This kill Darksoul
>an indie is better than the game it takes inspiration from

Other urls found in this thread:

looks like lords of the fallen. weapons take forever to swing for no fucking reason other than thats how souls-games are supposed to work

>that windup
dead on arrival

This one can be played in coop it seems

Wow, they even ripped off the title from dark souls.

Looks good. I'll say that I like that they NPCs are not just fucking white fog people that fight with you. Seems much more like Demon's Souls where the actual people come to help you. That's really nice. I'll check it out later on when it gets a demo or something.

Thank god they decided to take after classic Dark Souls and not BB/DS3. Like the slower methodic combat over CUHRAYZEEE antics of DS3, where ironically the player is still slower but enemies attack like BB.

>artstyle looks interesting
>Enemy design looks surprisingly varied and original
>gameplay looks solid
>actually doesn't shy from taking inspiration from dark soul as it's called "Ashen"
try harder

>takes an hour to swing a weapon


>nu male art style

no thanks kid fuck off

Not to be rude or anything, but that looks like shit.


Looks clunkier than Dark Souls 2

>that framerate
>those graphics
>that slow, clunky combat


Not him, but I also picked up a scent of soy from the art direction in that footage.

Did you see the axe? The delay is nowhere near the sameness for every weapon



>This one can be played in coop it seems
>Dark Souls and Bloodborne don't have coop
really made me think

Stop shilling your shitty game.

There's definitely a lot of soy in that art style

Looks like Absolver with weapons.

Looks like rancid ass with weapons.

why does it take so long to swing a small one-handed weapon?

Cool, can't wait to pirate it.

isnt that waht darksole is? the heavy slow combat swings?? oh god did we do wrong?

i mean did the dev of that game do wrong

>open world
>"like Dark Souls, but..."

Might be cool, but I sincerely doubt it will be. Also really hate the art style.

Literally the worst art style I've ever seen.

i bet the pvp is going to be fucking horrible if there is any. this game looks like it was only designed for pve care bears

The industry is so oversaturated with derivative SJW devs that whenever there is a game with abnormal poly-counts, muted colours and flat textures all I can see are low rest bugmen getting faggoty over gender pronouns.

>Characters don't have faces

Fucking why, it looks horrible.

I don't see it being that good. Reminds me of the hype Absolver had.

I haven't heard this one before.

Looks like a shit mix of BotW, Necropolis and Absolver

Someone saw the fishead scene in Edith Finch and made an ARPG from it.

Just like Lords of the Fallen and Nioh did right?


it looks like every other fucking 3d indie game

>someone joins your game
>Accidentally kills you when he tries to hit another enemy

Also the animations are shit and the name is blatantly unoriginal

Nioh was good but that's because it's a Team Ninja game, not because it tried to be Dark Souls.

so can literally every souls title, and it made the game infinitely easier and therefore not fun

The environments look okay, I do kind of hate the shape of the human characters, and it is certainly pretty great that the whole game runs at a buttery 18 fps.

Also, they claim that the only light comes from a constantly exploding volcano, which is incredibly fucking retarded. The lighting looks like it's sunlight from under an ash cloud, and there's some particles of ash falling, but no ash on the ground despite being quite close to the volcano. This picture is from fucking Spokane - basically 300 miles east of Mt St Helens.

that really sounds like a "you" problem, user
anyone without that baggage is gonna just see a game.

it looks really boring

>>artstyle looks interesting
More like abhorrent and lazy.

Doesn't that mean Team Fortress 2 is a soy games? wew lad

>that art style
Well, that was a fast drop

the shape isn't what bothers me, its' the washed out palette and low contrast lighting that makes it boring to me. I don't like the style.

You must love Virginia.

To be fair, I really do dig that style, even though it's become a cliche by now.

The scary part is that I know you aren't baiting and are 100% sincere.

>another souls-like game
>another one without sci-fi setting like BLAME!

just FUCK OFF already

This. Could be sucessfull on Switch

TF2 was made way before soy was a thing

because The Surge was great

Looks like they learned all the wrong lessons from souls. It's a repeat of Lords of the Fallen and The Surge

>oh no an opinion i dont share

Good physics

Not even close to what Blame! world is

>le artsy fartsy indie rip-off

So amazing, so original. We totally haven't seen a billion and one of these before.

no it's more along the lines of
>oh no someone has decided to weirdly group games together by linking art style and political affiliation and I have no idea what benefit they could possibly glean from this but it certainly does present obvious detriments

What the fuck is wrong with every game from unknown devs having that shit artstyle or similar? They somehow managed to create something thats even more unimaginitive than realistic graphics style, fucking congrats.

