Worst gunplay in vidya history

Worst gunplay in vidya history.

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The Cross bow and ball of light grenade were satisfying. It's just the starting pistol that sucks ass.

the smg sucked and the good rifle had a tiny max ammo cap but apart from that it was alright
yeah the pistol sucks but as soon as you get another gun you'll only be using it against headcrabs and shit which it's fine against

only two good weapons, the grav gun and the assault rifle for that OP bouncing ball goodness
gunplay is bad, but far from the worst.

Don't tell me you're one of those idiots who played through the game using pistol and the SMG as your primary weapons. They're backups. I can play through the game on hard, barely using the gravity gun, and I was able to stick to using the shotgun/revolver/xbow/ar2 comfortably. You should only use the SMG and pistol for spamming or as emergency sidearms.
The gunplay, unless in the hands of a complete scrub, is really really good-- better than Half-Life 1.

>muh gravgun
Gravgun is equally shitty as the rest of them. It looks like a carburetor, takes agonizingly long to pick anything 2+ meters away from you, and makes a retarded metal-on-metal sound upon firing which makes me think about frying pans.

I guess related because it’s still valve, but left 4 dead 2’s guns feel fucking fantastic, especially with the gore improvements

The pistol and submachine sucked, the rest of the guns were OK or flat out great. Hit detection and hit reaction of the enemies was fantastic. The weapons were varied and well designed, there was a lot of synergy to them and the design encouraged frequent switching. The actual encounters were mostly well design, and there was a rather amazing amount of variety to them, the game was exceptionally good creating interesting novel scenarios and challenges. Shame the A.I. wasn't a bit better.

Still, even though there were shooters with better physical gunplay (not that many of them, but a fair few), HL2 is still some of the best designed shooters that ever came out. Sometimes, I really wonder if people whinning about it around here ever really played the damn thing. The game is so packed with ideas that mix up the gameplay, varied styles, challenges and "puzzles" that (with a handful of exceptions) are woven seamlessly into the gameplay it's pretty much beyond belief. Plus it has some of the best art direction and world building ever seen in a shooter.

You point the cursor at an enemy and push mouse 1. Gunplay is a meme term. Oh, you might go into slow motion, big whoop.

Is this serious, or is this how little children troll these days...?

that would be borderlands

It’s absolutely serious.

Tell you what, I’ll throw you a bone:

Give me a clear cut unambiguous definition of “gunplay” that doesn’t arbitrary change when something doesn’t suit you.

I think when people talk about gunplay they mean the gameplay that supplements the base point and shoot experience. HL2 lets you walk, run, jump, crouch, aim and shoot, and depending on the gun, use a secondary fire. Modern shooters let you do all that while throwing grenades, meleeing, vaulting and mantling, sometimes using jetpacks and wallrunning/jumping, in retrospect HL2 has extremely basic and stale gunplay, especially with how simplistic the AI is.
It's moronic to be honest. People keep judging HL2 by modern standards, when it was very much a product of its time. When shooters were still slowly evolving.

Gunplay is how convincing feedback for using your weapons does the game provide. This includes: Sound (both of the weapon being fired, and the impact of the projectile: there is a difference between a thunderous roar and a weak "pow" sound which helps to convey the amount of power the weapon is supposed to have), knock-back effects (how does your screen react to the fire - shake, visible movement of the screen, even the weapon fire animation), and finally the physical impact of being hit on the targets (with scenery - how does it fly off, is there a dust kick, sparks, is the scenery destructive and how does it come apart. With enemies: how - and if - the enemy reacts to being hit, how convincing and noticeable and fitting the animation they play on hit is, is there ragdolling, how much gore, blood or particle effects are there, do enemy parts fly off etc...)
All of these elements together define how convincing the actual weapons are, whenever they do create a sense of being powerful or interesting, and in large part defines the amount of satisfaction the player gets from the process of shooting.

In practice, if your gun makes a pow! noise, the screen does not even budge when you fire, hitting the scenery produces a tiny hole, and hitting enemies makes them barely budge, the gunplay feels week.
Contradictory, if your revolver makes a thunderous roar, makes parts of scenery or enemy limbs fly off in clouds of blood or pushes them on the floor while kicking our aim up: that feels like a satisfying and powerful weapon.


fallout 3

Genuinely baffles me how that's considered the normie friendly one while NV has much better guns. Is it purely Todd's charisma?

