Are you going to play it?

Are you going to play it?

If they don't ruin it. So no.

If it comes out before Fall

I'll try it, but i doubt it will be good because:
1. the sense of freshness/mystery is gone because everyone has already done everything and explored everything
2. community is dead
3. players are way more experienced now, so content will last a fraction of the period of time
4. fucking, grinding.
5. people don't admit it, but blizzard has really improved gameplay mechanics over the years. old raid's were hard but simpler. new raid's have 10 billion different things going on with cool gimmicky mechanics.
6. questing experince back then is dogshit compared to now. quests now a days are so much more entertings then bullshit like, "bring me 30 zebra hooves that have a 20% drop rate."

it wont. they announced it before they even had a team put together to build it. It will likely be 2 years before it comes out.

The announced this way too early, hype is already nearly dead. I'll probably still play it but like fuck man, they should've waited more to announce it.

nah. they will hype up the train again once they are getting close to release, announcing it this early is just to shut all those fucking nostril fags up and make them happy so they don't forever hate blizzard.

I probably not remember Shamans being braindead as fuck back then.
Man I know and its what attracted me to the class in the first place but, thinking back on it that shit was fuckin boring as fuck and Shaman on retail is so much better off then it was in the past.

2020 lets go

Plenty of freshness and mystery going back to pre cata days user

can confirm I played those garbage private servers and fucking loved it

Why do people gloss over vanilla so much, was it that good?

I have kinda burned myself out on private servers but i want to see how classic plays out and i am a fresh start junky so yeah.

The game is a lot different compared to what it was, back when everything was new people took the time leveling up, it wasnt uncommon to take 3-4 months to hit 60 and no one really blamed you. Low lvl gank groups would run up and down roads and low lvl pvp would happen in zones with people advertising looking for groups for pvp in ashenvale etc. People took the time getting new gear making sure everything was up to date every 2 levels or so, need new shoulders and armor? go mine copper for a few hours then craft them yourself, grats your gear is up to date for a level 24 now time to gank shitters in ashenvale. Want to test your pvp skills before fighting the enemy faction? go outside the capital because people of all levels are dueling. It was a world you experienced, It was magical.

Nowdays, everyone wants to lvl up asap, 2 weeks is considered average 3 is slow. Keeping your gear up to date or doing professions before 60 is considered a waste of time as is anything else that is not high xp per hour. The game has been figured out and everyone just wants to win it rather than explore and experience it.

No, I played daily for 70% of classic. I have done my time in classic. More than half the speccs in the game are useless and the difficulty boils down to the numbers are heavily stacked against you.

No it's going to be rebalanced shit that takes at least another year to release

protip every class except for rogue and meme druid specs in pvp are borring as fuck, its vanilla thats the name of the game.

it won't last long though. EX: if you played way back in the day, their was a ingame book written by nat pagle that had only the last page in it. every other page was missing. The last page ended with, "... and so that's where you'll find the legendary sword of the Scarlet Highlord, Ashbringer. Ain't it amazin' what you run into in an ordinary day of fishin'?"

This caused a huge firestorm in the hardcore community and everyone went apeshit and started spending countless hours fishing all over the world trying to find the ashbringer.

Point is back then the game was uncharted, quests weren't straightford as you didn't know where to go, bosses were like shooting in the dark because you didn't know what mechanics they had until they actually did them and fucked you.

1. agree
2. oldfags already coming back. new communities can grow.
3. agree. up to blizzard to buff content and add additional after nax or go tbc
4. vanilla grind is normal levels of grinding. only a casual panda baby would complain about it. even legion has vanilla tier grinding with legendaries and artefact power.
5. oh hell no. none of these flashy legion mechanics matter. even in mythic you stand in some shity and still survive. vanilla puts the raid into raids. legion pve is just a minigame.
6. average redditor argument that has never played vanilla. the worlds feels so alive, dangerous and open, the quest objective doesn't matter that much.also makes non linear grind quests more special and rewarding. in legion the quest objective matters because the world is dead, shallow and feels like a single player game.
basically blizzard ruined wow by listening to clueless adhd babies like you

They should try a progressive server - 6 months of WoW vanilla then 3 months for each expansion afterwards

>People have been begging for this shit for nearly ten fucking years when it's been proven time and time again that no one but the most hardcore of autists are willing to put up with it's bullshit
I'm going to laugh when this crap comes out and it fails because you nostalgiafaggots don't realize how selective memory works.

