XxSasukeFanxX has invaded your world

>XxSasukeFanxX has invaded your world
Who is ready for Dark souls Remaster?

>removing power cord
Good luck destroying your storage retard.

lol 2kat

>power cord

>power cord

thats some coool looking wi-fi cable

>destroying storage
>not knowing that only ROM needs to be preserved, not RAM

>power cord

Is this bait?

>SoylentBoylent1228 has invaded
>Wreck his shit while he goes "muh honor"

I get more entertainment from wirestompers than from the people I actually invade and kill. Just imagining how wretched and pathetic you have to be to not want to participate in one of the big, most fun parts of the game is just hilarious. Imagine being that scared of PvP.

>power cord
Here's your (you)

>Stay around level 30
>Get to new game plus
>Go to Gargoyles
>Summon Solaire.
>Pop dried finger
>Wait to be invaded

Oh im ready


>power cord
i have never met you and i already fucking hate you

Invaders will roll in thinking they have another lowby to ass fuck only to get one shot by Super Saiyan Solaire and Lautrec.

Its also fun to summon other players and watch them bet merc'd by fucking hollows

earned it

NG+ npc phantom summons have ridiculous amounts of health and damage. There are a few videos of solaire one shotting invaders

how the fuck did this get many (you)s

How do you not understand that this board is completely shit

>ever being in human form, let alone online

I know this is bait. But regardless I cannot deny that this is good bait. Here's your (you).

Why buy another version of the game when it won't fix or make changes to the second half? 2 and 3 have dedicated servers too but they're only used for matchmaking and graphics really aren't that important when the game already looks fine.

Remember to beat your son if you get the feeling he's turning into a pussy.


>twinking will be rampant as never before
>form noob brigade and twink to kill people trying to get easy kills

see ya in undead burg, shitters. I won't let you get the only kills you can

Will it have password matching?
If that's the case I wouldn't mind helping low level anons go to NG+ / late areas so they can engage on griefing.

>It's another episode of OP makes a thread for himself to get (You)s
Jew clever faggot

>People taking such obvious bait
Or are we just being double bamboozled?

Newbies will overlevel like retards. Better have some ridiculous builds for that.

>get invaded by 2 faggots in DaS3
>they gank the ever living fuck out of me
>on messages me something along the lines of
>"lol you are fucking terrible"
why are invaders such faggots?

Password matching is in.

>Invaded by 2 people in DaS3
>You don't have 2 phantoms with you


Why are you so fucking terrible?

It was by watchdogs of faggon

Just seed up and let the crabs take care of them then if you're having trouble dealing with invaders.

quality bait indeed

dude you're fucking terrible

I can't wait to chill out at the anal rodeo archers all fucking day.

Femanon here, playing since ps3 release, can't wait to crush those newbies

>still p2p
>pvp still backstab simulator
>no major issues fixed
This is what I'm expecting from the remake, let's hope I'm proven wrong

>get invaded by bleed dual katana faglord
>buff it with darkmoon shit
>fuker starts spamming the jump attack
>it lag-connects and i get hit for 80% of my 1.4k hp
>pokes me one more time with lag
>i guess ill die.jpg
>points down

>still p2p
it has dedicated servers this time

shut up

>Get invaded while soloing in DaS3
>Literally just do the entire level as normal while avoiding them
>Get into the boss arena to make them fuck off
>Guaranteed salty comment/invite afterwards

>old bait
>everyone falling for it
might as well give you another (You) for posting this on Sup Forums:collector's reddition

why do you help retards

For matchmaking just like 2 and 3
PvP is still P2P

>get invaded
>every time i swing my sword the invader takes no damage

>every time the host swings his sword i get fucked even if it didn't hit me

>not fighting them and only alt+f4ing if you are about to lose
the average invader is brainless anyways, its too much fun fucking around with them

Why don't you just play offline?

because your bad

>get invaded in DaS3 early NG+ lothric castle
>chameleon into a praying statue at the beginning
>full edge lord fallen knight nigger searches for me
>runs past me at least 5 times
>clears the whole area for me
>everytime he strays too far I throw a "hello" mask and transform back
>eventually stops right in front of me
>begins to crystal back
>I roll out of my disguise just so that he can see me a second before his loading screen sets in

Fuck off cunt

i like you

Lol he kinda wasted his time as well as your time. No one is a winner in this situation.

thats the usb cord retard

all the invader thinks in that situation is "what a pussy"

why are people scared of being invaded again? Just take your ass kicking and use the 10 mintue no meanie invader troll window to kick the bosses ass with your 3 white phantoms I don't understand?
>n-n-no my self insert guts ripoff can't die no he is invincible and cannot be humiliated he is the chosen undead!!!!
Just play offline or hollow faggots.
Disconnect from every invasion but summon every phantom you see then complain about how easy darksouls is on Sup Forums.
>there are people on Sup Forums who disconnected from an NPC invader probably.
Seriously Sup Forums git gud this isn't satire really Sup Forums git fucking gud.

i wanna cum down your throath and spit in your face,slap your cheeks and kick your stomach,then make you drink my piss and have you clean my shit from the ground with your tongue

lawful evil

I was having fun and was staring at my phone whenever I couldn't see him while he was actively searching for me and probably wasn't happy about not finding me. Not giving him the satisfaction of killing me was the best I could do.

it's just fucking annoying you retard. there's literally nothing deeper to this, it's just annoying.