You are an idiot on so many levels it's not even fun. There is not a single thing among what you said that would be actually right.

You posted the wrong image, dumbo OP.


I don't think you can really have an opinion about Half life unless you do gimped runs.

giiiit guuuud

Either you've misread me, or you're an even bigger moron than you think I am.

I'd say it's shadow of mordor
I'm convinced that only below average intelligence people can enjoy it for more than a hour

fuck I'm retarded, I thought it said gameplay

You are wrong about what gunplay means (see ), you are wrong about HL2 having basic gunplay since the amount of types of weapons, variety of combat scenarios, enemies and game modes actually still vastly exceeds contemporary games, and as a result, you are also wrong on your final conclusion.

Except maybe a few of the sounds I don't see how its any worse than stuff like Quake or the first Half life.

Damn. I mean I actually did not enjoy Shadow Of Mordor at all, but posts like these are still painfully pathetic to read. It literally says: "Look how much more intelligent I am than you people are because I did not enjoy something!"
Jesus fuck.

Be grateful you don't play more video games. it's better than Command and Conquer Renegade's gunplay

To be honest, the pistol and the SMG really are incredibly unsatisfying to use. It's not just the sound, it's the damage output and the hit reaction too. Also, in comparison to HL1, there is a lot less variety in weapons (HL1 did actually suffer serious weapon bloat) and the enemy A.I. is a lot worse, making the combat rarely get as crazy as HL1 got at the best of times.
I think HL2 is a lot more tightly designed, and certainly a lot more artistically refined. But I can understand why some people prefer HL1 for it's zanier, sillier action.

I didn't call it wobbly for nothing.
Besides HL1 guns having punchier sounds and slicker look, they recoil strictly on Y-axis. HL2 guns recoil on X-axis too which is hurrr realistic but makes you feel like a spastic. HL1 weapons also always return to the original position and HL2 ones don't

Just play SMOD Redux and the game becomes 11/10.

OP clearly hasn't played many video games.

Enemies in Half Life 2 don't even react to you shooting them. They just stand around with blood decals and particles until they limply ragdoll. Compare that to Quake where enemies have animations they do when shot, which also serves the gameplay purpose of stopping them from shooting their hitscanning weapons.

Aktschually Combine soldiers and elites do flinch. As do zombies. Fast zombies don't, but they're already balanced and don't have to flinch because they pause between claw attacks.

Superior game coming through

OpFor level design is kinda lame compared to the original.

It doesn't stop them from shooting or seem to have any noticeable animation.

That is very wrong. Even the low impact weapons cause enemies to shrug, stagger etc... High impact weapons like the pulse rifle makes visibly pushes them away. It's no the best hit reaction I've seen, weak compared to games like FEAR or Max Payne 3 (which was actually a good example of how a game can overdo it on hit reaction and make it an actual detriment to the action at times), but it's false to claim there is no reaction.
Man, I'm trying to remember a shooter that I recently played that DID have the issue you are describing though. What the fuck was it... I remember it was annoying as fuck because the ONLY weapons that felt like they had any kind of impact in the game were the ones that actually one-hit the enemies.
Fuck me I can't remember what game it was. I do know it was a game that was pretty damn popular around here for some reason, too.

>t doesn't stop them from shooting
It does.
>or seem to have any noticeable animation
That doesn't really matter whether you noticed or not. Your initial argument was that they weren't there. All combine units also have a pause between bursts of fire, whereas the player doesn't have to pause to fire. It's all balanced.

Fallout 3 and NV are by far the worst.

I prefer HL2's gunplay over modern shooters. I haven't actually played any modern shooters recently since I think modern AAA is universally and invariably trash, but the most recent shooters I've played (Battlefield 4 and Crysis 3) felt bloated and mechanically+visually noisy to me. Half Life 2 feels fast, simple and crisp.

Don't mistake my words, however. HL2's gunplay has always been lackluster. I was the dude advocating SMOD a few posts up.

All I'm seeing is enemies start running away when their health reaches a certain threshold, which doesn't always stop them from shooting.

