Can someone explain to me the sudden rise in use of the word "Toxic"...

Can someone explain to me the sudden rise in use of the word "Toxic"? Why are nu-Gamers physically incapable of saying this word less than 8 times a day?

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Some natural evolution of language, I guess.
Same case for everyone being 'salty' these days.

It has been a thing for years. Only sudden rise I've seen are these topics talking about the "sudden rise".

The "teamwork" game of the month places much higher importance on being able to work together than many previous multiplayer games

It's a phrase that Riot Games often used when talking about League of Legends and so it entered into the vocabulary of retards who play that sort of game along with 'moba' for the same reason

The rise of left/pussy Marxists.

It describes morons who think telling people to kill themselves and others niggers and faggot is banter.

It's the same as with adding "nu-" to certain words.

>being THIS thin-skinned
kys faggot nigger

Lol no, it's the rise of autists. You don't blame the infestation of cockroaches on pest control.

>Can someone explain to me the sudden rise in use of the word "Toxic"?
how old are you?

When someone says something they don't like they can't handle it so call it toxic.

People keep saying, what will happen when these snowflakes leave college. This is what happens, they take jobs in the gaming industry and force us all to baby them.

stop being a little faggot on the internet, user.

nu-metal has existed since the 90s

I can't tell if this is ironic or not congrats.

Lol, no one gives a shit about your insults sperg. It just pollutes real conversation. People don't clean their house because they're too pussy to handle garbage.

I remember being able to trash talk all the time on older games. Then this new generation happened and if you dare trash talk someone who is being an absolute cunt, you're somehow the one at fault.

How dare people who want to play team based video games not have to be bombarded with morons online telling them to kill them selves while actively ruining games by feeding or team killing.

It's pretty simple

>People likes something
>banter all over, people can tell each others to fuck off but they know it's all in good fun
>Women and faggots takes an interest in playing the game
>they read and hear all that shit that pisses them off, feel THREATENED just by hearing the banter
>they start whining and bitching so they'll feel welcome afterward
>they win, no fun allowed for the real gamers that knows this kind of shit is natural to them
>Women and faggots also start bitching that being murdered is wrong in a fucking game, or that other people are playing the game wrong
>they also win, creating a shitty game just for them to feel like special snowflakes that can do nothing wrong

Well I doubt they want to say 'I'm a whiny little bitch' when talking about some meanie saying mean words to them.

>implying marxists aren't the roaches

Its leftspeak. The word has only been used in that context because of them. Probably originated in tumblr.

Multiplayer games are shit anyways. Worst case scenario the consumers start buying single player games causing them to become higher quality. Best case scenario the online community becomes less autistic and stops REEEEing all over the place.

Telling a teammate to stop being a dickhead and to pull their head in isnt the same as throwing a game and you know that

The nu- label is literally a reference to nu-metal being a shittier version of metal (if you can even call it metal).

this pretty much. leftists like to brand things so they can ban/control/impose a narrative.
not a new phenomenon.

Here's something: why are people all of a sudden using "lady" instead of "woman" or "female"?

Is anyone else reminded of that Brittney Spears song whenever they see the word "toxic"?

Since when has "gender" been a choice rather than a synonym of "biological sex"?

That and Grimer the Pokemon.

So what is banter? Can you give any examples? Simply telling people they suck or gg ez is hardly banter, yet both are considered "toxic" depending on the community

toxic has always been there. It was know as griefing though.

'Toxic' isn't even the most irritating wordin their vocabulary. They have an obsession with describing things as 'gross'

No shit that's what people do but that just makes legit toxic people do it more so you add a report feature to your game to report these kinds of people. It's not that hard of a concept to grasp.

>Only Marxists want to stop dumb behavior

Show the average online voice chat sperg to any normal person. Be it Liberal, conservative, catholic, mormon or atheist, soyboy or even Trump himself.

None of them would like people telling others to kill themselves and choke on nigger shit.

Can someone explain to me the sudden rise in use of the word "soyboy"? Why are nu-children physically incapable of saying this word less than 8 times a day?

> leftists like to brand things so they can ban/control/impose a narrative.

What are you trying to do in that sentence there, user?
Not a leftist, are you?

OR they may be normal human beans and recognize shit talking. Kids talking shit in a vidya have nothing on people in the military for example.
uh nope not a leftist

user stop being toxic

Sup Forums is leaking again

Go on

Reminder that it was the Nazis who first started to brand their dissenters as cultural marxist.

