Why do people still play this game? Why do you still play it?

Why do people still play this game? Why do you still play it?

Haven't played since season 3 which was a year ago

I never played it.

Let's say I did, though.

I'd do the following:

>Always play ranked.
>Only play Reaper.
>Quit if someone picks him.

the problem with that is that it seems almost self-defeating to queue in ranked/comp alone. Comp is a chore

To troll ranked and upset all the casual shitters that still take it seriously

How would that work with the new shield meta?

they don't know. they literally said they've never played the game

It's simple, casual fun.

>Why do you still play it?

Because I enjoy it?

>enjoying overwatch

That's rich. You're probably one of those shitters that gets a rush every time he presses Q.

Its casual fun, nothing wrong with that user

It's casual, for sure, but it's certainly not fun in any capacity.

Its fun for me

To get put in my place

I played ranked just to throw, shit talk my team mates and get suspended here and there.

Still feel I had more fun doing that for 3 seasons then anybody who plays it legit for longer.

anyone else want to have sex with those feet?

People who play ranked legit are mentally ill, so like 99% of the playerbase.

Not really, they're nearly twice the size of her head and tracer is a disgusting dyke.

being drunk playing roadhog in pub is fun

It makes sense that only masochists enjoy playing as Mercy now.

There was nothing more satisfying then picking torb, stealing 3 gold medals, and get potg..

And then just remorselessly spew hot shit from my mic for the entire duration of the replay. Fuck, I miss it sometimes.

but big feet are best feet. and don't tell me her look of disgust as you please yourself with them wouldn't make you harder

Looking at her feet and face I'd say the picture was traced.

Some of my friends like it, so I play it with them sometimes. The game itself is mediocre as fuck.

I stopped playing it the moment all my friends dropped it, which was soon after they began playing competitive and sucked all the remaining fun out of the game.

Honestly though my takeaway from the game is "it's another Blizzard game where all people care about are the character designs." At least it spawned a lot of decent porn.

is the porn not free anymore? I can't think of any reason otherwise

You mean the artist traced her?
That's like... so deep man.



I actually enjoyed it until I hit my first few public events with special lootbox costumes. I didn't have money to buy lootboxes and I played as many hours as I could to get the skins I wanted, but I didn't get them. Now, that's fair I guess? The problem is that playing for lootboxes turned into my main reason to play and when I couldn't get what I wanted then playing the game turned into a pointless grind. Then add in the fact that you only have so many hours before the event is over. It's a recipe for disappointment with brief highs when you get what you're trying to gamble for. I wasn't having fun anymore and that's when I realized that cosmetic dlc can actually ruin a game for me.

I don't, I sold my account for $100 before the 2017 Christmas update (thank god because it would have dropped to like $50 at best. Nobody buys Overwatch accounts now, that ship has sailed).

Well I was looking for a competitive shooter for a long time ever since TF2 died. When Blizzard anounced Overwatch, I was a lil skeptical at first since they'd never made a shooter. But oh my god, within 10 matches during open beta I was hooked. This game is objectively the most polished and well balanced competitive game ever made. Thank god for Blizzard and their vision. The major success of the e sports scene is just icing on the cake at this point.

The only people who still play it are the people who play what ever game is part of the current zeitgeist. It's the same as Halo and CoD in terms of being just the game of the time.

Sarcasm doesn't suit you at all, user.

Pretty much. Never thought Blizz be the ones to save fps games.

>If overwatch dies Sup Forums will stop talking about it
>But the porn would stop

Haven't played in quite a while, Kinda just moved onto other games because this one lost its charm because nothing new ever really happened. The games are still fun to watch because with all the teams and such it kind of spices things up.

I played during the free weekend and was bored of it before the second day was up.

Cute feet

I just masturbate to the girls, I just rubbed one out to Tracer, it was pretty good

I recently stopped and I don't think I'll ever try the game again.
Apparently Blizzard don't want people to have fun or to try new things.
>Ranked, Diamond, playing Winston
>I play only 1-2 champions in total, 80% win rate with them
>"Omg Winston change they'll counter you, we'll lose!"
>"Trust me, this is won"
>Guy insults me for the entire match, other teammates do the same
>Fucking good game, 3-4 gold medals, game won
>"See? You were wrong, only had to trust me. GG guys"
>No insults, no flame, just leave

Even if it was a short ban, I can't stand the idea that I can be reported and banned for playing good, just because I don't follow the HURR DURR META

Winston is the most meta tank, though...

>We want to grow a grassroots competitive community
>But you can't say that
>or that
>or play that hero
>And you can't do that
>And you have to do this

Blizzard is dumb

Are Mercy Widow and Tracer the holy trinity of sex goddesses?

Tracer is trash. Pharah is infinitely better.

Mercy, Pharah and Ana

maybe e sports was what killed it. not an unfair assumption. the game was fine before it.

i dooo, fuuuuuuuck

I want to marry and impregnate Tracer