Gravity Gun is THE fucking weapon of Half-Life 2.

They mapped it to a key (G). It one-shots almost anything. They throw props at you left and right. They put you through an interactive cut-scene just to teach you how to use it.

It is THE gun to use if you play Half-Life 2.

I do not know what to tell you. I still play the game to this day. Combine soldiers, elites, and Nova Prospekt soldiers flinch. Not that it matters because:
>All combine units also have a pause between bursts of fire, whereas the player doesn't have to pause to fire. It's all balanced.
As well as
> enemies start running away when their health reaches a certain threshold
That you brought in Quake out of nowhere is just strange. Apples and oranges.

it took me playing HL1 to realise how shitty of a game HL2 is. completely mediocre forced sequel with boring shooting mechanics and gimmicky physics

I brought up Quake because its the game that served as the base for the first (and only good) Half Life game.

this is why HL2 sucks
shooting people is more fun than throwing crap at them and they really force that down your throat

>because its the game that served as the base for the first (and only good) Half Life game.
I don't think you have much authority in saying this anymore considering you came in saying enemies don't react, and were promptly told otherwise. Enemies in Half-Life don't even react to gunfire like they do in HL2. They react to grenades being thrown, though. HL2's problem is the SMG, and the pistol. That's why the game is littered with explosive barrels.

it's not that fun to use though, and is usually a tactical disadvantage. when your enemies are using hit-scan guns and you're fumbling about trying to pick up props and aim them correctly at an enemy, with no chance of a follow up shot afterwards, it's usually easier just to use a gun

>and were promptly told otherwise
I refuse to believe this shit to be honest. Show me these flinching animations.

Don't forget the shit forced retcon story with a cut and paste 1984 atmosphere.

I really don't get why people love HL2 so much. HL1 in 1998 was so much more revolutionary to the point it influenced all other FPS games afterwards to become scripted shooters. HL2 in 2004 on the other hand was totally reiterative of other FPS games of its era. It really introduced nothing new other than physics and maybe object detail (which was shown off better in CS Source than HL2), the former which seemed like a total gimmick.

It's actually honestly amazing how far idiots will go out of their way and lie about games or just speak utter nonsense just to fit in with the crowd.

Fire up Garry's Mod or HL2. It's 3am. I'll record a webm of this thing tomorrow. For now, know that it's on the developer.valvesoftware website
>Soldiers also have several different reactions when engaged with certain weapons. If hit by the .357, AR2, or half the pellets from the Shotgun, their AI will consider it Heavy Damage. This typically means they'll stop shooting or flanking and play a dramatic flinch animation (this is slightly different for shotgunners). This is useful to understand when considering the player's arsenal at certain points in a level.


Try the same thread with nu-doom. You'll get more responses and be more correct.

I agree, its why HL2 is considered a good game.

>shit forced retcon story with a cut and paste 1984 atmosphere.
What did you mean by this? What was retconned? What other games showed the 1984 atmosphere the way HL2 did it before 2004? The Longest Journey is the only one I can think of, but that's a point and click adventure and not an FPS, nor does it involve an action packed extravaganza of taking down the despotic regime.
>HL2 in 2004 on the other hand was totally reiterative of other FPS games of its era
What other FPS games before 2004 involved taking down the 1984 government?

Obligatory "FEAR has much better gunplay" post
You may now start arguing about enemy and environment variety

don't be afraid to feel smarter than other people


I hate the fucking smg
no damage shit sound and recoil out the ass

He is an idiot. I don't think there is any point in actually asking him what he means: he literally just throws in every random word he can think of to make it seem bad because that is "how you roll on Sup Forums".

Actually do be afraid of that. Especially when you clearly are not.

Haha wtf, l4d2 gunplay is garbage


FEAR is possibly the best shooter of all time, mechanically

that would be republic commando

well, you do what you want to do

gunplay was nice but holy shit if that game makes me feel nauseous. I can play any other game nonstop for hours but half an hour of hl2 and im barfing my intestines out.
I tried messing with fov, fps rates, nothing fixes it

because the game is disgustingly mediocre

Gunplay-wise, perhaps. It has a LOT of major mechanical flaws that are not directly related to weapon feedback though. Terrible level design, awful pacing, lack of variety of both enemies and guns, some mindboggingly awful enemy designs, bad pickup placements and general lack of actual balance being probably the most glaring ones.