Don't even try, it's pointless to try and engage with these people because they will just throw buzzwords at you and think they won the argument, it's a waste of time

Christ it pisses me off to no end that you can't report for suspecting cheating anymore, only for "le toxicc behaviour :3". Fucking cucks.

So what you're saying is bad people like to throw labels and brand people is that it?
>can't win an argument outside our hugbox so don't even try

Holy fucking shit, this thread is full of redditors.

>trash talk is Sup Forums
I want neo-Sup Forums to leaveb

The only people who get upset at this are the ones who caused it to be there in the first place.
Besides, most likely the button does nothing, just like the suspicious player button

>tfw remembering the days of Gears1 eveyone talking shit in the 8 seconds between each round of execution

Banter is now bullying is now toxic

But the games are still about murdering your enemy with guns.

Sup Forums now takes direction from reddit.

that explains so much.

so is the whole of Sup Forums
this is the world we live in now

this is the future user. soft, docile, programmed minds.

I never talk in game and still think it's dumb. Every online game worth playing has some kind of mute or report function, use them instead of forcing devs to waste time on babying you instead of working on the game.

Soyboy has been on Sup Forums for a while now you fucking moron. I bet you think reddit started cuck, nu-male and neo-Sup Forums as well.

>Everyone joins in the match
>silence for about 5 seconds until the countdown starts
>match ends back to lobby
>it erupts in massive shittalking
>people raping each other in game
>beating off with the handguns
>twirling the grenade like it's a dildo on a chain
I miss Gears 1 shittalking

It's an easy way to call someone any combination of racist/bigot/misogynist/nazi/etc. without actually using any of those labels. When you use those other labels, you give the recipient room to argue against it, but when you say they are toxic, you're not being specific enough for them to counter with anything other than a simple denial.

By calling someone toxic, you are lumping them in with the worst of the worst while automatically getting people to agree with you and disempowering the person being labeled. It's the most cowardly way possible to single out and shame someone, so you really shouldn't be surprised at who uses it and how often it is used.

you know where to go back to

>this guy told some obnoxious person to shut the fuck up, look how toxic he is, he's on the same level as that hacker that constantly screams at the top of his lungs, don't you want to ban him?

We didn't have this online ten years ago but we had votekick and server rules instead. I've kicked my fair share of "toxic" shitheads like you in my time even if we called you something else back then. Centralising matching also means that this control is centralised with it but the principle remains the same.

Also, if this bothers you just don't be an asshole.

>woah why aren't you debating me m8? i just called you a nigger whats your rebuttal? didn't you know hitler did nothing wrong? omg i bet you don't even go to Sup Forums
>i just wanna play the game guy

There's a big difference between votekick, and banning people from a single server and banning people from a game, often times permanently, because they called some dumb woman a cunt. It's a huge fucking difference and the latter is the problem, we need to go back to community managing, not dev micromanaging

soyboy literally exploded overnight after that reddit post

People kept saying, "This upsets me," and nobody gave a fuck so they started saying toxic instead.

>oh my god I literally can't even believe you told me to shut up, I'm literally triggered and now I'm going to get you banned for telling me to shut up. LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN
It goes both ways dumbshit

>he did the worst thing imaginable
>he will pay for this
>nobody gets to hurt MY feelings

Toxic just means LITERALLY HITLER but 100% serious

Then go play games without matchmaking and you'd have a valid complaint. When the developer runs the servers they make the rules. Because there has to be rules (there always are) and someone has to enforce them.

a panic button for snowflakes

In what context?

This is the first I have heard of it.

>just banter how thin skinned are you faggot

I should totes tolerate this.

Well shit, now I am.

It's a nondescript accusation that is accordingly difficult to refute.

mute and ID blocking are better options and are far easier to implement.
this toxic bullshit is a way for lefty devs so play social engineer and try to dictate human behavior, as if they're qualified, as if they've given any real thought to the ramifications.
feel good response devoid of any merit, as usual.

You should engage him in discussion and counter his arguments you think skinned little shit.

