>Getting second place in PUBG
Getting second place in PUBG
Other urls found in this thread:
>playing PUBG
>playing pubg
>replaying popular shooter from 2012
>I'm suddenly shit at it
>playing pubg
>watching someone on Twitch get second place in PUBG
>playing PUBG
>playing video games
>playing PUGB
>disliking PUBG
What's it like to be shit at video games?
>Playing Fortnite
>playing PUBG
PUBG isn't the worst game to come out last year. It should also be common knowledge that it sold more than any Playstation 4 game.
>liking pubg
What's it like to be a reddit eceleb drone?
>playing PUBG when you could play the overwatch knockoff game's (paladins) knockoff of PUBG
Pubg is enjoyable. It's like arma in a 30 minute package.
>playing PUBG
god even the name is the game is fucking obxious
fuck off
What game is the shotgun render in ops image from? I can't quite place my finger on it.
>playing pubg
These are all me
>playing any game that has less than 50 thousand people active at any given time
>sales equals good
>implying sonybro
I know right, fucking brainlets. REAL intelligent people play Anime Titty Schoolgirl Samurai 3 by Platinum Games.
Remember the last twitchbait game? Of course you don't
>muh sony
I'm a PCfag, you double nigger. I just don't play normalfag memeshit.
>playing multiplayer games
>Its popular so its bad
I wish neo Sup Forumsipsters would die
Okay what hardcore obscure secret club video games do you play user?
>normalfag meme shit
built a high end PC just to play weeb novels I see
>playing battle royale games
>final 5 in solo
>hiding behind a tree barely in the zone
>a nigger in a jeep spots me and tries to hit me
>misses and I end up killing him
>super loud and gets everyone's attention
>the other three people left are shooting me from all three possible directions
>running around the tree for 10 seconds before I die
>Sup Forums
>hating popular games
fucking hipsters