How are they going to get people to leave private vanilla servers , besides just taking down said vanilla servers?

That would probably cause a backlash and have people boycott WoW Classic.


People are sick of private classic servers based in russia/asia (200+ ping delay on all actions), with corrupt admins banning you and giving their friends tons of gold, and servers that get shut down after a few months because they tried to do something to make money off that shit or got sued by blizzard

>the worlds feels so alive, dangerous and open, the quest objective doesn't matter that
How have people not figured this out about Vanilla? Did they first experience it on a PvE server, if at all? The best part about questing was the sense that there was more to worry about than just going from point A, grind in point B, and return to point A. It was about the adventure of fighting off intruders of the opposing factions, even grouping up with others to complete your objective or remove your enemies from the field to regain dominance. Shit was the whole magic of questing in Vanilla.

1. most people never even experienced more than 50% of post 50 classic content
2. hopefully it will be brought back, and hopefully won't turn into the kind of reddit and /vg/ BiS for MC shitfest we see on private servers
3. that's a non-point, MC can be cleared easily but the other 40m require both coordination and gear and Naxx and AQ40 are tuned in such a way that the last few bosses of AQ40 and half of Naxx will take weeks if not months to clear since muscle memory plays a much smaller role than in current WoW
4. there is no grind in WoW even in classic
5. they turned an MMO RPG into an ARPG so compartementalized that in raids 90% of the time you can only focus on your rotation and dodging the big red circle, I utterly disagree with you on that point
6. wrong, classic had zone-long quest-chains that were really good and even 30 bear asses quests of then are less forgettable than the trash we get since WotLK

No one said anything about private servers. I'm talking about legitimate games that were released for the Vanilla WoW crowd that crashed and burned so badly they either shut down completely or were forced to go F2P/P2W because the Vanilla WoW crowd is nothing more than a fat black woman in a beauty salon.

You mean like Rift that had reasonable success until Trion turned it into a P2W cash cow, or like Wildstar that literally missed the mark on everything that made classic and TBC great ?

>thats just a meme. the only really useless spec is moonkin but that can be good for world pvp when u get gear.

of course. gotta remake my shockadin

>I'm talking about legitimate games that were released for the Vanilla WoW crowd
Name some.

As long as they don't fuck it up(make too big changes) I definitely will.

i'll probably forget about it by the comes it out sometime in 2023.

>6. wrong, classic had zone-long quest-chains that were really good and even 30 bear asses quests of then are less forgettable than the trash we get since WotLK

Cata's revamped old world quest lines > Vanilla quest lines. There are some exceptions, but as a whole Cata's revamp made the old world infinitely better, making it so you actually knew where the fuck to go next and not having to deal with stupid shit like "Oh I'll walk here to talk to this guy so I can go half way around the world to talk to this guy so I can go back to this guy on the other continent and turn it in at a zone ten levels higher than me that has no quests available until I reach level X and complete quest chain Y"

>complaining about grinding in MMO

>or like Wildstar that literally missed the mark on everything that made classic and TBC great ?
Like what? I played Vanilla and TBC, and I'd hardly call either of them great in any respect. Especially Vanilla, it was a fucking mess of useless specs, talents, gear, and stats, and while they eventually fixed some of that shit going into TBC, TBC had it's own issues. If you try to claim community then you're a fucking idiot, because community is only a thing when people actually play the game enough to care about it and Blizzard had that in spades thanks to fanboys of the Warcraft SRPGs.

>autohit simulator
no lol
i quit legion because of shit class design why would i play a game with even worse class design

>announce it
>dont mention it ever again until blizzcon 2021
>nobody cares anymore by then
>"see? you thought you did but you didn't!"

Duuude, one button press every 10 seconds! Exciting gameplay, man!

2 weeks is considered average if you're counting played time only. You're talking so much out of your ass it's sad.

was their first mmo

it was good at the time

objectively, it is trash now

I'll play it to level cap and probably not much else


ok then you didn't play vanilla and just parot the garbage retards who didn't play classic parrot on reddit and MMOC

>Like what?
they thought that what people liked about TBC and Vanilla were muscle memory based bossfights where one mistake by one person would wipe the entire group.


