcadia Bay are, but if one of them is that dumb blue-haired tumblr cunt then she can die for all I care.

>>Literally never heard of this game

I'm sorry you weren't alive during the PS2 era, but ignorance isn't an excuse, homo

>The final version of the game has a total of six possible endings, three of which can be achieved on the first playthrough ("Leave"/"In Water"/"Maria"), and three others ("Rebirth"/"Dog"/"UFO") enabled by acquiring new items in replays.

What's your excuse for this game? Dog ate your memory?


How do i get christian qt?

Elder God-tier:
Multiple branches, single ending

Oh, super! tier:
Multiple branches, multiple endings

This is fine tier:
Single branch, multiple endings

Can we not tier:
Single branch, single ending

Oh fuck off tier:
Playing all branches/endings unlocks the "true end"

My living a pious and righteous life free of sin and corruption.

>Elder God-tier:
>Multiple branches, single ending

lmao, look at this nerd
he said "my" instead of "by"
what a fucking loser

>Ending is utter fucking nonsense that explains nothing but is "open to interpretation"

I was pretty pissed when I got to this. I felt lied to
>"your decisions will have consequences"
The only time I felt like my decisions had consequences and I was genuinely on edge was kate's suicide. If they had replicated that for the ending it would've been a lot better.

Here's the full cover for ya

On an unrelated note, is anyone playing Before the Storm? It's alright, certainly better than the first. I'm interested to see how they wrap it up, but it's gonna feel hallow seeing as you know exactly what's in store for the two girls.

I'm drunk as shit.

The real problem with that ending is that it involves going back in time to the first 10 minutes of the game and causing the entire game not to happen, making the whole thing totally pointless.

Alternatively, you can let the town be destroyed, killing most if not all of the other characters in the game, which makes it almost as pointless.

People get caught up in the fact that it all comes down to the same choice no matter what, but more important is that both choices lead to terrible, abrupt and unsatisfying endings.

No we won't, the ending is pretty much agreed to be one of the worst if not the worst parts of the game.

By your criteria ME3 ending was elder god tier because it gave you many paths but ended up in the same way

the bestiality porn that came from it as well as the futa shit was pretty neato so yeah kinda wish it was more popular so even more degenerates would commission more of that type of shit of it from online artist nerds.

>post made about doki doki
>gets deleted
mods = gods


>ending is a disaster

Reminder that the true ending is Max becoming Victoria's sexual slave.

Be the biggest "bad boy" possible. Religious girls are the biggest sluts out there.

You've got to get them while they're high school age. They all end up going to Bible College and getting married to someone they meet there.


God I wish that ware me

Are you 14 or are you a 35 year old pedophile?

There are no other options.

Give tumblr sauce

Yeah which is why we shit on this so much.

Whats more, not only does it end in two possible choices, but one of those choices undoes the entire story rendering it entirely pointless.

Perhaps start by going to church?

>it could have easily been a point and click adventure
The same could be said about Gone Home, or Dear Esther, or anything that Telltale made starting with The Walking Dead. They could all have been graphical adventure games. Instead, they're not vidya.

>I am an underaged retard who never heard of games not named dark souls or Zelda
>therefore I will shit on this game I know nothing about
Millennial nu''''""''gamers''''"""" every time

Never played LIS but if Mass Effect 3 had ended with a single yes or no question after you'd just played a game which showed you the repercussions of your actions throughout the whole series I would've been happy

This is the big problem. Didn't KOTOR come down to choosing between 2 options at the end?


why would Sup Forums defend this piece of shit

I sacrificed that insufferable twat with zero hesitation and have no desire to spend another moment with her in the prequel. Max was ok though and I overall enjoyed the game for the nu-fun that it was.

>implying it's not Victoria who becomes Max's sexual slave

Chloe is actually alright in BtS. She's way more sweet and mature and doesn't do any retarded shit or flipping out.

All the choices you make get paid off prior to the final choice.

>ever relevant

You forgot one the best one: Particular decisions are required to get the true ending. While it's technically feasible to perform this feat on your first playthrough, you probably won't do it, as the plot tempts you away from the true route. Only after experiencing and understanding the story does the true route become clear to the player.

14 year old pedophile

No, they don't.

Her powers caused the storm. Stay the fuck wrong. She should have died.

Say what you want about the endings, but I think the bay ending has an interesting symbolic meaning that you can extrapolate onto the entire story, where the time travel stuff is simply a coping mechanism to get over the fact that her best friend just got shot, and the entire game is a sort of journey towards acceptance.

Everything that happens past Chloe getting shot is in max's head, trying to deal with her best friend dying after she waited years to contact her, even after she got back to Arcadia bay. The "nightmare" at the end is her subconsciousness trying to get her to back to reality. Sacrificing Chloe is accepting her death and moving on, and sacrificing Arcadia bay is letting the tornado (her grief) wipe her out and going insane. All the people in the cafe in her dream represents the people that will "die" for her if she goes insane, and the edgy "cereal" max she is talking to is the part of max's mind that wants to accept reality and snap out of it, while Chloe represents the opposite part.