>Just play offline
Fucking this
If you don't want to play online just play offline
If you can't play without your faggot phantoms git gud

>Switch version can't get fan mail
What's the point of that one again?

The Switch version will require friend codes in order to invade or be invaded.

You only think it's annoying because you're a bad person. Just play hollow or offline

In that case, good job user.

I want to play with my friends but not pvp so I have to

>get the most advantages against invaders in any souls game to date
>still lose

Thus proving the point that people who defend Da3 are salty they got beat in Da1 because it takes more skill.

>nothing deeper

Being invaded is fun. It allows for interesting scenarios and makes for good replay value. You never know what is going to happen and Da1's level design makes finding the host more interesting.

It connects the single player and multiplayer seamlessly. You have no excuse unless you want to summon phantoms to cheese bosses with no downsides, otherwise don't go human.

It's literally nonlinear combat mechanics placed into a game where a great deal of the challenge is simply reaching the next checkpoint. If you are too afraid of dealing with random/unexpected invasions, play offline. It's not hard. If you need a crutch to get by, you deal with the consequences, you fucking faggot.

So you want the advantage of phantoms without the disadvantage of having invaders

then go back to zelda safe space nerd

the games are even push invaders against groups of players, that straight up tell you get gud or get out

>I want to play with my friends but not pvp so I have to

Then why are you crying about it? If you're not a shitter you should be able to win with phantoms.

If you honestly get beat in a one on one fight with two summons against a red you're bad and I've seen it happen a bunch of times when I invaded in which they were by the bonfire and all the enemies were killed.

Don't even bother bringing Da3 into this since 3 gives the host so many advantages that invaders will get outpaced purely by lack of healing options because people cried about muh invasions.

I've never ever played Dark Souls Online. Or with ghosts. Your thread is irrelevant to me.


>2018 Sup Forums
>feels need to post "bait" image in response to a jokey post, instead of just not responding to it

jesus fuck you are twitch chat in Sup Forums form.

my complaint isn't that it's "too difficult" you fucking retards. my complaint is that it's just annoying. it's annoying that i get invaded by a tryhard faggot when i'm just trying to fuck around with a friend and have fun.

This. Pirated all the games, didn't realize that ghosts and messages were a thing until I watched clips on youtube after playing through the games.

Doesn't look like I missed much desu

>it's annoying that i get invaded by a tryhard faggot when i'm just trying to fuck around with a friend and have fun.

Go play Da3 then so you can steamroll invaders with no effort to make you feel better.

Got that greentext for the image?

You did it, man! You made it!

whats the joke here?

>i'm just trying to fuck around with a friend and have fun

There are three implications from this statement:

1) You are spending time dicking around in a singular map without any gain because after killing all of the enemies there, they will vanish and not respawn.

2) You are testing equipment values on a regular human player, which also seems bizarre since this game is at minimum a decade old and literally every scrap of numerical information you could ever want or need is fully available online.

3) You are having difficulty proceeding forward (probably difficulties with a boss) and you want you friend to help you, which is a double-edged sword because online play permits Black Phantoms to invade.

I wonder which of the three is more likely

pvp is by far the best way to test your combat skillz
if you are not playing Ds for the combat idk how can you even have fun and should leave

>paying $60 to have other people interrupt your game experience

did that with the gf last night. shit was so cash

>paying $60 to interrupt someone else's game experience

Switch version in portable mode will just let you tap the sleep button and you're instantly offline. Got really tired of shitters doing this in Puyo Tetris to get out of matches with no penalty.


What I don't understand is why they went from Invading being a cool thing in DaS to it being a chore in DaS3.

Who sat down and said "Oh, we should make it easier for people being invaded. Let them summon a bunch of people in less time that it takes for the invader to load it and make it to the person being invaded"

>paying $60 to interrupt other peoples' game experiences

>it will be another "what does getting gravelorded mean and why I can't get out of it?" Episode
Can't wait

The difficulty of Souls games is designed around the single player experience. If you want your friend there to make the game easier for you, then you have to open yourself up to the added danger of getting invaded. It's a trade-off and it's how the game was meant to be played. It's also literally the only reason we've had steady threads about Dark Souls since its release just over six years ago. It's a great game PVE-wise, but it's the invasion system that set it apart from everything else and made it a classic. If you can't handle 2 on 1 fights, then go play DS3 where you're allowed to summon three people and a blue just to handle one little invader. Better yet, stop crying, take a death, resummon your friend, and go on with your life. Getting killed by an invader is hardly the end of the world.

because of ppl that keep crying about it
at least invaders get way more estus but estus healing being so fast is a fuking pain to deal with


this is why souls fans are the worst people on Sup Forums.

I will play the PC version and hack the shit out of it.