>I played vanilla here were some of it's major issues
>No you didn't you're just parrotting everyone else!
You're a fucking idiot.

Playing it now
Will play it

in a way that is not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
"events should be reported objectively"

that is to say, being objective and not a rose tinted glasses fan boy

But that's the whole point. You're not supposed to know where to go.

Fuck i did not noticed the Classic thing on OP's pics but still gonna play when it comes out

>new raid's have 10 billion different things going on with cool gimmicky mechanics.

KJ which took so long to kill entirely revolved standing in circles. You're retarded.

You're objectively wrong though.

Grinding can be done in interesting way like they did with AP
In vanilla it was primitive

Will they bring the ugly models back?

explain why

Think you might have brain damage, seek help.

>it was good at the time
It was shit then, shit now, and it'll be shit when retail vanilla servers are released. The only reason anyone cared for it was that it was new and exciting and didn't require as much of a grind as the other games of it's time.
>You're not supposed to know where to go.
I come to Sup Forums and I think to myself, surely I'll never read something as stupid as I did the last time I was here, and yet people like you show up and prove me wrong every single time.

>He did not raid Coven higher then normal
KJ is trash compared to them btw he was easier then most of ToS bosses

>Quest to go from point A to point B and talk to an NPC
>Classic: Quest takes an hour+ to complete for a casual as it requires going to the opposite side of the world with only a vague description and a name.
>Cata: Quest takes 10 minutes to complete for a casual as you're given a portal or flight to that area with a giant marker above the npc.

Other than padding out the subscription times, the reason they put those quests in was to make the world feel more like an actual world, rather than a theme park.
While traveling to point B you could encounter all kinds of shit, whether it's someone wanting to group for a dungeon, some random PvP, another player in need of help or even just shooting the shit with your guild.

there was no useless spec in Vanilla

>Anime Sylvannas
I wish people would learn how to properly draw and not default to that stupid fucking manga style.

I already played Vanilla and I'm not interested in playing it again.

I miss the old Nathanos

Talk about irony when you do not understand why not having an arrow point you to where you have to go immediately (having inconvenience) in an RPG is good for the game. Apply yourself, you retard.

>in legion the quest objective matters because the world is dead
There was never a situation when i would do a WQ and not fight some horde or met some AL and im on medium populated server

But anime makes everything better
Western girls all have ugly manjaws
Also answer the question

I'm going to assume that you carry the same laundry list of stupid bullshit ever other kid likes to drop when discussing this.

>Rogues and / or PvP
>40 man dungeons

Not everyone dislikes grinding. In-fact most people that actually enjoy MMOs enjoy grinding. Shocker, right?

Rogues were fine for the same reason PvP was fine. PvP was designed around group combat and not duels. 1v1 Rogue normally wins. 2v2 rogue can no longer stunlock effectively, as most classes can tear them apart. Because they're squishy. Every class had a dilemma such as this.

40 man raids were perfectly fine considering 10 or fewer people normally did 80% of the work.

>40 man raids were perfectly fine considering 10 or fewer people normally did 80% of the work.
meh not really especially on the DPS check gatekeepers

>Classic: Quest takes an hour+ to complete for a casual as it requires going to the opposite side of the world with only a vague description and a name.
This is a fucking lie and you know it. The quests didn't take hours to complete because minimal quest text, it took hours to complete because mounts, and the skills required to ride them costed a fortune and flying to and from the required NPCs took a fucking lifetime and a half.
t. Never played vanilla

I dare you to name one useless spec and I'll literally prove you wrong in the lapse of time I need to see your post and type a reply

>Questing in Vanilla was better because I had to install an addon to know where the fuck to go rather than having it already implemented
Commit suicide. You are too stupid to live.

the druid water form quest would not be terribly faster even with 100% ground mount and current flight paths

There's no shortage of DPS on any server ever and you can gear them with world loot. If you're past MC you can gear them with MC loot etc.

Post a useless spec.

Any alliance warlock.