>mute this player, report
>continue to play game instead of literally shaking and throwing for half a minute

>There have to be rules
>Therefore we should have zero standards about what is reasonable and what is overbearing, and the community we are selling our service to should have absolutely no say in this whatsoever

John Money

Why? When you have a system that can gather reports and effective punishments why not use them? If someone has sperged out in chat ten times he'll do it again so why give him that opportunity to lower the quality of the game for tens or hundreds or players again? With MM you usually meet individuals players just one time so muting after they already sperged doesn't do anything.

Instead, spare everyone their (your?) bullshit and be done with it. Give them a warning and a chance to better themselves as human beings and if they can do that great! But if you can't behave you don't get to play at the playground. That's just life.

Where the fuck have you lived the past 7 years? under a rock?

well, blame social media,soy boys gaming jurnalists and reddit, that's it, before 2008, people take bantz, don't cry like a bitch on reddit if you say nigga , people have more balls then, and then if you don't want to listen to that faggot, just mute him.

They do have rules so I don't know what your point is. Playing League of Legends, Overwatch or whatever isn't a right. Follow the rules and play away or if the rules are too oppressive just play something else like solitaire.

how fucking thin skinned are you, seriously? just fucking mute and move on

>mean words that hurt my feefees are lowering the quality of the game

Just mute them you fucking vagina. Every multiplayer game has this.

I can see what you’re saying, but it might also just be a way to keep up with other popular games. Similar to how northeastern colleges all have alcohol ed even if it’s not that much of a problem

Thanks to the convenience of matchmaking, game devs have to be the social police as well as game devs. The easiest solution is to label all behavior that even has the potential to be disagreeable as 'toxic'. It's an umbrella term for 'could be negative to some'.

Thanks to matchmaking, all social interactions in multiplayer games are adversarial by default. All teammates and enemies in League, Overwatch, etc. are just in your way, and if they fail you, it's up to the game devs (for some reason) to decide who is right and who is wrong ('toxic'). Now that all behavior has been categorized, it's no longer enough to punish 'toxic behavior', it must be prevented. That lead to interaction only taking place through emotes (Hearthstone).

And even that lead to 'toxic behavior' so you can be prevented from interacting through that, too.

>people likes something
Get the fuck off my imageboard you shitskin foreigner.

>all these leditors being triggered by nigger and faggot
the absolute state of Sup Forums

Having a rule against "toxic behavior" doesn't fucking work because that could be literally anything. The term is slung around specifically because it doesn't mean anything, it's just a super generic way of complaining about something or someone you don't like, it just sounds like it carries some sort of weight or authority. Simply winning a game too often can be considered "toxic" to people.

Sure, I can and do mute you. But I also report you. I see why you're mad about this but don't you realise that the dev is making the game is better for everyone at the cost of pissing of a single sperg? Where does this idea that third parties, either other players or game devs, should give you a platform to spout curse words into the ears of strangers?

I'm worried that this word toxic will be applied to anything that people don't like at this point. Soon enough telling it like it is and being honest will be considered toxic to people.

Nobody is mad but you. Crying over words, and wanting punishment for people, when you have the option to filter them yourself.

christ i hate leftists and this is why.
>must be rules to dictate how humans interact in video games chat, guess who wants to be the overlord.

>Give them a warning and a chance to better themselves as human beings
it's a game you fucking pussy. should we begin making everyone pass a mandatory good behavior test (administered by leftists no doubt) before some poor motherfucker gets to shoot another motherfucker in the face online?
what the fuck is wrong with you soft headed little faggots.

The Dark Ages
>join server
>someone says Nigger
>either A) an admin immediately warns/bans them or B) you leave the server

The Enlightened Age
>queue up
>someone on your team picks a Tier 2 Healer
>report them for toxic behavior
>gamemaster / Indonesian teenager 'reviews the case' and clicks punish
>they are banned for 48 hours

>toxic, Sup Forums, nazi, fascist, racist, rapist

All of these are used baselessly to insult people that have a differing opinion you can't disprove.

Well, if a lot of people are reporting you there's probably a reason. If you're unsure whether or not the next shit you're about to spew is acceptable or not just hold your tongue.

Why on earth should I be mad? This is a golden age for us "thin skinned snowflakes". It's not us making this thread every day.

Dumb Sup Forumsflake.

You shouldn't be mad, but you are.

>Dumb Sup Forumsflake.
nice argument you fucking tumblerina

it will and is continuing to encompass more and more.
they won't be satisfied until the playerbase are all quiet obedient little wallets buying their shitty dlc and skins.

You too.