Nah it's actually cool if you move a lot instead of playing like a cod shitter. Had great fun.

>nothing fixes it

It truly is

>he doesn't even compare gravity guns

way to not include the most crucial weapon of the half life franchise

Why do you people insist on using words that you clearly don't know the meaning off? Seriously: what makes you go "well I never even checked that word in a dictionary, but god damn I'm going to spew it around every time discussion is getting heated - that is totally going to help my case!"

Normal people are afraid of using words they don't know the meaning off so that they don't become the laughing stock.
You people are EAGER to do it. What the hell is up with that?

>meaning off

>I think when people talk about gunplay they mean the gameplay that supplements the base point and shoot experience.

No, we mean the gunplay. HL2's guns (revolver excepted) have ridiculous and massive cones of fire that make shooting at shit horrendous or are otherwise slow as fuck. Enemies are slow, hesitant to act, barely a threat and just act as bullet sponges on hard.

>I disagree with user
>better write 150 words about how I'm totally like really more smarter than he is, using a fucking common expression used correctly in the context as my example
HL2 is thoroughly mediocre
It does everything aptly, nothing is particularly good or bad


>It does everything aptly, nothing is particularly good or bad
The use of physics is most definitely good. The art direction is instantly recognizable, and completely in tune with the dystopia setting. It's one of the only game in existence to do the 1984 setting as well as taking it down. It does a wonderful job building its world and lore in both character dialogue, and exploring the game's world in chapters like Point Insertion, Route Kanal, Water Hazard, Black Mesa East, Ravenholm, Highway 17...all of the chapters really. The game only falls short in gunplay, which was remedied back in 2005.
SMOD Redux.

>meaning off

Except for level design, pacing, variety, art direction, character animations, general design and progression. We are talking about the game that had the immensely tense Orvellian opening, gravity gun, the bridge dash scene, sand traps, assault on Nova Prospect, the Stilt Strider battles, the overcharg grav gun, one of the first non-painful vehicle segments in FPS history.
Did you fucks actually play the damn game? Sure, it had a lot of issues: the gunplay is questionable and the A.I. is weak, there are couple of pacing hick-ups now and there such as the use of landmines in the squad leading segments... but it was EVERYTHING BUT FUCKING MEDIOCRE.
Mediocre means unremarkable. This game is extremely remarkable for a laundry list of elements. It's understandable that not everyone likes it, but people who claim it's mediocre are either flat out blind, or flat out lying.


Physics still hold up today, but are lessened by forcing them too much into the gameplay in the form of obnoxious physics puzzles and the heavy focus on the gravity gun
Story is your average B-tier schlock, which is par for the course for vidya. It's serviceable, but that's it, you can't tell me with a straight face that the story would be worth reading as a book. It's also pushed in your face in the form of unskippable pseudo-cutscenes, where you're supposed to sit around doing fuckall while characters throw exposition at you
Area variety is pretty good, I'll give it that
Gunplay ranges from ass to slightly above sericeable
The artstyle and graphics are a good example, because they're sterile enough to still be passable today, but won't excite anyone in any aspect
Mediocrity distilled into vidya form

>using fucking pacing as an example, when the game regularly stops you dead in your tracks for minutes at a time
not even gonna read the rest user, sorry

You're right about them flinching.

>Preferring this autism to the base game's focused and distinct weapons

Sup Forums has shit taste

The characters in HL2 are clearly retconned. I mean all the scientists and security guards in Black Mesa are all disposable and you can even kill them. They have no names and aren't meant to individually be of any importance. Even if you are to take the events of Blue Shift as canon, we're never shown Barny met or is associated with Freeman in any way.

There are other reasons I hate HL2 like all the walk with me segments, the self-indulgent dialog meant to fellate the player, the fact the game is constantly telling you how cool you are (Jesus savior Gordan) rather than just showing you how cool Gordan is via gameplay. Also the level design is tonally all over the place compared to HL1, to the point all the levels don't really feel connected. There is a definite lack of flow there compared to the first game. The vehicle segments suck and are only there because every other game of its era also did the same thing etc. The forced narrative is a reiterative thing as well, as trying to insert a grand narrative into FPS games during this era was the "big" thing. Even though HL1 is better despite it.