Warlock's the most broken class in the entire game once they get to R13/T2 levels of gear and having wotf only makes it slightly worse for alliance warlocks.

current content Vael, Patchwerk or even Uhuran needed a bit more than randoms pîcked up the day before in random MC gear


You could gear a DPS in one or two week's worth of farm status shit.


explain why

Prot/Ret Paladin
Feral/Balance Druid
Disc Priest
Survival/Beast Mastery Hunters
Frost/Arcane Mage. Frost was only viable in MC.
Rogue in general
Elemental/Enhancement Shaman

inb4 "B-b-b-but PvP!" PvP was a fucking unbalanced mess.

Nah, too much of a timesink. I had some good times in vanilla but it's time to let it go.

>If they're not the main tanking or top DPS then they're useless

And that's why you never cleared anything in vanilla


>he thinks you can get a full tier or fire resist set in 2 weeks with a 40-man raid's worth of people competing

Any non-healing hybrd. Drod actualy so useless in PvE it exsists only for MoW Innervate CR and to dump useless drood gear into.

>Making baseless claims because he knows he can't refute decades old facts
Sasuga Sup Forums.

>These specs are only useless if you remove a huge section of the game where they're top tier or ignore that they're 100% viable, just not peak performance

People like you are why WoW is in the toilet right now.

Back when I was raiding AQ40 (server first full clear) we had a guy that rolled alliance just to raid with us. He was geared in a week and clearing AQ with us the next.

They're not facts though. You don't need 40 people with perfect specs to clear in vanilla.

Fun fact: They were useless in PvP too.

>Ignores the reasoning for time sink.
>"You're wrong because there was a different time sink!"
user it's okay to admit you enjoy theme parks and instant gratification.

>Say something stupid
>Get proven wrong
>"I'm not wrong, you just like instant gratification!"

Feral bear is good, cat is okay, feral in general is good in pvp, balance (not moonkin) is good in pvp. Resto is good for PvE. Prot paladin is the only worthless spec and even then it has its uses like tanking undead instances.

>Prot/Ret Paladin
Prot paladin was better at tanking adds than warrior, especially in Naxx, and had better burst threat generation before the seal of the righteous removal, ret Paladin was not useless at all and was even a middle of the pack DPS.

>Feral/Balance Druid
Feral tank was a niche pick but worked better than warrior on some encounters notably in the 20m raids, Feral dps was fine and was a good addition to a melee group; balance was mostly PvP focused and worked pretty well at that.

>Disc Priest
>not having one priest going 31 disc in your raid

>Survival/Beast Mastery Hunters
Surv was useless before the rework but worked fine after, was great for on the fly CC and kiting, BM was all around good, don't know why you say it's useless.

>Frost/Arcane Mage
Frost was the normal mandatory spec until you were geared enough to go 31 arcane which was the top damage spec in BWL and most guilds had a full frost mage, generally the least geared, to stack that buff that increased frost damage so that the other Arcane/Frost mages would deal more damage

>Rogue in general
literally the best PvE dps and cunt destroyers in PvP

>Elemental/Enhancement Shaman
like ret, middle of the pack, both specs worked in PvE and PvP

>inb4 "B-b-b-but PvP!" PvP was a fucking unbalanced mess.
PvP was an integral part of the game that people grinded non stop for weeks.

>ignoring the fact that AQ40 had 2 ketchup raids and besides Cthun and Ouro was much easier than BWL or Naxx

so what do you people think about vanilla class design? i can see how some stuff in vanilla could be fun but the classes just play like ass
how do you enjoy anything if you mostly press one button and wait for autoattacks?


Buy DPS world loot, they're geared


You have Ony , world bosses and MC on farm. Give loot to DPS. They're geared in a week or two


See above.

It's not that hard.

No one is saying you did retard. You wanted to know what specs were useless/unwanted in comparison to others and I told you.

offered more variety and choice except for mages
, was overall more enjoyable and had a better sense of progression

maybe if you're an RNG god with the luck of the devil and your guild shat money

>Cata: Things are 'steamlined', completed nigh instantly as you reach them.
>Classic: Things are more spread out, completed over a longer period of time.
One of these allows for spontainious events to form like i mentioned earlier, random pvp, someone trying to start a dungeon or simply talking in guild chat.

Refute this.

The only ones you listed that were useless in PvP are ele and prot pallies.

Maybe for a nostalgia trip but not seriously or for any decent length of time.