Going from max the socially awkward to being max the awesome superhero saving the day and befriending everyone with her time powers reflects her delusion that she can make everything perfect and reverse Chloe's death. Those being mad about the endings and that the choices you made didn't have an effect on it is missing the entire message the game is trying to convey. Being left empty at the end is your way to feel max's pain and hopefully also accept Chloe's death in the same painful way she did.

Keep in mind this isn't a theory about the actual plot of the game, it's merely an interpretation of the game's potential symbolic meaning.

In this theory, all the events of the game (including that which happens before we see Chloe being shot) would be happening after the real Chloe being shot. It's all in Max's head, being replayed in a way that lets her save Chloe. The only time we see the real Max is at the end.


Choices will never matter in Western games. Western studios need to stop making this shit. Literally the best narrative based game from the West is Heavy Rain, and that's because if chatacters die, the game goes on still and does lead to different things actually happening.
Yes, it scored above average?
>Elder God-tier:
>Multiple branches, single ending
How fucking retarded are you?

>Elder God-tier:
Multiple branches, single ending

how about no

>playing westshit
Tumblr is that way sweetie

There should have been a third ending that you unlock by doing the two endings first. The third ending has you save Chloe and Arcadia Bay.

>Choices will never matter in Western games
What did he mean by this ?


the moral of the story is supposed to be: "you can't have it all"

not bad mate

unironically enjoyed the "game" regardless, and enjoying the episodes released for Before the Storm so far

I mean, the choice no matter what makes sense. The only reason you have the power is because of the final choice.

Its a game that supposedly tailored around choices, and then you discover your choices dont matter at all(even less if you are a faggot enough to somehow sacrifice Arcadia Bay), even fucking Bible Black makes a better work out of the choices you have to make.

I kind of agree. Writing in games with multiple endings tends to go to shit because the story needs to fracture at the end to allow for it. even the games which do this that I like, say like MGS1, still should've just had one ending because they're both similar anyway

To be fair, a lot of games with choices usually wind up with the same few endings. The problem arises in that the ultimate choices feel disconnected from everything you've chosen to do. Not only does the story feel like it came from nowhere (despite obviously being some result of Max's power usage), but the fact that it's either give up the town or the dumb friend that make it all feel stupid as hell. They could have easily have had more options. Max gives up her life to halt the storm. She and Chloe find a way to evacuate the town. Might not have necessarily saved the game from its dopey writing, but the addition of more ending options could have helped things.

Ever watch the directors cut of the butterfly effect?

That's more or less this games whole story.

kinda, except The Butterfly Effect's story and writing isn't a pile of garbage.

I don't watch interactive soap operas

Pretty sure a lot of people gave Butterfly Effect trouble for its script and story. With that said, it at least didn't have forced as fuck "teen speak'

The choices you make during the game literally do affect the story, reactions and interactions as you play, it's about the journey not the destination.

So are the characters bi or what?

Chloe is a lesbo
Max is ????

Nice try, Telltalle-kun
It's still shit.

Ah yes, it's about the journey of TTG telling you every decision you ever made is right. Nothing has real consequences. Everything is subtly molded to reinforce what you already think.

>infinite choices
>game literally ends the same 8 ways
what a joke

>make choices during your life
>eventually every life will end in a death
Love how people say choices matter. They don't.

They absolutely matter. But making choices because you think it'll change the way something ends is making choices for the wrong reasons.

>pancakes or bacon
truly the greatest choice in vidya

But your choices and experience until this will influence your choic

LiS isn't Telltale

As someone who's played TWD S1 & S2, and all of LiS.
They're basically the same. LiS actually had the point and click puzzle solving stuff still at least though.

Life is Strange after all.

Can someone explain to me the point of sacrificing arcadia bay.

By the game's own logic shit keeps happening because Chloe is suppose to die in the bathroom, but max keeps using her time travel powers to save her. So sacrificing Arcadia bay doesn't solve that problem, sure it allows Max and Chloe to leave and start a new life, but where ever they go Chloe is still gonna get killed by the universe to fix the paradox and max is gonna have to keep saving her unless she's willing to let the whole fucking planet be destroyed.

It's a similar formula but it's not exactly the same, Until Dawn used the same formula too and it was fantastic

It comes down to love and loss. You either choose to sacrifice the person you love for the sake of others, or you choose to sacrifice others for the sake of your love.

Have you ever loved someone enough that you would do anything to make sure they aren't harmed? Even if that meant the death of other people? That's what sacrificing arcadia bay is for.

You are right, TellTale games are better than this. At least they don't literally erase everything you did at the very end.

reminder that nu/pol/ is not welcome in Sup Forums