Is it normal that i run in 600000 fps normally but when theres a fire or something in sight it drops to 5?

Nothing is worse than F3 and FNV.

>in the form of obnoxious physics puzzles
Putting this to rest once and for all. From d1_trainstation_06, the first map where the player can engage in combat, to d1_canals_02, three straight maps, there isn't a single physics puzzle. d1_canals_03 begins with a seesaw puzzle. It is over in 20 seconds, tops. d1_canals_04 has the water turning. You press E, and then you break some wood which frees some objects to move across. 30 seconds. The next physics puzzle isn't for seven more maps.
>and the heavy focus on the gravity gun
Doesn't start until Ravenholm. Now I want to hear what you think is wrong with Ravenholm.
>Story is your average B-tier schlock
What other games showed the 1984 atmosphere the way HL2 did it before 2004? The Longest Journey is the only one I can think of, but that's a point and click adventure and not an FPS, nor does it involve an action packed extravaganza of taking down the despotic regime. What other FPS games before 2004 involved taking down the 1984 government?

modded NV is tolerable

What is Fallout 3, System Shock, and Deus Ex? And that's just on the top of my head.

I never finished fallout 3 it just sucked that bad

oh yeah and lets mod the graphics and models too because they are disgusting

fuck games that need mods to be tolerable

>you can't tell me with a straight face that the story would be worth reading as a book
Why would I ever think this? It's a video game. When I read 1984, I don't get to play the guy who takes down the regime. Don't be stupid.
>It's also pushed in your face in the form of unskippable pseudo-cutscenes, where you're supposed to sit around doing fuckall while characters throw exposition at you
Aktschually in Kleiner's lab you can mess with the teleporter, and throw objects about which NPCs will comment on. In BME, you can look at various objects around the lab and have Eli comment on them. These are two of about 5 cutscenes in a 14 hour game.
>because they're sterile enough to still be passable today
Sterile: lacking in imagination, creativity, or excitement; uninspiring or unproductive.
Absolutely fucking not in regards to Half-Life 2. Point out to me other games besides Half-Life 2 that successfully showcase a despotic regime and its affects on the Earth.
>Gunplay ranges from ass to slightly above sericeable

System Shock and Deus Ex gunplay are great.

>The characters in HL2 are clearly retconned. I mean all the scientists and security guards in Black Mesa are all disposable and you can even kill them. They have no names and aren't meant to individually be of any importance. Even if you are to take the events of Blue Shift as canon, we're never shown Barny met or is associated with Freeman in any way.
That you let this bother you at all speaks volumes as to your priorities. This part isn't worth engaging.
>There are other reasons I hate HL2 like all the walk with me segments
All 5 of them?
>the self-indulgent dialog meant to fellate the player,
Yeah I can understand the dislike.
>the fact the game is constantly telling you how cool you are
Actually it's not constant. Many people don't know or care who you are up until the chapter right before Water Hazard. After that it completely makes sense because you, the player, are escaping and evading the Combine and taking down their checkpoints. Of course the citizens start to fellate you. Because you're actually doing it. You're sticking it to the Combine.
>rather than just showing you how cool Gordan is via gameplay
Taking down the checkpoints isn't cool, you're right.
>The vehicle segments suck
How so?
>and are only there because every other game of its era also did the same thing
Far Cry? Doom 3? Yeah, man. You're totally not parroting someone else.
>The forced narrative is a reiterative thing as well
What other games showed the 1984 atmosphere the way HL2 did it before 2004? The Longest Journey is the only one I can think of, but that's a point and click adventure and not an FPS, nor does it involve an action packed extravaganza of taking down the despotic regime. What other FPS games before 2004 involved taking down the 1984 government?

you're an idiot. Props usually blocks bullets

the point of the game was to use the grav gun in creative ways bruh. fuckin git gud and stop relying on your run and gun bullshit

Borderlands and Fallout 3 come to mind
Both felt like absolute garbage