At least the washed out palette and low contrast lighting make sense for the setting they're pushing, and the low poly low detail environments are pretty much because they're not rich so making anything nicer would look like utter shit.

The only boss they showed looks like shit as well, and they're apparently quite confident everyone loved the Tomb of Giants, given the lantern takes a hand to hold and they seem to want darkness to be a gameplay mechanic, so fuck you if you wanna use a two handed weapon in the dark.

Why would his association be scary? It's the same with lazy pixel art a few years back, a telltale sign of faggot soycuck devs.

It's how you pass off lazyness as "style" these days. Put zero effort in your textures, make everything a single solid color with low poly count, then call it an art style.

but the souls games are not built for full co-op though. Not every area can be summoned for and progress is not shared. You have to do each area twice to progress together.

Fire watch was good and art was not common back then

>that pic
>even ripping off Dark Souls giant women

>unimaginative artstyle
meanwhile generic anime trash #22293 on steam gets a pass

It's an indie game retard and they can easily focus on the GAMEplay, physics and animation with that.
What other games use this? The only ones i know are and Absolver

Many games that look like that were developed by the kinds of people he described, though. That's not really an opinion or a contrivance, just a fact.

I do agree that his emotional response is unwarranted, especially since this style has gained in popularity even among developers that aren't gratingly political, like Grow Home or Superflight.

Virginia looks like Jalopy

It's either that, or 2d games only. Small studios only have enough money and staff for basic graphics.

Looks like it could be alright. I enjoy the enthusiastic commentary but I wonder if it’ll be fresh enough for me to actually commit to purchasing and playing fully

except jalopy actually has gameplay

Protip: No game that has ever been considered a popular game series killer has ever killed that fucking game, or it's series.

A little bit, yeah, but Jalopy is a game, and Virginia is something that would have to be massively expanded upon to even warrant the label "walking simulator".

I used to like this kind of art style a lot too but it's been over used a lot recently.

This is the devs behind this. Does he look like a soy to you?

And yet every single time it's true.

No it doesnt. But you dont see obnoxious posters here claiming those shit anime fodder games BTFO or "this kills that" threads.

many games that don't look like that were developed by the people he described, though
actually, most games that don't look like that were developed by the people he described. Most games in general are.

The visual style just doesn't deliver any kind of mood to me. It's a shame, it might be an alright game to play but the environments or any of the designs don't inspire anything in me

The artstyle was inspired from wind waker apparently.

I wasn't the one making that claim. I just think it's not wholly unwarranted to associate the style with the kind of sanctimonious indie windbags he described.

I'm not really bothered by the whole soy boy thing anyway. Hollow Knight's dev team is completely soyed up, for example, and I still love the game. The only shit that bothers me, if anything, is actual insertion of current-year politics into game that don't warrant it.

>games being created by incredibly small teams on tight budgets (if they exist at all) are predisposed to making stylistic choices that also limit artistic workload and asset-creation turnaround

wow does this keep happening?

well they didn't do a very good job, did they

Is it just me but are the animation ripped from dark souls?

Wind Waker and BotW are the most soy of the zelda franchise and if you support them you're SJW cancer

>shit fashion

Art style turns me off from it.
They did a piss poor job showing it.

>>artstyle looks interesting
go fuck yourself, there are billions of exactly same looking games

it looks like fornight

>lul flase falging will get me all the y(ous)

So its absolver?.......with no combat depth?

> Hideki Kamiya
> Warren Spectre
> Hideo Kojima
> All of the original devs at ld
> Sudo51
> Peter Molyneux
> Shigeru Miyamoto
> Roberta Williams
> Hidetaka Miyazaki
> Notch
> Yoko Tarro


> Some blue haired dyke(male) and her fat beared flannel cuck bff

I find it more interesting than weebsoul

>artstyle looks interesting
How? Hoowww? I can't fathom why people find this samey art-style that is hot shit among indies "interesting"

What the fuck happened

Wake up, PBR and sculpting is accessible for everybody. You can even make stylised graphics using PBR. Why people afraid of textures in the age where creating said textures is extremely easy?

ladies and gentlemen
i think we found the dark souls killer.

It sure got that kinda indie look for it, that one were you know that the devs are absolut untalented hacks