What does Sup Forums think of Kingdom Hearts?
What does Sup Forums think of Kingdom Hearts?
fun series of games
First one is shit, second one is pretty good.
kingdom hearts is great
It's light.
A stupid, crazy idea that actually worked and then got better and then steadily over used with every sequel.
It's simple and clean
Literally one of the best franchises of all time.
Needs more R34 of the girls
It was soycore before soy even was a thing.
First one is still better than some other entries in the series.
*breathes in*
sums my thoughts pretty well
you post that as if it's bad, which it is, but with using that jap girl as your reaction image you invalidate your opinion of making fun of it, because I can guarantee you that girl is crazy for soy as are all asians, they have it running in their veins
Great series with great characters.
In my opinion 2 has much better combat and gameplay, but 1 has much better soundtrack and level design.
Just want my boy Axel or whatever his new name is to show up in 3.
That was low, y'know.
Sora is Chris from Sonic X
>jap girl
>when the runes clearly are korean
nice """"""education"""""" americlap
Overrated and the story doesn’t need to be as convoluted as it is. Pretty fun though.
Popular just because there are Disney characters in the games
It's clearly all gook shit
It's Lea
Kh1 is the better overall package with a lot of love and small details. Kh2 is literally good for only gameplay.
I hope kh3 can have better level design and little touches that made the world's in kh1 better. The combat is looking worrisome though, it's too much shit going on.
Pretty fun series gameplay though mindless most of the time can require some actuall skill for critical runs
Story while laughable most of the time has some genuinely good moments if you can get attached to the characters as retarded as they are at times.
Over all not a bad series if you go in for gameplay go in for anything else and you will probably be dispointed
love it!